The Frozen City


Dec 31, 2012
New to the civ fanatics forum, I decided to share a story with you as my first post.
The story is one of survival, rather than conquest; a tale of hardships in a life where the only luxury resource available is food. The technical details that surround our tale are as follows:
  1. The map type is "Tilted Axis", leaving the entire northern half as nothing but ice and snow. Ruins are disabled, and Raging Barbarians are enabled.
  2. An in-game editor was used to move my spawn point to the farthest northern reaches, far from the plains and tundra of the south, and remote from other civilizations.
  3. The game difficulty is King, because A. I am not a Civ expert. and B. The focus of this story is on quality narrative, not gameplay. The game speed is Epic.
  4. The civilization used is a Modified Russia
  5. Only flavor mods are used (with the exception of one that replaces the starting warrior with a scout), and the Gods and Kings expansion is enabled.
  6. Narrative text is in blue (this is the good stuff: READ), any other comments I make will be plain black text.

That's enough Introduction for now, let's get started, shall we?

[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Part One: Founding of The Frozen City[/font]
Tired of warring, barbarian tribes establish a foothold in the frozen Northern Realm

The Northern Realms are a cold, bitter place. When it graces the sky, the Sun shines mockingly, its light reaching the surface of the windswept glaciers, yet bringing no warmth. The land is settled only by Barbarian tribes who roam the polar climate in search of food. Indeed, food is the most precious resource; the luxury commodity of the north. The only reliable source of food comes from the freezing rivers that graciously flow through the land. Rivers, without which, no life could be sustatined. It was along the banks of one of these rivers, high upon a hill surrounded by mountains, that a city was founded. Three barbarian tribes, who had been warring for centuries, decided that perhaps the best way to guaruntee survival was not to kill one another for food, but instead to work together upon the river for the good of all. It was on this premise that a city, or rather a civilization, was founded. That city, was The Frozen City of the North.

Spoiler :

With excitment, the cornerstones were laid. A symbol of the newfound optimism and strength in the harsh reality of the world around them. Soon, men were volunteering to scout the surrounding area. These brave fools knowing well that the future of the city depended on leaving their newly built dwellings and piercing the fog that surrounded them. Soon a team was gathered and honored with the title "Mistwalkers", for they walked among the mists that shrouded the rest of the world from view. The mistwalkers embraced their families, saluted their former enemies, and started south along the frozen river basin to see what surrounded them.
Spoiler :

The first one is sort of short, but I hope it got you excited to see where this goes! I have played some 150 turns of this already, and it is a much different experience when you turn Civilization V from a Empire-building game to a Game of Survival. I LOVE using a game's mechanics to challenge myself! Emergent gaming FTW, amirite?! Anyway, it gets pretty interesting, so stay tuned.
I don't remember ever seeing a story quite like this, but it looks like it could be quite interesting.

Welcome to Civfanatics, btw.
Thanks for the expressed interest, and the welcome! :)

The second part is currently about halfway written, and is much longer.
While the story is based mostly upon my own in-game actions, it really is a Fictional Narrative at heart rather than an after-action report, so I am holding myself to a higher quality of writing.

Hopefully it will make for an enjoyable product?
Anyway, the screenshots are to prevent walls of text as well as to give visual representation.
Walls of text are definitely my main concern.

It's not an issue with Part one up there, but I would like feedback on the pacing after I post Part Two either tonight or tomorrow.
Okay, and happy New Year!

How is Russia modified for this?
Part two coming tonight, had an unexpected and sudden obligation today that kept me from finishing it.

Ork, when I say "Modified" I just mean that I changed the name from Russia to something like "Empire of Ice", as well as renamed the City from Moscow and other things involving names. No gameplay modifications, actually.
Part 2 is here! But before we get into it I need to address two things:

Firstly, I actually started this as a personal challenge and didn't think to make it a story until a little bit into the game, so there is a bit in the beginning of this part with no accompanying screenshots. Sorry!

