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The DYOS Consul (DYOS XI: 2009-2013)

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Welcome to my world Stylesrj. The fun part of DYOS has been a drain on me. Though largely due to me angsting over my own past DYOS scandals.
Okay, here goes nothing. Idea for theme of DYOS XII:

Two new pieces of legislation pass the US senate. Their names are SIPA and POPA (Hmm...wonder where I got that idea from ;)). They make it illegal to use the internet unless you are a fat cat businessman, politician or military person within the United States. It also makes it legal for evil bounty hunters to attack people who have broken these laws, even if they are not US citizens.

Is this usual political incompetence? Or is something more sinister at play...? Obviously the latter otherwise the story wouldn't be very interesting. :p


I think that's brilliant! :goodjob:

The Hacker Crisis started from no less than a single event.

I can already see events playing out, especially if Talon Company is one of the groups hired as bounty hunters...

Rhiza: That's not my division! I don't control bounty hunters for yotts sake!

Blood Gulch wouldn't take such a contract though, so they're still good guys :)
Is a pretty good idea. It could be argued against, since the whole SOPA/PIPA ordeal usually is a very biased political subject, but charicature of a political event is an interesting thing. I might not be following the guidelines too much, as I want my contributions to be as casual as possible, but I won't mind if this is to be passed as the theme for the next DYOS episode. :)
Since SOPA/PIPA are specific laws, we could broaden the topic to internet freedom/censorship in general. Then we have more to play with, while still keeping the same sort of theme. We could have a Shadowy Organisation(s) hijacking the effort to battle the Pirates, and influence events and the government (it would be the Coruscanti Republic or a generic government rather than the US Government in this universe, depending on what CivG does) to, as Ninjacow proposes, restrict/deny internet freedom to the populace for their own agenda.

Perhaps something along these lines...

Spoiler :
I really like that ground. It's a great thing to explore, in my eyes.

Also, tailless' thing is really charming.
I agree, that sounds like a great idea, we just have to broaden it a little bit.

Maybe Government X, feeling threatened by a return of the Hacker and the Space Pirates, passes this law. Now we just have to come up with some justification for who did that, because last time I checked, CivG, Thorvald, and e350tb ruled every First-World Country in the story.
Perhaps something along these lines...

Brilliant job. :goodjob:

I agree, that sounds like a great idea, we just have to broaden it a little bit.

Maybe Government X, feeling threatened by a return of the Hacker and the Space Pirates, passes this law. Now we just have to come up with some justification for who did that, because last time I checked, CivG, Thorvald, and e350tb ruled every First-World Country in the story.

Or we could have the Democratic E-Republic of Poopyland (DERP) In SPACE! Basically, some sort of space civilisation that passes that law. I know whatever happens, I'll have a lot of things set in space.

BTW, SIPA stands for Special Internet Protection Act and POPA stands for Persons Of Proper Authority (i.e the people who can use the internet in this terrible age of terribleness).
I had begun to write ideas down for if I ever get the chance to begin drawing comics and what I have come up with so far involve a hidden organisation who have come to power by taking advantage of people feeling forgotten by their countries being at war all the time.
Since Rhiza's going to be back from the dead, I'd like to know your opinions on how she should come back. Should she:

1. Come back in the next comic (or two).
2. Come back at her funeral (wacky hyjinxs will ensue, perhaps even with a cry of "Zombie!").
3. Have her dead for the rest of this DYOS and have her come back next (Complete with lampshade for ready hanging).
The Iranians could shut down the internet! :D

But seriously, I'm game for this idea.
Or we could have the Democratic E-Republic of Poopyland (DERP) In SPACE! Basically, some sort of space civilisation that passes that law. I know whatever happens, I'll have a lot of things set in space.

Well, my faction, the Republic of Coruscant is a space civilization as well as E350tb's faction. Stylesrj just has a space merc faction. DERP could be a shadowy organization who passes the law that effects everyone. In my case, the shadowy organization would have an advantage of a stealth alliance with my archenemy Mariko allowing the shadowy organization focus their energies against other contributors.

The Iranians could shut down the internet! :D

The Iranians could be the shadowy organization lead by that nut job! :D
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced we have got to make the Copyright Wars the focus of the thread. It's relevant, it's a logical follow-up to the HAX, and, it is directly consequential to DYOS itself. Dare I say TK's given us our opening comic?

As to exactly how the kickoff legislation gets enacted, regardless of who's pulling the strings it's gotta be through an established authority. I can see Coruscant doing it since it's really the only state-entity large enough to wield that much clout.

I had begun to write ideas down for if I ever get the chance to begin drawing comics and what I have come up with so far involve a hidden organisation who have come to power by taking advantage of people feeling forgotten by their countries being at war all the time.
...You and I should go for a coffee.
As to exactly how the kickoff legislation gets enacted, regardless of who's pulling the strings it's gotta be through an established authority. I can see Coruscant doing it since it's really the only state-entity large enough to wield that much clout.

I kind of have my reservations and hesitations on making my faction look like the bad guys :-/. I'm not sure if I am able to pull it off while still keeping my faction on the side of good.

Definately 2. It sounds fun. :)

I kind of have my reservations and hesitations on making my faction look like the bad guys :-/. I'm not sure if I am able to pull it off while still keeping my faction on the side of good.

I think it would be easy to pull off. You'll just need to make a bigshot authority-guy who lives under Coruscanti premises, and he'd at least have enough power to make a major amount of influence in the Coruscanti senate (or something along those lines).
Heck, I'd be willing to help you out creating him, since it'd open up an oppertunity for me to start out an Alex and Roger plotline. :p

Here's my votes and suggestion

1. Come back in the next comic (or two).
But here's some moar added suggestions for her resurrection that could be included in both 1 & 2. Someone yells out "POLAND", Stylesrj asks if Rhiza was turned into a Newt, Choxorn wonders who writes all this crap, Wheatly states that he is not a moron, the Space Core elaborates that Poland is in space, Stylesjl stands around with some funny crap going on around him while still standing a-la serious (Think putting a clownsuit on Batman), Rosa looks for Thorvald while he's hiding in the closet, Stylesrj and Rhiza kiss causing a Het No moment for TFox before being chased off by an angry Thorvald

Heck, I'd be willing to help you out creating him, since it'd open up an oppertunity for me to start out an Alex and Roger plotline. :p
Sounds good :).
The thing is, DERP doesn't have to be militaristically powerful. They just have to be incredibly rich. It could be that bounty hunters (evil ones, not Stylesrj's ones) make up their armies. That means it can be a rich place that owns hardly any land area, like Japan or Britain.

@CivGeneral: Shadowy organisations are good, but we need some sort of US Senate type thing to be manipulated by the shadowy organisations IMO.

@CivGeneral: Shadowy organisations are good, but we need some sort of US Senate type thing to be manipulated by the shadowy organisations IMO.

Given that the Republic of Coruscant does not want any part of the censorship of the Internets. It would have to involve on some part of the tempter who aligns him/herself with both Mariko (My archenemy) and the shadowy organization (By default, Mariko would secretly ally herself to this shadowy organization since she sees it an ally of opportunity).
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