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The Glorious IOTer made althist HOI4 mod thing thread


I ain't gotta explain a thing
Oct 7, 2010
Aberdonia et Banffia
Hey remember greecemod? while we still worked on that that was actually quite fun, wasn't it?
What if we did that for HOI4?
Everyone's allowed to participate. The most basic form of participation is, of course, to create countries. Everyone can create:
ONE (1) major country (has a National Focus Tree, is an "interesting" nation in the menu selection screen)
TWO (2) regional countries (has a National Focus Tree)
THREE (3) minor countries (use Generic Focus Tree, generic weaponry as well)

What you need to do if you want to make a country is the following:
A name for the country
A set amount of provinces from the following map:

Note that in general, Minor nations are smaller, and Majors can be larger. Feel free to divide provinces up into states, and note your capital province/state on the map.
Flags for the following ideologies:
Democratic, Communist, Extreme Right-Wing
At least a ruling party name.

These are the absolute minimum you need to do.
Politics n stuff
Though I just used the three standard HOI4 ideologies above, the political system is going to be a bit more complex.
Politics can roughly be divided up into three parts - left no elections, elections, right no elections. Each part has, in turn, a total of three ideologies in that part of "government". In general, each of these three will be more inclined to work with others within its "group". Currently they don't really have any subcategories (aka how the vanilla game handles the difference between falangism, nazism, and fascism), which will come into play as the alt-hist kind of takes shape.
From left to right:
National Communism - Real world parties in this organization would include such as the Bolsheviks, Chinese Communist Party under Mao, or Hoxha's Albania.
Permanent Revolutionarism - Trotskyism falls within this group.
Indigenosocialism - policies similar to those of Tito - that socialism cannot be developed in one standard way but varies from country to country.
Republicanism - kind of your standard social democrats really
Nationalism - your liberalism and centrism.
Conservatism - exactly what it sayeth on the tin
Reactionarism - Militarist governments such as that of Jiang Jieshi, monarchist governments such as Nepal around this time, and similar autocratic states.
Synarchism - Technically kind of like falangism in this sense, but also in the more traditional sense of a "shadowy cabal" controlling the government, be that shadowy cabal religious, corporate or political in nature.
National Corporatism - kind of a very strange mixture of the Charter of Camaro, "normal" Italian fascism, and Apartheid. tread at own risk.

If you want to go into a lot of detail on your country, give each party a leader (and find a portrait!) These can be both real characters fictionalized for the TL or complete fictions using real people photos.
The bare minimum is needing a flag for each three categories, and a name for each category, but you can go even further if you so decided.

Making focuses, Tech parties, armor names, etc.
can be left up to those coding or done yourself. You do you, man.

Further stuff
If you want to do endonym names/party names, go right ahead, but do give the English translations so we can have two possibilities.
The PoD is 1848.
An example: (NOT part of the mod)
The Netherlands

Names for the Netherlands:
National Communism - Union of Dutch Worker's Councils /Unie der Nederlandsche Arbeidersvereenigingen
Perm. Revolutionarism - Dutch Worker's Republic/Nederlandsche Arbeidersrepubliek
Indigenosocialism - Socialist Republic of the Netherlands/Socialistische Republiek der Nederlanden
Republicanism - Republic of the Netherlands/Republiek der Nederlanden
Nationalism - United Kingdom of the Netherlands/Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Conservatism - United Kingdom of the Netherlands/Verenigd Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Reactionarism - Kingdom of the Netherlands/Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Synarchism - Republic of the United Provinces/Republiek der Vereenigde Provincieën
National Corporatism - Greater Batavian Dutch State/Groot Bataafsch-Dietsche Staat

