Super Power Modpack - Total Conversion

difficulty deicide must mean beyond impossible because in under 50 turns the ai had over 30 units, thousands of gold and many tech ahead of me and has already declared war and is raining hell down upon me plus my units are barely damaging his!!

More game experience will help you defeat them!
Hi Lincoln, I'm playing your MOD but unfortunately I can't go past the 97th turn because of the corrupted save file bug. I had no problem until that turn, now is impossible to save a good file. I tried what's in the OP without any success. Pretty sad I really wanted to play the MOD

Sorry to hear that. Have you tried deleting the My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\cache\Civ5ModsDatabase.db and restarting your computer?

Also, try to enter the game without using Steam. Since Gary Thomas has said this solved the problem: "The failures I had all occurred when I tried to load the game when Civ was first started from Steam. If I have a game running and use Ctrl L (or Esc and the menu) they load without any problems. This is bizarre."
More game experience will help you defeat them!

you've given the ai unholy powers on difficulty 10-12! and if you use difficulty up to prince they don't play properly. this mod is only for experts who play on deity and higher.... :(
Not tested before , but it seems that UI-Top Panel tweaked the UI which cause conflict with this mod. Whatever, glad to hear your game is able to save.

Tested a variety of size maps, and number of AI's and I thought unloading TopPanel solved the problem, but now I cannot save when into the game so many turns. Save at turn 100 was no good, and every save thereafter at later turns also bad while saves before turn 100 were fine! There seems to be a lot of complaints on this forum about the 12kb save problem and I noticed others saving satisfactorily on turns <100, but then experiencing problems after then just like I am. Your mod is very nice, but this inability to properly save games is a bug I really hope gets solved relatively quickly. Looking for v4.3 soon ! Thanks for your hard work and effort, but I truly hope there is a solution in the near future.
Tested a variety of size maps, and number of AI's and I thought unloading TopPanel solved the problem, but now I cannot save when into the game so many turns. Save at turn 100 was no good, and every save thereafter at later turns also bad while saves before turn 100 were fine! There seems to be a lot of complaints on this forum about the 12kb save problem and I noticed others saving satisfactorily on turns <100, but then experiencing problems after then just like I am. Your mod is very nice, but this inability to properly save games is a bug I really hope gets solved relatively quickly. Looking for v4.3 soon ! Thanks for your hard work and effort, but I truly hope there is a solution in the near future.

Same problem here save fixes solution dont work for me
i wait for 4.3 too
you've given the ai unholy powers on difficulty 10-12! and if you use difficulty up to prince they don't play properly. this mod is only for experts who play on deity and higher.... :(

Not true actually, I play on prince/king and the AI is doing great so far (using units correctly and smartly, maintaining a stable economy etc.) I have no idea what the problem is with your saves but mine are fine.
Yes R.E.D works well with this mod as you could see the screenshots on the first page.

However you must make sure this mod loaded before R.E.D

If you want it to loaded before R.E.D every time you may make this mod to be a References of R.E.D.

Add this line to the R.E.D. Modpack (v 27)\R.E.D. Modpack (v 27).modinfo - between <References> </References>:

<Mod id="ff3f0a6f-430a-428b-9dbe-fb8e57cd01a1" minversion="0" maxversion="999" title="Super Power Units" />

Simply loadin it first would not work but adding the line to R.E.D finally did it!
Thanks a lot mate and keep up the good work, this is truly one of the best civ 5 mods out there!! :)
This might have been asked already, but will this work on TSL Earth maps such as YNAEMP? It seems that you are running one in the mod in some of the images you have displayed. I think it would make this mod much more interesting if it was.

If not, what would you recommend as the most ideal and interesting game settings for this mod?
Hi, when I open IGE in-game the new luxury resources are still not displayed.

