sun god VS fertility rites


Dec 9, 2013
while at first i swore with feritlity rites in every situation hwere i went tall, i just had this situation here:

Spoiler :

holy sweet mother of banana, that are a LOT of banana's. my capital starts out with 2 banana's immideatly and another one close in reach, giving me some great early growth, hitting size 6 somewhere around turn 30. my second city will have access to no less than 6 banana's fully grown, which is going to translate to another gigantic city. playing as korea, thats great news as im going for an tech victory. now i have to choose my pantheon, and im in serious doubt on what to choose. fertility rites is great when going tall science considering all the extra growth, but +1 food for wheat, banana's and citrus certainly sounds very tempting. assuming i get my second and thrid city at the spot i want, that alone is 11 extra food if those tiles are worked, and basicly an free granary lite early on for early fast city growth. on the other hand, fertility rites is going to help regardless of wther i work those tiles and will help even if im forced to build my 4th city somewhere less blessed.

considering im quite new to this game and its onw arlord difficulty i doubt its going to matter much for wether i win the game or not as this is probaly my last match on warlord, but i'd still like to know for future games where it might.

now im asking anyways, another quick question: what is better for science, cutting down jungle for farms for gignormous cities, an mix where the city is decently large but with an bunch of trade post jungles or buidlign trade posts wherever there is jungle and only building farms in the non-jugnle tiles?

thanks in advance.
Sun god. Fertility rites only increases excess food (ie food that is not eaten). To get 2 food out of it, you'd need 20 food surplus.

Welp, skipping that one from now on. I didn't know it was only for surplus. With so many other options for a pantheon, this seems like a really minor benefit, compared to Goddess of Love (why does it have to be a goddess, I dunno) or religious settlements.
In a min-maxed SV game, your capital should be at *least* +50 food after you get caravans up, ideally +60 or more. So Fertility Rites gets you +5-6 food in that case. Which makes it *generally* better unless you have a 5-6 citrus/wheat/banana tiles in your capital.

However, since Sun God gives the same boost early as it does late, Sun God is better IMHO in that scenario. (5-6 tiles in the capital) The early extra food allows you to work more production tiles early and/or grow faster in the very early game... which is very, very valuable.

But, both of these are inferior (IMHO) to something like Desert Folklore. In the end, you want at least 5000 faith saved up. That extra growth won't compensate for losing 3 Great Scientists in the end-game. But, not every start supports DF. :p

Just my two cents.

Also, jungle starts suck for SV, IMHO. No production, no farms... that's just bad. A jungle expo is fine, as long as it has a few decent production tiles. You can send your excess caravans to that city and work tons of trading posts. But, honestly, tile beakers generally don't compensate for lost beakers from growth. 4-food grassland farms will yield much higher population than 2-food jungle trading posts. And once you have public schools, the guy working that farm is earning you 1.5 beakers base, and every specialist is minimum 3.5 beakers. (1.5 from population, 2 from Rationalism... vs 3 beakers from a jungle trading post)

So, yes, it's less total science from tiles, but it's more total science from population & specialists. Which, in my mind, makes jungle inferior. Especially since whether you cut down the jungle or put a trading post down, that's 9-12 turns of worker time, vs half that for a farm on grassland. But, like I said, if you have 8 trade routes, 4 going to the capital and 4 to a jungle expo, and you have metric ton of workers to get trading posts up fast, sure, you can get decent beakers out of that jungle... kinda.
Sun God, because unless you are gunning for a religion, your pantheon will be overridden around turn 100.
Sun God: Just from your capital alone, that is 3 Bananas; you'd need a natural 30 food surplus (without multipliers) ; and that is rare.

In fact, since it is highly uncommon in early game to have a natural 20 food surplus; even just two Sun God sources in the capital is better than Fertility Rites.
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