Parties for the Netherlands:
NC: Dutch Revolutionary Party/Nederlandsche Revolutionaire Partij (Henk Sneevliet)
PR: Social Democratic Party (Frisian Wing)/Sociaal-Democratische Partij (Friessche Vleugel) (Henriette Holst)
IS: Socialist Party of the Netherlands/Socialistische Partij der Nederlanden (Rudolf Escher)
R: Social Democratic Party (National)/Sociaal-Democratische Partij (Nationaal) (Willem Drees)
N: Dutch National-Liberal Party/ Nederlandsche Nationaal-Liberale Partij (Pieter Gerbrandy)
C: Anti-Revolutionary Coalition/Anti-Revolutionaire Coalitie (Louis Beel)
RE: House Orange-Nassau/Huis Oranje-Nassau (Wilhelmina)
SY: Dutch Republican Front/Nederlansch Republikeinsch Front (Anton Mussert)
NCO: Batavian Coalition/Bataafsche Coalitie (Hendrik Verwoerd)

as you can see doing the bare minimum is very simple.
So with that out of the way, let's get to work!
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Something I can mod and play?! Count me in!
How many provinces should a major power have? Do we need to fill it on or can we just outline the stats that we want for our said power?
that's kind of the problem - Japan is much smaller than the USSR, for example.
I think a solid should be roughly 10 core states for majors (aka states where the VPs matter), 5 core states for regionals, and 3 core states max for minors. A state should be roughly 5-10 provinces, but some may be smaller (such as Memel being 1 province).
subscription post

Due to complaints about history wank, this submission has been withdrawn.
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Below I put "Reactionary", but what I'm angling for is a more authoritarian democrat type thing (similar to what Germany is in Kaiserreich)

My main idea is a more successful Second French Empire by Napoleon III. Victory in Mexico and Egypt increased French prestige, while the collapse of the short-lived Kingdom of Italy saw many shatter into small French dependent states.

1. Major: The French Empire
Leader: Emperor Napoleon VI http://royal.myorigins.org/pics/Prince_Victor_Bonaparte.jpg
Flag: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ce/76/b8/ce76b8df7115954a0c52f4edf25bac53.png
States: France, Savoy, Traditional French West Africa, Libya, Egypt, Belgium, Baden, Madagascar, Vietnam, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Guangzhou (I can find the specifics for these states and can parse down claims if need be)
Ideology: Reactionary

2.. Minor: The Kingdom of Spain (Allied with France)
States: Traditional Spain, Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico, wake island, Guam and midway island
Ideology: Reactionary

3. Minor: The Empire of Mexico (Allied with France)
States: Traditional Mexico, Belize, Guatemala

4. Generic: Papal States (Client state of France)
States: Rome Area, Central Italy

5. Grand Duchy of Venice (Cleint state of France)
States: Venice, Treviso
Flag: Maybe this? https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe....svg/640px-Flag_of_Republic_of_Venice.svg.png

6. Kingdom of Two Sicilies
States: Naples, Sicily

7. If I can, Grand Duchy of Tuscany (client of France)
States: Tuscany
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I quickly changed the map from just provinces to states/provinces as supplied by Terra in the map thread. If the sheer amount of provinces on the HOI4 map had you worried about participation, you can now use the base game's states as a guideline!
I am going to make a map and crap after class today, but just for tentative plans:

Major: New Afrika

France supports CSA because, unlike the UK, Napoleon doesn't give a crap about looking like he supports a bunch of slavers. Unlike most CSA timelines, the Confederacy actually stays a slaver's country, and there is tentative plans to even reopen the slave trade. Eventually, the conditions of slavery get so bad, that there is a massive rebellion, joined by the sharecroppers, and after a brutal civil war, the Republic of New Afrika is founded, a black dominated revolutionary leftist state. By 1936, the country has recovered, and there is fears that it will try to export the revolution either North, in Latin America, or even their ancestral homeland of Africa.

Minor: Australia

Eureka Rebellion managed to successfully fight off the British, which causes a full-scale rebellion against the British which is ultimately also successful. This definition of Australia also includes New Zealand, which was part of New South Wales at the time. Australia becomes a fully functioning democracy, a hybrid between the British and American systems. White Australia is gradually loosened quicker than otl, due to a realized need to attract labor to the country after cutting ties with the British Empire. Australia is a regional power, rising in influence, and its focus tree will mostly be about establishing itself a hegemony in Oceania.

