stMjMNES1:First Blood

Hmm... I am disappointed. At least post a summary of what happens so other players can also see whats going on in the region and update the stats as they are still pre-update.

It's quite hard for me to send any orders when I don't know how my army looks, how stability and economy is, the state of affairs in Guntra etc.
Sorry, but I am going to pull out of this. I have no clue as to what is going on as I still don't have updated stats or any kind of summary on what is happening.

Needless to say this makes it impossible for me to send orders, so it's probably for the best to let someone else take over my nation or just have it NPC'ed.

I'll be lurking though.
Whats taking so long with the update?

BTW, erez, is that a piece of toast in ure avatar?

EDIT, I get it , its the sun, and a galaxy thinger. I though it was burning toast and a heater
Swiss Bezerker said:
Whats taking so long with the update?

BTW, erez, is that a piece of toast in ure avatar?

EDIT, I get it , its the sun, and a galaxy thinger. I though it was burning toast and a heater
:lol: no... It's a blacll hole (or a newtron star...) taking away matter from a nearb star and.. well.. eating it..
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