The Deity Challenge Line-up #20 - Spain - Valentine day Resurrected


Peacemongering Turtlesaur
Apr 19, 2014
Does this mean now only sub 230 finishers will be allowed to appear on the spreadsheet :lol:
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London had 22 pop on t100. yay deity! but im DoF with almost everyone. not what i expected from 'random personalities'. Barcelona (settled for Mt Kili) was converted 4 times by dueling prophets from China and Russia. i got a religion on t68 or so but Russia is spamming 25% stronger missionaries with Pilgrimage. its a vicious cycle. went full tradition after settling both NWs. on t103 now and dunno what policy to take next. i didnt really plan an objective yet.
Well, I went hardcore on defending my pitiful religion by surrounding the city with units :D
Hi, this might be a stupid question (I'm a mid-term lurker and a terrible player), but I want to play this map, and I don't know where the save is.
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Currently 100 or so turns in and not going as I wanted. I play Spain all the time because I love the UA but I usually end up re rolling a new map after 20 turns because I never find the damn wonders first. This game was no different, sent my warrior East into the jungle and my scout Northwest missing both wonders(kili and baringer). Missed out on the MoS by 1 turn and the Oracle by 1 turn in my capital. 2nd city up next to the mountain on the river to the West with kili in range and 3rd city to the Northwest with all the horses and cotton. NC around t100. Missed the Petra by 10 turns after beelining for it but nothing I could have done to get and the city will still be good(better than cap all ready pop and prod wise). Last religion and pantheon(desert folklore, tithe, 15% groth)/
About my game.
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I wanted to try a different victory besides science, but Maria Theresa kept buying all the CS to make Diplo harder and I couldn't be assed to stop her. So I kinda just sent my Conquistadors to all the Natural Wonder spots and settled them. Naturally, this torpedoed my science making ability. I'm on course for about a 350 science win, but wont finish.

Still, it was fun exploring & settling. Thanks for the map.
I think the mods can merge the two threads if they'd be so kind. This way no one gets confused.
To be honest, I was expecting Venice for this challenge.

Now, I simply have to post a Venice game.
anybody else have this too?
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a ruins on a mountain. only Dido can reach it if they want to. or by Helicopter, haha. it is on a mountain east of Mt. Kili maybe 3 tiles away.
anybody else have this too?
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a ruins on a mountain. only Dido can reach it if they want to. or by Helicopter, haha. it is on a mountain east of Mt. Kili maybe 3 tiles away.

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Settled my 3rd city there and got 60 faith from it :D

Also does anyone know if random personalities are the same for all of us or do we all get different personalities for the AIs in our individual games?
@ Benzy19

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That is a good question Benzy19! I would think it would be different from game to game but I am unsure. I remember reading something about random personalities a year or so ago that suggested it actually hurts the way the AI behaves but I can't back that up since I do not know for sure.(I guess the other option hurts the AI as well when you select to disable the starting bias) It would be like having Shaka next door with the personality of Theodora. It really hurts Shaka with all those Impis but he doesn't want to War anymore since he is going Full Piety and trying to convert your Religion instead of his usual War Flavor! I found kb2787s game interesting since Theodora did not even have a Religion in his game. I do not think I have ever seen a game where she didn't get a Religion but I am sure it has happened before but with Random Personalities she might of not had a strong Religious Flavor in his game. In my game she got a later Religion and I was in the lead but it wasn't long before she started to convert more cities, however, using Holy Warriors and being able to buy units with the large amount of early gold I was getting about 1 unit per turn being able to capture cities and spread my gospel that way!
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in true to form Cathy, she DoW'd on t125, one turn after she renewed a DoF, haha. she had 4 CS allies, all right beside my borders. CS above Barringer s took Seville in 3 turns, and Barcelona by Russia the next turn. She had 14 Pikes and 5 swords plus the CSs pikes and horses. Never stood a chance. I was relying on those DoFs as my shield. Should have bribed instead of bought Unis. Should have made more than 4 comp bows too, haha. Quit that one but I still have t103 save to retry with. Or start again.
HR -
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Tough luck. I played on with 1 warrior, 1 spear and a few archers. I kept waiting for the axe to fall but it never did. Eventually I built a few ships and several Conquistadors. Was safe for over 300 turns.
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Well, I'm still very bad in playing for a culture win even though this isn't my first.

On the first attempt I was kind of torn between science and culture but decided on science in the end. Someone picked World Fair and I can't remember ever having a more convincing win (see screenie) ;)

anyway that ended when Cathy started harassing me yadda yadda

Anyway, this entire game went really smoothly. I settled on the desert near the mountain and bought Kili and then rushed out Petra and Oracle. I then detoured a bit to grab Itza and Machu. Doing the latter pissed off Austria by a fair bit hahaha. I finished with 13 wonders in total, missed Globe Theater by 3 turns, Uffizi by 2, Redentor by a couple etc

Meanwhile I bought Unis and then headed to Pisa. Picked a scientist even though I probably needed an Engi more to plant him. I planted one Prophet but in the meantime Cathy had Sacred Sites and just rolled everyone over except me and China. Austria weren't joining the catfight and fled to explore other lands.

And then Cathy simply went nuts and started backstabbing everyone on the map. Soon everyone hated her but couldn't do anything because she snowballed into a daemon. Meanwhile I got to Internet fairly quickly but I didn't have anywhere near as good base tourism (as you can see in screenie) to make it relevant. Cathy locked herself up but I was still gaining ground. So I took out a calculator and did the math of how long must I wait for tourism to pile up and then just DoW and force feed my pop music down their throats :lol:

In the end, I suppose it took crazy long but this is still my fastest non-Dom win on Deity yet :) Oh and did you know there was also a FoY on this map?


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@ Benzy19

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That is a good question Benzy19! I would think it would be different from game to game but I am unsure. I remember reading something about random personalities a year or so ago that suggested it actually hurts the way the AI behaves but I can't back that up since I do not know for sure.(I guess the other option hurts the AI as well when you select to disable the starting bias) It would be like having Shaka next door with the personality of Theodora. It really hurts Shaka with all those Impis but he doesn't want to War anymore since he is going Full Piety and trying to convert your Religion instead of his usual War Flavor! I found kb2787s game interesting since Theodora did not even have a Religion in his game. I do not think I have ever seen a game where she didn't get a Religion but I am sure it has happened before but with Random Personalities she might of not had a strong Religious Flavor in his game. In my game she got a later Religion and I was in the lead but it wasn't long before she started to convert more cities, however, using Holy Warriors and being able to buy units with the large amount of early gold I was getting about 1 unit per turn being able to capture cities and spread my gospel that way!

Yeah I think it definitely hurts the AI like you say, Theodora without a religion is pretty awful.

I guess it comes down to if random personalities are automatically generated as the game loads or if their starting location, neighbours, etc... help develop what the personality will be like. I'm leaning towards the first since it seems like too much of an effort to have the AI develop a strategy as the game progresses like a human player does.
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