Minor: lol idk. Probably something smaller than Australia, for Australia to interact with.

Generic: Kingdom of Hawaii

Australia acts as a counterweight to America, even more than the British were irl. Because both countries ultimately want the islands for themselves, neither actually gets it, and the monarchy still awkwardly exists, but liberalizing to a European standard.

Generic: Liberia

New Afrikan Revolution draws Liberia almost instantly to their orbit, due to shared cultural ties. However, ruling elites are afraid of New Afrika, due to their socialistic means of production. New Afrika will have the option of either influencing Liberia or supporting a coup of their government as their first step into Africa.

Generic: Confederate States of America

A small, shattered remant somewhere in the Carribean (maybe the Danish Virgin Islands, or maybe the government bought Puerto Rica off of Spain). Would exist mainly to get crushed by New Afrika as their first step in the Latin America path.
My Major is going to be China, I'm doing some research on the Taiping rebellion and the Opium wars first then I shall post some stuff. ^^
as far as I can see this is the current state of the world.

Also, I've started work on some leaderhead thingies, for Britain (my major)

Pictured above is Charles Spencer Chaplin, the 11th First Councillor of the Republic of Britain. Following two years of extreme unrest amongst the Chartists, the monarchy of Great Britain was overthrown in 1850. Feargus O'Connor was elected the 1st First Councillor, and ever since the Republic has had solid Republican ideals and foundings.

Well, sort of. Between 1910 and 1918, the government of the Republic was led by Michael Collin's nationalistic and highly anti-French People's Unity Party (PUP/PAD/DPA/PUP). This now-defunct party oversaw Britain's entry into the anti-France conflict on the side of many European Majors, including the VRD. Although the War of the Eighth Coalition ended in victory against France, Britain was now in a precarious situation. In being a democratic state aligned with a National Communist one, the PUP effectively alienated many trade partners the UK could have. This led to the fall of the Collins government, and the first Tory government since 1866 under the wing of the British National Conservative Coalition. William Cosgrave oversaw the rebuilding of a bombed-out South England, and of the general enrichment of most Brits, but his government became increasingly unpopular outside his native Ireland, and in 1926 Balfour's British Chartist Allegiance was reinstated to power. During the 1930 elections, Balfour made the decision to retire from politics, leaving his second in command, Charles Chaplin, to become the next leader of the BCA. Although Chaplin won handily, he was unfortunate enough to have to reign during the collapse of sterling against other currencies as well as the London Market Crash. Chaplin managed to pull through to a second term, but his position is much more precarious now.

Britain in 1936 is a land of conflict amidst steadily worsening economic prospects. In the streets, disgruntled veterans waiting on bonus payment for their participation in the 8CW demand a radical change, supported by Arthur Harris, inventor of the Republican Air Force. They clash with both Eric Blair's Social Democratic Party of Britain and Ireland, as well as the more radical left wing parties. Seemingly above it all is James Joyce's Pan-Brittanian Worker's Union, which has slowly grown into one of the major alternatives for unhappy Chartists in Wales and Cornwall, and the former Royal Family, under the leadership of the presumptive monarch Edward VI, remains seemingly neutral, though more radical Chartists fear a monarchist coup may occur...

List of all British First Councillors:
1850 Feargus O'Connor 1st
1854 Benjamin Disraeli 2nd
1858 Benjamin Disraeli 2nd
1862 Benjamin Disraeli 2nd
1866 John Russel 3rd
1870 John Russel 3rd
1874 John Russel 3rd
1878 Joseph Chamberlain 4th and 6th
1882 Arthur Balfour 5th, 7th, and 10th
1886 Joseph Chamberlain 4th and 6th
1890 Joseph Chamberlain 4th and 6th
1894 Joseph Chamberlain 4th and 6th
1898 Arthur Balfour 5th, 7th, and 10th
1902 Arthur Baflour 5th, 7th, and 10th
1906 Arthur Balfour 5th, 7th, and 10th
1910 Michael Collins 8th
1914 Michael Collins 8th
1918 William Cosgrave 9th
1922 William Cosgrave 9th
1926 Arthur Balfour 5th, 7th, and 10th
1930 Charles Chaplin 11th
1934 Charles Chaplin 11th
1938 ?
Could I have Belgium and Savoy annexed to France? Will start some work on my leaderheads. How many ministers would you recommend? Also what's all this on a defeat of France in a war recently? :|
I fully realise this is more than 6 countries so if that's not okay with anyone I'm happy to make changes.

