Here are the nations (also on front page). Nemesis, I need you to post using the template so that I can post you nation, but you got your island. Phonecia needs to pick another location without a color.

Oh, and remember - You cant name any sea's right now, only land formations (deserts, mountains, continents). Only one has been named by now.

Anarchian Empire
General Chris
Stone Age
The upper left hand area of the top continent
Economy: Stagnate
Military: Trained
Army: Small
Navy: Tiny
Captial: Anarchia
Color: Red

King Gray Davis
Stone Age
Southenmost square on map, west continent
Economy: Stagnate
Military: Trained
Army: Tiny
Navy: Small
Capital: San Francisco
Color: Yellow

Viking Empire
King St. Olav
Stone Age
north east on the North east continent
Economy: Stagnat
Military: Trained
Army: tiny
Navy: Small
Capital: Trondheim
Color: Green

Siederian Empire
King Alexander I
Stone Age
Northern location on the biggest continent
Economy: Stagnate
Navy: Tiny
Army: Small
Color: Light Blue

Empire Name: The Holy Trindic Empire
Pope Eric VIII
Stone Age
SE Position on NW Continent
Economy: Stagnate
Military: Trained
Navy: Tiny
Army: Small
Capital: Erindia
Color: Light Green

King Rehav'am (øçáòí)
Stone Age
on the half desert\half mountains island
Economy: Stagnate
Military: Trained
Navy: Small
Army: Tiny
Capital: Jerusalem
Color: Pink

The League of Supremacy
King Lord Scott
Stone Age
The square on the pennisula of the top right continent
Economy: Stagnate
Capital name: Supremeville
Color: Blue

Queen Warria I
Stone Age
Southern square on NE Continent (Rainforest)
Economy: Stagnate
Navy: Tiny
Army: Small
Capital: Atlanta
Color: Drak Grey

Nation of Grand Pheonicia
King Ribb-Addi Baalbek
Stone Age
Location: TAKEN
Economy: Stagnate
Army: Small
Navy: Tiny
Capital City: Baalbeck
Color: Orange

Republic of Sahanth
Sahiv fahn-Atiq
Stone Age
Location: easternmost city on the southwestern continent
Economy: Stagnate
Army: Small
Navy: Tiny
Capital City: Sahanth
Color: Light Grey


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Could you put the names of the nations by the capital cities? ;) I'm kind of confused as to who everyone is.

Also, isn't Uknemesis that tiny middle island?
I just finished the map with the orders I have so far (will update tomorrow, around 4:00 pm PST or when everything is in). What I did was I put the city names by ever city, and the empire name stretching across the land they own, that way it makes it easier for everyone.

I read you mind, troq! lol

The Anarchian Empire officially names the mountain range by Anarchia, the greatest city in the world, the Anarchian Peaks. Also, the grassland that borders the coasts, will be named The Great Anarchian Plains.

Also, all men between the ages of 18-29 will be drafted into military service. The Military will be sent on raids into the grasslands to claim land for Anarchia and enslave the barbarians who live in the huts.
OOC: Jason your location for the Holy Trindic Empire appears to be wrong. The place where u have the light green dot is not the southeastern position on the northwestern continent.
That is the southWESTERN position on the northwestern continent where u have put him. The SE position would be the one by the desert.
Since the one i picked was taken, i never saw that by the way soz, give me the one in the northeaster portion of the same continent.
Settle all land until we reach the mountain that shall be called Mt.Olav.
Increase army and navy.
What do you mean new location and orders, I already posted them.(I'm Amazonia)You already put me in my spot. here are my orders again incase you missed them(I posted them twice too)

Expand across the Amazon
(Name the rainforest Amazon rainforest)
(Name Capital Amazonia)
Sorry, I though it was you, but it was lms. And thank you lms for the nation locations, thats why i put the map up before the update ;).

Update I!

Ok, so I put the nations on the political map, and I put the other stuff on the geographical map. I will post both maps here for now, but usually you will have to go to the front page for the geographical map.

A new thing you can do…

Build cities! This increases your culture and economy, yet you must have a strong economy to do it, and keep your economy strong while building it. Building a city takes you 3 turns. You may name it place it on the map as well. Cities will appear like your capital. Your city may be taken from an enemy after it is built. Your economy must be booming for you to make it.


There will be some random events here once the game picks up.




That’s about it for now. Have fun! Nations updated on fist page.


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I want the south western spot on the north western Island

Ruler: King Xam I
Capital: Maxalonia
Government: Monarchy
Age: Stone Age
Location: North-western Island, to the south-west
Economy: Stagnate

orders: expand territory
upgrade army
ok IceEye, I will add you in next update ;)

I got some way done editing names into the front page and ran out of time. I will finish when i get home, but everything else is updated. Everyone do orders and I can update again today.

I will call the southern tip of the anarchian peeks[lame name Anarchy ;)] the Peaks(sp?) of Fire. The grassland around the Peaks of Fire is from now on called Xymrati Plains.

Also, jason, I changed my nations and rulers name a couple of times :)
Increase army with Berserkers (strong mens with axes).
Increase navy with the Viking Longships
Settle rest of my half-island and try to get nearer the famous Mt. Olav.
send all my ships to the continent under the my that only some old brave explorers has been on before the new name on this continent shall be Wineland.
Try to increase economy (less priorety).
To Kings of Amazonia and Supremia:
Lets make a alliance that we call Atlantis Protection Pact (APP).
OOC: Jason u mis-spelled Pheonicia :p :lol:
Thanx for adding me in question tho, what type of land am i now on exactly? Is it plains or something else cause in the key there doesnt appear to be a colour for it, either that or im colour blind.
Heine I dont think we have contact with anyone else just yet? Do we?

The Grand nation of Pheonicia was growing, it had established itself in the north eastern portion of the great Pheonatican (pronounced Fie-on-atican) Plateau (pronounced pla-toe) its army and navy although small were adequate enough to protect the lands of King Ribb-Addi Baalbek.
King Ribb-Addi is the first King of Pheonicia, until recent years the nation was a despotism under the rule of Ribb-Addi's own father, Emperor Hyraem Baalbek. Ribb-Addi claimed that he had a divine right to rule the nation; and as his family had ruled the tribes of Pheonicia for many years, this claim was not disputed.
Although at first many people were uneasy about the change, some believed that it meant Ribb-Addi would not take the time to rule as his father did, although it was not long before the enlightened rule of the Monarch was embraced by the majority of people.
Ribb-Addi demanded of his advisors, his nobility, complete honesty with him, he wanted accurate and unembellished reports, he wanted the people to respect him not fear him as they did his father.
As such the nobility enjoyed a great deal of freedom, before and away from the King, they enjoyed the trust he placed in them, and the people knew that they would always be able to approach the King if there was something they did not like, and as a result were proud to call themselves Pheonicians.
Life in Pheonicia, although was not good, it was not bad either. The people could get by living off the hunting and crops of the Plateau, as well as the coastal fishing, and they were protected from the Plateau tribal barbarians by the army.
Ribb-Addi, pleased that his people enjoyed his rule to an extent, was not satisfied that his people only had enough to survive, he wanted his nation to grow and become strong.
As such he set on a program of expansion.

-Expand southwards. To facilitate this create a military base on the southern border.
-Construct a central marketplace in Baalbeck to enable peasants from nearby villages to trade.
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