The Community Deity Game # 8 - Austria

So in other words, nothing's changed much. Too bad Consentient got upset....he seems like a good sort.


Yeah, I don't know what happened there. I always loved his OP's, they were so colorful and detailed. Like this: and This:

I've consolidated all of the CDG's in one post on this thread so that people can play through the backlog if they want. I was sick and tired of digging for them, they should be easy to find. The first one goes back 5 pages somehow!
Btw I just wanted to know how many expos do you guys settle before NC. Also what is the BO in the expos and with what expo size do you guys build your libraries. I want to get a pre T75 3 expo NC.
Also what is the optimal no of cities for getting a fast SV(like 4/5/6) with Tradition.

As Ironfighter said, normally 4 cities prior to NC, but this map and UA changes things up. I elected to go build Temple of Artemis, then a 2-city NC, then marry before Education (I wanted 4+ cities gaining GS points). Expo BO partly revolves around timing for NC: you might have to build library first, you might have enough gold to just buy a library, or you might have time to go Granary-Library.

For my game, marrying a 3rd CS (5th city) on T89 was a mistake. It wasn't that I couldn't manage the happiness - though that was a challenge - but more that the city was a gold drain with no possible capital connection, not to mention it was a cultural CS (I'd already married the cultural CS near faith wonder).
I won on T209, 10 points I guess for the finish time and CS marriage. No RAs and lost LToP on T133, no pantheon or religion either (last one gone ~t65).

Used Rationalism finisher on Plastics on T170. Burnt 3 Great Writers and got all the necessary policies on that turn. I had 3 self-founded cities + 5 married: Wellington in Classical, Hanoi in Medieval and 3 more in Modern. Never had the happiness for more unfortunately.

I think Austria's UA can be extremely powerful in a science game, but you need a really good World's Fair to get all your happiness policies fast. This game had so many cultural CSs that at some point I was considering going full Commerce for the huge happiness boost. Wouldn't have been able to fit it in this game though, I think. Exploration 2 is an interesting option as well.

Spoiler :
I think Austria's UA can be extremely powerful in a science game, but you need a really good World's Fair to get all your happiness policies fast.

Yes, I agree with Manpanzee that on deity Austria is in second tier science civs; just need to be playing a little bit differently as usually (secure happiness, etc).

Winning WF is very important not only because of happiness, but you also need to secure that you will finish rationalism and get third level freedom or order policy, before you start adding CSs to your empire in huge numbers in late game before bulbs (when they are the best IMO), as they increase SPs cost and you can't do much about it (as most of your culture comes from just CSs!)
I've consolidated all of the CDG's in one post on this thread so that people can play through the backlog if they want. I was sick and tired of digging for them, they should be easy to find. The first one goes back 5 pages somehow!

Wild, that is really great. Thanks for doing that! As a deity noob this will be nice so that I can go back and try to work through the maps. I find looking and reading peoples comments really helpful in trying to understand why their times are so much better than mine.
Wild, that is really great. Thanks for doing that! As a deity noob this will be nice so that I can go back and try to work through the maps. I find looking and reading peoples comments really helpful in trying to understand why their times are so much better than mine.

Your welcome, glad I can help a fellow improvement-seeking Civ player get the most out of this game!

Speaking of, I am now on turn 250. I have nano-tech, am about to complete Hubble to round out the tech tree, and am currently at war with the backstabbing dutch and Portugal. This is by far the best Deity game I have ever played.

I actually won the world's fair. I don't know how, but I switched and micromanaged every last hammer out of it and passed it. By doing this, I was able to fill freedom's tree, Commerce to mercantilism, Patronage to Scholasticism, and complete full tradition and Rationalism. I built Oracle, Great Lighthouse (Because I could), Porcelain Tower, Statue Of Liberty, Cristo Redentor, big ben, and will be completing Hubble in a few turns. I am ready to rock, will be oxfording particle physics after I finish up with my scientists, and then using my saved up gold and everyone else's to buy my parts unless everyone else dogpiles me and I don't get my nukes and Xcoms up and out fast enough. I have Hanoi building the manhatten project too, it's 10 turns to complete though.

