The Arizona Law and Prison Economics

the incentive is there regardless of who runs the system

The Feds give money to the states based on how many people are locked up

So? Only when the private sector is bribing the judges do the prisons get longer sentencing.
I wonder (I really don't know) how much the prison industry is lobbying for the continuance of that.

I'm sure they do, state unions do too... Like prison guard unions, cops, etc... We even got some politician south of the border telling Californians they gotta keep locking people up for pot.

We have more than anywhere else (I think). And our high rate of incarceration is a relatively recent phenomenon too, isn't it?

As a % private prisons are small... Roughly half the people in jails are there for drugs and it really started under Ronald "I believe in freedom" Reagan.
So? Only when the private sector is bribing the judges do the prisons get longer sentencing.

"Tough on crime" politicians and their supporters are largely responsible for longer prison sentences, especially for activities that aint crimes to begin with.
Yeah, that should be illegal and punished by going to prison (Trying to get someone else locked up illegally is the only non-violent crime I support prison for.)

You don't support prison for conspiracy? Espionage? Fraud? Drug dealing? Theft?
"Tough on crime" politicians and their supporters are largely responsible for longer prison sentences, especially for activities that aint crimes to begin with.

Which has nothing to do with private companies bribing to make work for themselves.
You don't support prison for conspiracy?

If its conspiracy to commit a violent crime then sure. But I'd consider that basically a violent crime.


If they're a security risk, kill them, otherwise huge fine.

Huge fine, with requirement to work off what you can't pay (Courts involved for fairness.)
Drug dealing?

In cases where its illegal (I think most drugs should be legal to sell to adults) then fine, size depending on what you did exactly.

Double restitution rule.
How about nonviolent pedophilia/statutory rape?
How about nonviolent pedophilia/statutory rape?

Pedophilia depends on exactly what he did. If an 18+ year old sleeps with a 5- year old, just execute him.

If its a more grey area, like an 18 year old with a 12 year old, fine.

Statuary rape is a myth, rape by definition is non-consensual. In most cases a fine.
It's clear you're trying to play devil's advocate but you've come up with a ridiculous claim.

How about nonviolent pedophilia/statutory rape?

There is no such thing. What hypothetical situation you invent, Either it's something that shouldn't be a crime (insert, "17 is illegal in my country or whatever even if not in yours") or it should fairly be called just a violent crime.
It's clear you're trying to play devil's advocate but you've come up with a ridiculous claim.

There is no such thing. What hypothetical situation you invent, Either it's something that shouldn't be a crime (insert, "17 is illegal in my country or whatever even if not in yours") or it should fairly be called just a violent crime.

Well, if its like a five year old, as I said, its basically sexual abuse. There is no literal way the child can consent. It should be met with execution. Society does not need people who sexually abuse children. Hang them publicly.

As for more gray areas, its silly to call it rape. Illegal depending on the situation, but not rape, a fine is enough.
It's clear you're trying to play devil's advocate but you've come up with a ridiculous claim.

How is asking curious questions playing devil's advocate? He stated that no prison for non violent crimes (exceptions: trying to get someone into jail when they were innocent and conspiracy to commit violent crimes) and I asked him if it was true in some cases of non violent crime.

There is no such thing. What hypothetical situation you invent, Either it's something that shouldn't be a crime (insert, "17 is illegal in my country or whatever even if not in yours") or it should fairly be called just a violent crime.

Are you seriously saying that there is no gray area when it comes to consent/age issues?

So if an 18 year old with a 5 year old is a violent crime (I don't see the necessary violence, but I'll agree for the sake of the argument), then where does the limit from violent crime to no crime at all go? 18 and 6? 18 and 7? 18 and 12? Sounds ridiculous to say that's it's only black and white?

And back to no prison sentences: Domination, what about non violent rapes performed on a drugged victim (ghb or something similar)?
the incentive is there regardless of who runs the system

There is incentive there whether it is public or private, but being private amplifies the incentive. You still have the politicians wanting to be 'tough on crime', and the prison guard unions wanting their jobs safe and secure, but you also have a new and massive player in the game; the prison companies whose profits would be proportional to the number of people incarcerated.
what about non violent rapes performed on a drugged victim

There's no such thing as a non-violent rape, is what I'm saying. Perhaps you do disagree with that, but I think it is pretty clear, and it is black and white - if it's actually "rape" and not "I'm just going to call some random thing rape that isn't for the sake of a hypothetical". And it still seems you're trying to make something up to create a hypothetical for the sake of disagreement.
There's no such thing as a non-violent rape, is what I'm saying. Perhaps you do disagree with that, but I think it is pretty clear, and it is black and white - if it's actually "rape" and not "I'm just going to call some random thing rape that isn't for the sake of a hypothetical". And it still seems you're trying to make something up to create a hypothetical for the sake of disagreement.

When have I disagreed with Domination3000? You're the one using an aggressive tone and making accusations. And perhaps you like calling random things violent but in my book an acts needs some degree of violence to be called violent. But perhaps that's just me.
You took an outlandish stance for the sake of creating or continuing an argument. What I originally said was that you were trying to be like a Devil's Advocate. Perhaps you really didn't see or mean it that way though.

It just would seem in any context to me that a guy just deciding to start arguing that rape isn't a violent crime probably had an ulterior motive, but if you really meant that in its own right, so be it - I still don't agree with that position at all.

So again:

And perhaps you like calling random things violent but in my book an acts needs some degree of violence to be called violent.

Rape is violence, period. Disagree if you must, but I hope many others won't agree with you. Rape should be seen as, and treated under the law, as a violent crime.
Rape is an inherently violent act regardless of how its done because it's the ultimate infliction of the tyranny of the patriarchal social structure on the female.
Locking these people up is almost certainly more expensive than just deporting them.
From what I have read private prisons can and do make money by having their prisoners work for ridiculous wages. Sure, the prison has to be overcrowded for that to balance out the costs, but that is also what private prisons are (successfully) aiming at.
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