Commonwealth of India (saffron)

Reactionary One-Party Dictatorship (In the Jiang Jieshi militarist sense, not the absolute monarchy sense)
Capital: Calcutta
Description: During [WW1], it was no secret that France was supporting the burgeoning Indian independence movement, and an alarmed Britain took a very ham-fisted attitude to affairs, declaring martial law and being unafraid to use it, jailing public figures left, right, and centre. Any Indian enthusiasm towards the war quickly turned to resentment and then to furious anger. The day after peace was signed in Europe, British soldiers fired into an unarmed crowd at the Kumbh Mela in Allahabad. The so-called Allahabad Massacre triggered a massive backlash that led to the so-called Saffron Revolution and the crashing halt of the Raj. After a brief conflict which the war-exhausted British had no real desire to fight, British withdrawal was recognised by the 1918 Jaffna Accords, one of the Collins government's last acts.

The aftermath of the Saffron Revolution resulted in the establishment of a federalist constitution, and a republic with a parliament in Calcutta, with the Indian National Congress at its supposed leadership. But that was perhaps the closest the newborn Commonwealth ever came to achieving a dream of a prosperous, unified India. No elections would ever happen. Furthermore, the regional authorities, it was clear, had the real power, especially with many military units in the hands of local politicians or princes. Through the 1920s, Madras and Bombay, once presidencies but now republics in their own right, became increasingly self-governing, even while Calcutta grew increasingly ineffectual, and, thanks to a lack of foreign support, unable to assert authority over the rest of the subcontinent.

Enter one Subhas Chandra Bose, leader of Congress's radical wing, who had amassed a personal militia. In 1933, Bose led a coup and installed himself at the head of the Indian government. He began centralising power and beginning to reassert Indian authority. When Punjab attempted to follow in Madras and Bombay's footsteps in 1935, Bose reacted with force, personally leading the Indian National Army into the province. One thing is clear; Bose will not stop until all India is reunited under him. Yet at the same time, the Burmese, the Communists, and an increasingly restless Muslim League are all rising.

Madras (dark green)
Nationalist Parliamentary Republic
Capital: Singapore, duh

Kerala (pink)
(Protectorate of Madras)
Republican Parliamentary Monarchy (lol)
Capital: Cochin
Description: The princely states of Cochin and Travanacore remained untouched by the revolution. Like nearby Mysore, they were already beginning to undergo political and social reforms when the revolution happened, and those continued more or less unintefered. Madras had no desire to forcibly integrate them, instead establishing a protectorate-type relationship. In 1925, the two states agreed to political union as the new Kerala State, a parliamentary dyarchy of sorts. Kerala in 1936 is perhaps India's most modern state, and certainly one of its most open to the outside; immigrants from the rest of India (especially Europeans and Eurasians) and from all over the world, especially East Asia, have made Cochin a highly cosmpolitan and international city.

Mysore (gold)

(Protectorate of Madras)
Nationalist Parliamentary Monarchy
Capital: Bangalore
Description: Mysore, one of the strongest of the pre-independence princely states, remained officially "neutral" during the revolution, and indeed very little changed. The British community that had settled in Mysore in fact stayed there after the revolution. The "englightened king" Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV had already been making moves towards constitutionalism and extensive social reform beforehand, and those continued into the 1920s. An unwritten arrangement was established in which Madras would be responsible for Mysore's defence. Mysore by 1936 has become one of India's most prosperous and stable regions.