Mods I'm using:
DLL- various mod components (v.60)
Ingame editor (v.39)
R.E.D. Modpack (v.27)
Super Power Balance (v.4) which I assume is 4.2 version? Downloaded from steam yesterday.
Super Power Buildings (v.4)
Super Power Units (v.4)
Super Power Misc (v.1)
To all who have the "No Scrolling Tech Tree" Issue

I accidentally found out this it may have something to do with the Civilopedia Texts (Very absurd). However and of course, it does not happen on everyone.

This may be solved by deleting all the contents in this file but leave the empty file where it is: Super Power Balance (v 4)\XML\GameText\NewCivilopediaTexts.xml

I'm not sure if this could solve your problem but I found it when I accidentally edited one of the lines in this file and cause MY Tech Tree not scrolling exactly as those reports and solved after undoing that action.

Please inform me whether this solve the problem or not after testing. Thanks!


Deleted all the text in that file and saved it. Tech tree is still the same though, no scrolly.
Is there a way to remove future era units and end tech progression in "modern" 2014 tech?
a couple of thoughts.
like the two units per tile and the filling in of missing unit though the eras but taking cities is WAY to easy because you can attack with double the # of units ,but city defense values and ranged defense values are the same. Maybe increase one or both to even this out or make walls ,castle& arsenal values more.

You have said that you have intended to reduce the military that city states can build
to speed up the end of turn times ,but it makes them WAY to weak making them a target for the AI who in my games go around taking them at will .In my last two games large map, so 20 CS by the end of the game there were only 6 CS left and I took none of them and in one three of them were left because I kept them from being taken.

Ok now a BIG problem and maybe the cause of some of the games that are locking up.
Playing the Maya ,you have changed the trait so they start getting free great people in 3114 bc . There are 10 possible great people you get one every 394 yrs so you run out of possible great people before you run out of turns(6000 game yrs vs 3940 +986 =4326 yrs)when you are able to get that 11 GP .the screen comes up to pick one you CANT and you cant move past that screen ,so the game locks up.
Those of you who have had a game crash were the maya an AI ?
All of a sudden I cannot replay a saved game. My files are being reduced to 28k not 12kb and rendered unloadable. Its a very frustrating problem and I tried the fix on the front page to no solution. Of course its not giving me a crash report. I do know this its been happening every since I changed that line inside the red mod pack to make sure that it is loaded. I dont think it caused the ussue cause I removed it and it still wont load my games. I can launch the game and customize the game as I like but if I save and try to return 28k unloadable
Not true actually, I play on prince/king and the AI is doing great so far (using units correctly and smartly, maintaining a stable economy etc.) I have no idea what the problem is with your saves but mine are fine.

well i started a new game and again on prince with just 6 players all the ai are losing 100+ gold per turn and are lagging behind me in tech.
Sorry to hear that. Have you tried deleting the My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\cache\Civ5ModsDatabase.db and restarting your computer?

Also, try to enter the game without using Steam. Since Gary Thomas has said this solved the problem: "The failures I had all occurred when I tried to load the game when Civ was first started from Steam. If I have a game running and use Ctrl L (or Esc and the menu) they load without any problems. This is bizarre."

I'm sorry, but I do not know how to enter the game other than through Steam. Can yu please advise?
I am almost certain I figured out what is causing my 28k unloadable files. I tested it straight for 2 Hours and only on constant was the factor. When introduced the Save will corrupt if removed the save will work. This Mod apparently can only be played on the standard maps. If there are any (ATOLL) Tiles within your borders and you save the game its done. I have tested it over and over. I was trying to use this mod with The MET Map and then the Legendary Earth map both which feature atoll tiles, Hence once a civ got one within its borders you could continue to play but If you saved the file is corrupt. Can you please check on your end because its the only thing I have left. I removed the atolls from One of the maps and what do you know it now works.
Hi Lincoln....

Anyway to disable your policy and use Reform and Rule instead ?

Btw, your mod miss 2 new luxuries : Cora (sea) and Lapuzi (mine), any plan to add it soon ?

If i want to use More luxuries mod, how should i need to disable your luxuries to prevent uncompat

this mod is too buggy to play i'm +90 gold all of a sudden in the next turn i'm -400?!
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