Achievement wise, so far, I have earned 4 points for marrying 4 city states. I wanted to do 5 in 5 era's, but couldn't figure out which one and didn't want to take my precious cultural city states away. By the time I was ready, I bulbed into information and missed my chance. Oh well. I got coffee houses in all my cities, So those points will be mine. No others though, half the world is at war with me or has denounced me and only the cultural CS' are allied and I need my money for spaceship parts. So if I win, those will be my achievements. If I win...
Well Im down for a T233 SV which i broadly attribute to my own questionable decision making and bad luck with CS.
Spoiler :

Overly excited by the start so i settled for the non-river mountain hill hoping that coffee houses would offset the garden loss. If i had known there was a coastal mountain i would have gone for that but as i failed to notice high sea levels setting I went for the best option i could see.

In the spirit of hoping to buy out the nearest CS I didnt steal their workers and went scout x3 - worker. The scouts recruited 3 workers from sweden/india, and after that spent about 10 turns playing settler hugging with sweden to dissuade him from settling near the desert NW.

Finally managed to plant 4 cities on T50 ish as over enthusiatic barbs roamed my lands. NC on T83, trad fin T90, and oracle T91 - slowish due to an inability to get any barb quests completed. education rolled around on T105 which didnt bode well for a fast finish.

I tried to buy out wellington on T130 (figured it would build uni itself by then and give me an extra GS before the end) but the city didnt have one. So i reloaded.

Mid game positives:
- founded WC

Mid game negatives:
- Harun and William kept buying out my CS. Every Global quest was for culture or faith which i had no chance of winning so i forked over the cash for them. But the pair of them had patronage and the only CS offering cash bonuses were MY CS so endless gold was wasted in this cycle. I even lost host of congress which is something that never happens. Sweden decided to make things worse by attacking my allied CS - i had to pay him for peace.
- Went for Sistine Chapel instead of Globe (5 Cul CS so figured it would be better). was half way through when Gandhi decided to build it... and globe wasnt taken til T150+....
- Entered modern on turn of new policy - missed out on US which cost me 5 free turns of a GA
- Bulbed 4 GW during WF - should have saved the last one since I dumped the policy into pat 3 instead of finishing T3 Freedom. Couldnt buy as many CS as i wanted since policy cost kept going up...

Bulbed 1 GS for plastics on T190, forgot to take out loans for labs/CS marriage. Married Wellington, Byblos, and eventually Malacca. Denouced by sweden after that, joined in Theo's co-opt war against william after depleting the bank of netherlands, watched morocco die before blasting off. BPT peaked at 1900 and had 1 GS left over so lots of room for improvement.

Policies: Full Trad, Rat, Pat 3, Comm 3, Freedom 6

WC: WF(won), WI (proposed by Harun when I was the only one with ideology:crazyeye:), IG (igjnored)

Wonders: Oracle, LTOP, BB, SOL

Rel: none since i noticed 2x cocoa to north and desert to south. unlikely to get DF or earth mother so i ignored it. gathering 2500 faith took a long time and for once i wasnt able to engineer SOL.

Austria's UA is definately shines in the late game when you can get additional 150-200 BPT for about a research lab's price - not to mention you can even get money back by selling useless buildings/units in it. Downside of course is policy cost increase if you havent gotten level 3 tenet.

achievements: A-4, B-3, E-2=9. could have done C but wasnt too bothered.

Thanks to Iron for hosting great map for Austria.


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I was curious as how much running Piety held me back: ~40 turns. Playing more conventionally, I got a Science Victory on turn 286, which I think is a personal best for me. I really have no idea what folks are doing to get SVs in the early 200s. I suppose I am resisting studying too much, as I am quite enjoying the game!

I have not tallied my achievement points for either game, but I suspect this one was a lower score in that regard as once missed CS marriages for lack of gold, I gave that one up. I had 15 RAs over the course of the game if I counted those right. I got Porcelain Tower and Hubble no problem this time. The less close neighbor DOW’d me late in the game, so I took a city from her. Otherwise everything was peaceful from my perspective. I don’t think any of the AI had even completed Apollo when I launched.

Thanks again for the map!


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T198 SV, with reloads

Achievements = 13 points
A. a) <200t = 6 points
B. married 7 city states, but not in 5 diff eras = 5 points
C. close, lost 1 friend late game = 0 points
D. not even close, only 1 ally at the end = 0 points
E. yes, coffee houses in all cities (didn't have any puppets) = 2p

Rough Outline
~T35 Temple of Artemis
2-city NC (only self-founded 2)
T70 married 1st CS
T75 married 2nd CS
T120 Secularism
T135 LToP. Chose GE to use on Porcelain Tower next turn
T135 Scientific Theory, no GS bulbs (1 planted) and no RAs (never signed any)
T142 Freedom
T164 Plastics - bought 2 labs
T166 have 4/4 labs
late-T170s married 2 more CS
T184-185 married 3 more CS. All AI angry for aggressively building new cities; one AI didn't renew DoF

