The 2000 Hour Club...

10002 hours?

Woah. That’s an average of 11 hours and 22 minutes a day if you started on release date 10/26/2016
I love Civilization, but that doesn't seem healthy. Oh well, carry on...
I can't see getting over 10,000 unless you leave the game on nearly all the time. I will leave it on when I cook my meal, but usually it's only on when I'm playing. Though I still do minimize during loading screens, and have forgotten it was minimized a few times and got sidetracked reading here, reading the news, or watching you tube videos.

Just be careful, blood clots are a thing. I got them in my mid 40's, so it's not just an old person thing. I no longer sit with my knees bent when playing, and Eliquis is my friend, albeit a very expensive friend. If only there was a generic version.
Only 1234 hours in game here, so it's nice to know how far behind I am. Will keep plugging away though.
I'm at 871 for VI but I play around 20-25 hours a week offline at work.
Had 1283 on Civ V but I took a long break from Civ around that time.
I'm sure I have some absolutely ridiculous, overclocked amount of playtime on Civ2 - but that game doesn't keep track, nor has any reliable mechanism to do so.

1230 on Civ6. Mainly due to having 2733 on TWWH2.

What is TWWH2?
Nowhere near 2,000, but it is my #1 played game on steam at an even 450.

Civ 2 or 3 probably had way more.
Steam says 1320 hours but I started late, at GS
Nearly as much as civ5.
Not even close to civ4
Oh lol this thread is priceless
For some reason i imagine it as obese men bragging how much they weigh
Also it reminds me of this epic video from years ago, you guys would fit right in :hug:

"Only" 1,335 for me for Civ VI so far. Less than I thought, but I've been full-time employed for almost the entire lifespan of the game so far.

Doing a PhD a few years ago and then being unemployed or part-time employed for a while will go some way to explaining how I managed over 2,500 in Civ V... :mischief:
"Only" 1,335 for me for Civ VI so far. Less than I thought, but I've been full-time employed for almost the entire lifespan of the game so far.

Doing a PhD a few years ago and then being unemployed or part-time employed for a while will go some way to explaining how I managed over 2,500 in Civ V... :mischief:

I gamed like 80% more during my PhD than I did during undergrad and masters.

Probably explains why I didn't finish my PhD... (just joking, my lab was total horsehocky which is why I didn't finish, gaming was just a consequence of the dysfunctional work environment)

Anyway, I've got... 2907 in Civ 5 and 1665 in Civ 6. And 91 in Beyond Earth!
I wonder where I have got up to... I know it's not as high as a lot of the folks here, let me just check on Steam

Well, huh, I guess Kristina doesn't approve.

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