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Tea Party reveals its true face

The Tea Party movement is just a bunch of reactionatories who want to keep the poor in there place.

Seriously? The tea party are the middle and lower class. If anyone is keeping the poor down it's the Dems with their taxation.
Does it bother you? What would you rather they be called? (not being sarcastic)
I'm just trying to figure out if that term is still supposed to be a reference, to, well, teabagging, or if it's just what they're called now? Is it still meant to be innuendo, or is merely derisive in the sense that any colloquial term used by lefties to refer to righties is?
Seriously? The tea party are the middle and lower class. If anyone is keeping the poor down it's the Dems with their taxation.

Well, yes, the Democrats do want to keep the poor down, for the most part, almost as much as the Republicans now. And the Tea Party maybe unwittingly acting to keep the poor down. I'm not sure if that's there intention; I personally don't think they're smart enough (generalisation) to realise that they're doing the work of who they really should be most opposed to, so I can't completely agree with Cutlass on the 'intent', but their ideas if put in action would certainly do an excellent job of keeping the poor down, more so than even most Republicans.
And which of the rules did he write that were responsible for the disaster?

Had you intellectual curiosity rather than sneering dismissal about the matter, you would have known that his House Financial Services Committee retains oversight over Fannie and Freddie, and that this was the avenue for mandates for low-interest loans for high-risk persons. Frank was well-paid by Fannie to prolong what was at the time seen as a cash cow. So you have some fondness for Barney Frank's, um, leadership in this that has prompted you to ask why I don't like him? Why are you defending him?
Had you intellectual curiosity rather than sneering dismissal about the matter, you would have known that his House Financial Services Committee retains oversight over Fannie and Freddie, and that this was the avenue for mandates for low-interest loans for high-risk persons. Frank was well-paid by Fannie to prolong what was at the time seen as a cash cow. So you have some fondness for Barney Frank's, um, leadership in this that has prompted you to ask why I don't like him? Why are you defending him?

While I'm not fond of the man, he's probably the smartest guy in Washington.
I'm just trying to figure out if that term is still supposed to be a reference, to, well, teabagging, or if it's just what they're called now? Is it still meant to be innuendo, or is merely derisive in the sense that any colloquial term used by lefties to refer to righties is?
I'm afraid I can't answer that. Speaking only for myself, I never think about um... teabaggers IRL or talk about them, so the only time they ever even cross my mind is online, when somebody else brings them up.

When I think of the group I think of them as teabaggers as that's the name I hear. I'll admit I certainly had a "tee hee" moment when I first heard of them on the Rachel Maddow show, particularly in conjunction with NOM and the sexually suggestive campaign name they used, but I don't think of any connotations to the name when I use it now.

I don't know what else to call them. Tea partiers? I try to refrain from using terms that others may feel are snide or mocking (I like my insults to be clear :)), so if members of this movement think teabagging is inappropriate, I have no problem using another term. I asked you with the idea that you belong to the group.

As another example, I wonder if right-wing and left-wing are appropriate terms, or if they carry a connotation of fringe or loony sentiments. I tend to use righties and lefties to refer to the handedness of people.
There's no such thing as bad publicity. I'm glad they have such an attention-grabbing nickname as Teabaggers. It's funny. And since they perform so many antics, it relieves their detractors of having to defend this bloated, disgusting federal government of ours. While some state-types will defend the expansion of its power to their last breath, I think there are many who laugh at the teabaggers but quietly acknowledge that federal expansion is a serious problem.
Except of course, for the fact that the Health Care bill Congress is about to pass is a moderate, centrist bill, similar to previous Republican proposals stretch back to the 70s, that, in saner times, could have passed the desk of a President McCain or Giuliani.

Other than that, you make an excellent point.
Except of course, for the fact that the Health Care bill Congress is about to pass is a moderate, centrist bill, similar to previous Republican proposals stretch back to the 70s, that, in saner times, could have passed the desk of a President McCain or Giuliani.

Other than that, you make an excellent point.

That's neither here nor there. Anything the government does is communist. Just look at the obscure people in the administration who have said something somewhat positive about Mao!
Anything the government does is communist. Just look at the obscure people in the administration who have said something somewhat positive about Mao!

Dammit, Lee Atwater wasn't an obscure member, and his invocations of Mao prove him to be a dangerous commie radical.

...Wait, which administration are we talking about?
While I'm not fond of the man, he's probably the smartest guy in Washington.

No, that would probably be Tim Geithner and everyone hates him too, sadly.
Democrat plants.

Democrat plants.


Democrat plants? Damn, they must have stomachs of steel! I can barely stomach 15 minutes of Glenn Beck, those plants have to endure uncontrolled Glenn Beck-ism for days on end!
Obviously Barney Frank caused it, everyone knows that his affair with a gay prostitute caused his soul to become taken by and forced him to over-regulate public-private institutions making them become messes, which is also proved by them never having any problems while solely government institutions
leonel said:
Democrat plants? Damn, they must have stomachs of steel! I can barely stomach 15 minutes of Glenn Beck, those plants have to endure uncontrolled Glenn Beck-ism for days on end!

Progressives are fascists.

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