The Global Foyer

This, then, is my proposed draft. As soon as you grant your permission, I will send the letter, Your Majesty.

Warm greetings to you, Ambassador CharlemagneXLII of Quatronia!

The people of Merlot are truly honoured to meet your people, and we would like to state our good intentions and extend our hope for a peaceful and mutually beneficial future for both our nations. In our lands we have found wine, corn and gems in abundance, and nothing would please us more than to be able to negotiate trade agreements with your people! My Emperor offer his heartfelt thanks for your wonderful gifts of silver and grain, and offers gifts of gems and corn back to your people.

Our nation thrives under the leadership of His Majesty, Emperor Indiansmoke I! His wisdom and benevolence is known all throughout our lands, and he is greatly loved by the people.

Your exploring workboat are just a few turns away from our borders.

We are looking forward to working together with your people, possibly both by exchanging technological advances and resources.

Sir Caledorn
Imperial Diplomat of Merlot
on behalf of Emperor Indiansmoke I

Status : Sent with minor modifications as shown below
I would still acknowledge their assessment about peninsulas/fjords. They did provide us that information; we've seen only 1 fjord and 1½ peninsulas, so we could not be certain those were common landmarks, therefore them telling us there's more was of value to us. (We can now opt to skip fjords if we want to.) Returning the favor is not taking anything from us nor providing them with anything they would not discover themselves in few turns anyway, but can gain some goodwill.
I would still acknowledge their assessment about peninsulas/fjords. They did provide us that information; we've seen only 1 fjord and 1½ peninsulas, so we could not be certain those were common landmarks, therefore them telling us there's more was of value to us. (We can now opt to skip fjords if we want to.) Returning the favor is not taking anything from us nor providing them with anything they would not discover themselves in few turns anyway, but can gain some goodwill.

we don't know much that they will not find out soon by themselves anyway, so yes we could tell them about the fiord and the peninsula.
Thank you, your Majesty. :)

Taking the latest posts here into account, I added the following, and then sent it off to them:

Your exploring workboat are just a few turns away from our borders, and we can confirm that our explorers have also discovered a continent that appears to have fjords and peninsulas.
Thank you, your Majesty. :)

Taking the latest posts here into account, I added the following, and then sent it off to them:

Your exploring workboat are just a few turns away from our borders, and we can confirm that our explorers have also discovered a continent that appears to have fjords and peninsulas.

The addition sounds good as well.
Your wish is my command. :)

Unless you've already received any PM's with some contact information, I'll send a PM to their team captains if that is okay by you?

Also, I might need an assistant - so if there's anyone interested in doing some work in the diplomatic affairs of Merlot, please send me a PM. :)
I have sent a PM (separate messages of course) to Sommerswerd and BCLG100 respectively, requesting their Team Diplomatic Emails. :)
This was sent by team amazon to our mail

Our diplomats humbly ask safe passage to Castle Merlot and an audience
with your king to deliver the following message:

Greetings to his Royal Excellence Indiansmoke of the House Merlot,

The name of Indiansmoke is well known and revered among the AMAZONs.
It is an honor to finally meet you and your subjects.

This turn our brave explorer, Martha, and her crew spotted the regal
culture of House Merlot, which extends even into the water. When the
word reached The AMAZON it was met with celebration and excitement.

Our people have been following with great interest the Epic
Mini-Series, "Merlot," and indeed all of the television sets in our
land have been programmed to record it whenever it comes on.

Our island is to the north of you. We have already met Sirius, our
neighbor on the other side, so we are very happy to now have met both
of our neighbors. We are interested in working together and are eager
to work out a NAP with you soon and talk about tech trading
opportunities in the near future.

Have you met any other civilizations yet?

We wish to congratulate you on the conquering of your island. Maybe
someday we can seek to conquer the world together.

Future communications can be addressed to The AMAZON and can be sent
to our Gmail account:

Humbly yours,
SilentConfusion, AMAZON diplomat
The message the Amazons bring us seems very cordial. I would like to hear what people more experienced in multiplayer games think. But what I read between the lines here, is that Amazons seem to be probing whether we would be interested in very close relationships.

Also the news about Sirius being Amazons neighbour is really interesting. Unless there is some serious surprises in the mainland, the layout is perfect for removing Vikings and Dutch from the competition early if that is still what we are aiming for. If we can get other civilizations convinced of the danger they pose, both would be isolated and fighting against two hostile neighbours. This actually would be so easy that it is not even funny, given that there would be a true alliance against them.
I believe we should seek better relationships with the Amazons, democratic scum though they may be.

Having the Persians secure our Northern flank would greatly ease potential threats, particularly if the Sirians up there are Dutch.

The Southern front seems a much greater threat. Vikings and Carthaginians..

We'll need to tip-toe around them until we are truly prepared for defense.
What is really weird is that Persia have already met Carthage :confused:

Which means that:
a. at least one of them has sent another workboat the other way (propably Persia since they just settled second city)
b. that they both did not tell us the whole story about who they met


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Interesting. B isn't necessarily true for Carthage, since they could have met after they sent us the greeting.
We need to draft 2 more letters 1 to amazon and one to cdz, both in the same welcoming manner, at this point we should be looking to make everyone friends I feel.
Already on it, your Majesty. Both letters should be prepared later today :)
This is the draft letter I have prepared for Team Amazon, your Majesty. I will be pleased to modify anything you wish me to, of course.

On behalf of His Majesty, Emperor Indiansmoke I, I greet you, SilentConfusion, and your people the glorious Amazons!

The people of Merlot are truly honoured to meet your people, and we would like to state our good intentions and extend our hope for a peaceful and mutually beneficial future for both our nations!

We have met two other civilizations so far - the Vikings and the Carthaginians. The Vikings appear to be our closest neighbour in the south.

His Majesty extends his warmest wishes for negotiations for treaties and trade agreements, and your diplomats are more than welcome to visit Merlot Island.

We are looking forward to your next envoys visit!

Sir Caledorn
Imperial Diplomat of Merlot
on behalf of Emperor Indiansmoke I

Status : Sent
And here is the draft for Team CDZ. This needs a bit more input from Your Majesty before it is completed.

On behalf of His Majesty, Emperor Indiansmoke I, Team Merlot greets the glorious Team CDZ!

We are honoured to meet your people, and we are looking forward to receiving your diplomats in our lands for future negotiations. Emperor Indiansmoke I would like to state Merlots good intentions, and we extend our hope for a peaceful and mutually beneficial future for nations!

* How much information would we like to divulge in regards to the fact that we've met the Vikings and the Persians - and their/our location?
* Should we extend our wishes for treaties, trading and tech trading?

Sir Caledorn
Imperial Diplomat of Merlot
on behalf of Emperor Indiansmoke I
What is really weird is that Persia have already met Carthage :confused:

Which means that:
a. at least one of them has sent another workboat the other way (propably Persia since they just settled second city)
b. that they both did not tell us the whole story about who they met

THAT is strange indeed. Hm....
Amazon letter is OK

In CDZ letter I would say yes extend the letter with wishes for future treaties and trading.

Any thoughts anyone on the diplo front?
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