Term 2 - The Culture Department

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the Absent Admin
Dec 10, 2001
Omaha, Nebraska USA
We begin the second term here with a change in office-holders. But curufinwe is still here as deputy, and can provide the continuity needed.

Not much has changed since the last term. It is still early in the life of our civilization, and expansion is still the priority. But we in the Culture Department will keep our fingers on the pulse of the nation, and push for cultural items when they can be had.

Term 1 thread.
Congrats to you, Padma!

I want to ask both Padma and curufinwe what they plan on naming their cities if they get a chance to do so. I know curufinwe had an excellent name that would only fit if I was allowed to use a save game editor, so I ask him to shorten it up a bit.
Kurwephinaveaneriformeningolemondor doesn't fit?
Fine then. Formeningolemondor please.
I've requested stickification of this thread.
Hope you don't mind padma.
If os I'm terribly sorry.
Bumping his thread. :D

I realize culture gets a low priority this early on Emperor level, but we need to start looking at our cultural needs in the long view.

There are now some good discussions going on in the Citizens forum, on Wonder building and city queues. Everyone should check them out! (Thanks, Chieftess. :D )
Culture is always important.....as in crushing the culture of our enemies!
Please remember, a strong military heritage is part of our culture.
There is a Confirmation Vote here to confirn Shaitan to the appointment of Deputy Governor of Bohemia. PLEASE VOTE!
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