Secondly, the super perceptive among you may notice that some screenshots are out of order by in-game chronology. This is due to me deciding that some things were better suited before/after others to make a more fluid and believable story. Sorry if this bothers anybody, but it was my intent as I elaborated before to focus on the story rather than game details.

With all that out of the way, I present to you:

[font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]The Frozen City
Part Two: The Mountain Pass Conflict

When the Mistwalkers discover passage through the southeast mountains, a great danger is awakened.

Soon a great storehouse was built to store a small portion of the meager bounty that each man collected daily. This would serve as a short-term emergency supply to any family whom could not gather enough food to sustain themselves. These measures staved off starvation for a time, and for the first time in the known history of the Northern Realms, a surplus of food was in existence.

It soon became clear, however, that if the city was to grow, other improvements would have to be made, and new sources of food would need to be found or created. Observations were made of the banks of the Brumal River, the river by which the city rests. The river held what little heat the sun provided for much longer than the air. It was summer when the observers descended the hill upon which the city rested, and parts of the permafrost along the banks of the river had thawed. The berries that were growing there had not been a surprise to the people of the area, but they had grown in such small quantities that they were a treat, not a source of sustenance. But on that day, an idea was formed; an idea for sustainability. Soon, a large group of men spent parts of their days hacking at the permafrost with primitive tools, slowing creating a primitive field. These wise workers knew that in a year's time, the soil would be soft enough to plant rows of berries; this hopefully would create a primitive sort of farming that would produce a single massive harvest in a short period of time.

Unfortunately, the plan was not to come to fruition. A wandering band of Barbarians saw the workers near the rivers, and because the workers were armed only with their tools, they were dragged away into the fog. And so the archaic farm was left abandoned and unfinished; an idea that had nothing to show but the scars in the landscape from the fruitless digging of the missing workers.

Spoiler :

Meanwhile, the Mistwalkers had turned towards the mountains. A Passage through the ridge was discovered to the southeast and eager to see what lay beyond they trekked through, only to find it occupied by a large barbarian tribe. The Mistwalkers began a fighting retreat back through the pass, and took many casualties. They came upon and soon crossed the Brumal River where it met another waterway, and the pursuing enemies were not far behind. The Barbarians were held for the time, but the remaining Mistwalkers knew that their only course of action was to flee northwest into the mist that they were sworn to walk.

Spoiler :

This was not the end of the Mountain Pass Barbarian assault, however, and soon The Frozen City came under attack by the belligerent mob. The women of the city hid with their children in their homes, and the capable men were left to stage the first known defense of the city.

Spoiler :
The Barbarians seemed endless, and consequently so too did the fighting have no end. The cacophony of dying men endlessly echoed through the city; yet, among the cries of the perishing, a cry of life could be heard. As the battle on the outskirts of the city seemed interminable, within the city a woman's battle was won as a newborn child entered the world.

Spoiler :
Soon the fighting slowed, and the citizens gathered. The fight was not over, the Barbarians still stood amassed near the city, and the wisest among the population knew that this sort of chaotic defense would not last. It was decided that the strongest among them would assemble into a dedicated defense. The sons of these men would take their father's role in the home and upon the river, and their fathers would be dedicated to defense of the city. And thus, the military tradition of The Frozen City began, and the strongest men of each generation became the warriors known as "Stormwinds". The Stormwinds gathered outside the city, ready to continue the fight against the gathering barbarian swarm.

Spoiler :

So there it is, Part 2! I hope you enjoyed it.

Again, any feedback is great, especially relating to story pacing.
Do you want more at a time? less? Is this just right?
Let me know!

Also, feel free to ask anything about in-game specifics not related to the story.
Loving the narrative!
This is looking good so far.
I really hate to say this, but I need to put this story on hold for an undetermined amount of time.

First, I've come down with the flu, and secondly, I am preparing to move to a new house in the coming weeks. Time will be scarce and I had planned to do a lot before crunch time, but again, the flu.

Sorry to hear that.Hope you get well soon!
Good news! Feeling much, much better. Great, even!
I may even get Part 3 out today :D

Isn't that wonderful?!
Yes. Glad you're doing better.

I'll be watching for the next part.
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