• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Epic Of War


aka Cottus Arci
Aug 2, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
The Epic Of War
is a revolutionary new concept to online Civ IV.

Quite simply, it works like this;

You play the game as per normal, except you don't build military units... ever.

In times of war, you will 'gifted' units by myself. The amount of units you recieve will depend on several factors, them being population, amount of wonders & culture.

I reside on a distant 1-tile city, that will contain 1000's of units. I will modify the game so that I will have a special transport unit that can transfer units to their intended destination. This unit will have a movement count big enough to scale the entire map in 1 turn.

So what's the benefit you say? Well here it is... large civilisations entering war will recieve massive amounts of units... far bigger than you've ever experienced before.

The game then will play out more realistically... in times of war, just as in real life, ordinary citizens take up arms and join the fight... and this is how most armies are formed.

To take part in this great adventure, please express interest here!
Basically the bigger your civ, you'll win the war? Sounds a bit unbalanced at least if we don't get to know the mechanics behind how people get troops... Also are you going to host this game yourself? Cause you didn't find a host for the last game. Also how will you avoid strike? :p
Interested - lot of detail needed like Oyzar says.

A couple for now - mobilization time ? a large population doesn't become an instant army overnight. Tech - I assume you get units in line with your tech level but can you specify depending on the strategy you plan to adopt ?
Training level - if you have the buildings will your units arrive with the experience ?
I'll play.
Its a great idea, though hard to implement. If there is a formula or something it would be nice to know but arguments could be made just to play in the dark.
Basically, it works as follows, however i'm still testing it.

There is a population/unit ratio, and wonders & culture provide a % bonus on top. It will be possible for a well cultured & wondered civ to have a higher unit count than a larger populated enemy.

However the exact formula will be kept hidden from you all... as a means of guesswork... for example.. what wonder will provide more units?

And yes, I will be installing Civ IV on an old laptop, so i will be hosting.

As for the implementation, it's not hard. Every now and then when a war breaks out... I'm required to do a bit of work... no sweat!

Also, yes.. there will be a mobilization time... and units will be 'delivered' at a staggered rate.. like 10% per turn.
Do you get twice the amount of army if you are in two battles? twice as fast? Can you decleare on someone on the other side of the world get 100% of your army then decleare on some poor sod who will only have 10% of his army to fight with(exploits exploits exploits...). I am just seeing that there are far too many ways to exploit this system for it to be any sort of balanced...
Also, yes.. there will be a mobilization time... and units will be 'delivered' at a staggered rate.. like 10% per turn.

This can easily be exploited by declaring "fake war" on some guy then after 10 turns you both go and declare real war on unsuspecting neighbors with your full forces while they will only get 10% on the first turn.
Also, yes.. there will be a mobilization time... and units will be 'delivered' at a staggered rate.. like 10% per turn.

This can easily be exploited by declaring "fake war" on some guy then after 10 turns you both go and declare real war on unsuspecting neighbors with your full forces while they will only get 10% on the first turn.

in real wars, such as WWI, once some countries started mobilizing, everyone else nearby did, regardless of whether they were in the conflict.
Nice exploit there. Didn't think of that. I'll need some time to work through that. Perhaps each country could get a defense force everytime someone else declares war... but damn, that would take A LOT of units
How many players and any idea of when this will start?
I am interested as well
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