Capital Wonders: Big Ben, Hubble, Pisa, Oracle, Porcelain Tower (GE), Statue of Liberty, Temple of Artemis
Built Oxford and Apollo Program in CS

Spoiler :

Nice game! However GE from LToP used on Porcelain Tower could be a mistake
(since it require rationalism it's quite easy wonder to get, esp on such good map and you didn't have any RAs to boost)
Very nice. I'm really eager to give this another go but not enough hours in the day, again :(
Nice Blatc! I am happy that you had a game sub 200 finally, even if it was played over again. Very good job!
Nice game! However GE from LToP used on Porcelain Tower could be a mistake
(since it require rationalism it's quite easy wonder to get, esp on such good map and you didn't have any RAs to boost)

I agree it could be a mistake. I didn't see room to start PT in the next 30+ turns and I hadn't built a 3rd/production city like you did.
I have a T135 save where I selected the LToP great person. Guess I should give it a replay, as I'm curious to see.

Edit: someone built PT on T164, so looks like using GE was the way to go for this particular game (i.e. my game, not necessarily this map in general).
I agree it could be a mistake. I didn't see room to start PT in the next 30+ turns and I hadn't built a 3rd/production city like you did.
I have a T135 save where I selected the LToP great person. Guess I should give it a replay, as I'm curious to see.

Edit: someone built PT on T164, so looks like using GE was the way to go for this particular game (i.e. my game, not necessarily this map in general).

I've been beaten to PT in something like 4 of my last 5 games. Since I'm used to getting that (what seems like) 90% of the time, it's almost as if the game got smarter. Because I like to bulb that GS towards Radio and early ideology, it's a bit of a big deal some times.

Is anyone else noticing a difference or is this just coincidence?
It's pretty random.

I am having spectacularly bad luck on this map and I can't seem to get a game going :lol:
Finally finished this up, it was close but they weren't ever going to catch up after I got about 10 great scientists in a row. The coffee is real with this civ. Seriously, I think the coffee house helped more than the marrying. Anyways

Achievement A: Took me a lot longer than 200 turns unfortunately, but I'm no pro so maybe one day I'll get a faster finish time. I'm happy with 2 points.

Achievement B: I married Byblos, Hanoi, and Jerusalem. I gifted Jerusalem and Byblos to good old india right before William could snatch them from me because I am a big cheating cheeseball. I kept hanoi though as I never settled a second city and their production was very helpful.

Achievement C: Everyone but Sweden and India was actively trying to destroy me. So no...

Achievement D: Tried, but failed, had 2 allies left but saved my gold for spaceships instead. I might have been able to do this with gifting units, but I was too excited to win.

Achievement E: A huge priority, built them as soon as I researched economics.

My first CDG victory, thank you IronfighterXXX!!!


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I played this to a turn 302 science victory.

It was funny. I'm playing a series of 10 deity games in a row to see what my win percentage is. I needed a break from that undertaking so I said to myself, I'll go on CFC, and play whatever they're doing as a Deity Challenge as a one off. But what was funny was that the game I'd just finished in my own series was with Austria.

In that game I didn't have the love and money to marry a CS until turn 120 (and not long after Monty destroyed me).

Spoiler :
In this game I had three CSs before turn 75! Yep, that's right. I had the love, money and happiness to diplo marry three CSs before turn 75. One was Sydney. As my scout first arrived, I saw an abandoned barb fort with a worker in it. Next turn I cleared it, returned the worker. 5 turns later I paid 500 and had Sydney as a puppet. Hanoi and Wellington both wanted barb camps cleared and both wanted me to discover some civ. So, quick barb clear, quick embassy exchange: two more quick CSs.

At that stage I actually thought about not even founding a city of my own at all, but I had settled in place, so I needed a costal city to set up trade connections with my outposts, so I founded Salzburg off on the eastern promontory. Grabbed KL later in the game. Could have had several others along the way, but when I go for science I only ever build four or at most five cities, so I stayed with that.

Early game everyone loved everyone else. I literally think there was a time when every civ had a DoF w every other civ. Around turn 200, it got violent. Sweden took India out. William took Theo out (well, technically Panama city conquered her last city). Those were two of the other civs who went Freedom, so after they were gone my happiness tanked and I had to shift to Autocracy.

Fun game. Did play differently from most other turtle science victories.
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