Hyderabad (grass green)

Reactionary Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Baghdad
Description: Hyderabad was another one of the princely states strong enough to asset its independence during the Saffron Revolution; indeed, it actually nominally fought on the British side, the Muslim nizam of being cognizent of the fact that the state he rules is in a largely un-Muslim sea. The Hyderabadi military was too strong for the state to be annexed, and instead Hyderabad turned inwards. Hyderabad so far has managed to avoid, even while the Nizam grows increasingly desperate to retain absolute control - at the cost of his own stability, as reports filter out of the state of varied atrocities.

Bombay (indigo)
Indigenosocialist Parliamentary Republic
Capital: Hong Kong, clearly
Description: The Bombay Presidency had its own government pre-revolution, and retained it post-revolution. As Calcutta tried and failed to assert order across the subcontinent through the early and mid-1920s, it turned out to the Bombay parliament that had real authority in the western India, as it controlled the armed forces. Unlike Calcutta, Bombay State actually functioned, with regular elections and universal suffrage, including women. Through the late 1920s, one Vallabhbhai Sardar Patel came to prominence at the head of a left-wing nationalist party, speaking of his dream to unite, liberate, and change India. In 1931, Patel came to power; by 1933, he had quickly established the strength of the Bombay parliament by using military force to relieve the princes in Gujarat of their power, incorporating them into the greater state. Now, Patel, as popular as ever, has begun to consolidate power and look outwards.

Rajasthan (royal blue)
Reactionary Absolute Monarchy
Capital: Udaipur
Description: The settled if incredibly complex order of the princely states of Rajputana and Central India was thrown into complete disarray by the Saffron Revolution. Calcutta was ambivalent towards the princes, eventually deciding to leave them be in their positions so long as their states' inhabitants were given full political rights in India; this was an arrangement most were contented with, especially in faraway Rajputana.
It was, however, Sardar Patel's harsh suppression of the Gujarat princes in 1933 that really created shockwaves across the princely states of the region. Shortly afterwards, Bose took power in Calcutta, and immediately began curtailing the power of princes in Orissa and Berar in the interest of national unity. Maharana Bhupal Singh of Udaipur State gathered many of the princes of the region, and they agreed to align themselves around him. It may only be a temporary respite; both Patel and Bose now turn their eye upon Rajasthan next.

Burma (light green)
Reactionary Monarchy-Military Dictatorship Thing
Capital: Mandalay
Description: Burma has come a long way since the days of the Anglo-Burmese Wars. For many decades, it was a backwater, isolated from the rest of the world by British control of Arakan and Lower Burma and reduced to a semi-protectorate of Britain. However, with the coming of the twentieth century, things began to slowly change. The Konbaung monarchs slowly but surely introduced modernity to the country, bringing in universal education, railroads, the seeds of industry, and military reforms along British lines. However, a lack of meaningful political reform, coupled with the rapid growth of an already highly literate middle class, resulted in increasing social tension and discontentment. It was the Saffron Revolution and the subsequent disruptions of South Asia that proved the final straw. A 1929 military coup sidelined the monarch [i.e. Thailand 1932] and promised a constitution. That constitution never materialised; instead, a popularly backed nationalist faction came to the forefront, and has presided over a drastic military expansion, the clear aim being the reclamation of Lower Burma, Arakan, and Manipur - and perhaps even more. Certainly, Burma is eyeing Bose very closely.


Other changes that I didn't mention: I accidentally coloured the Andaman and Nicobar Islands orange, but that doesn't necessarily have to happen; the capital of India doesn't shift to Delhi in 1911; I was running under the assumption that there was significantly less British influence in Afghanistan, and I left that area blank so people can do interesting things there if they want to.
Could I have Belgium and Savoy annexed to France? Will start some work on my leaderheads. How many ministers would you recommend? Also what's all this on a defeat of France in a war recently? :|
1) flanders is my minor. no touchy.
2) as many ministers as you want.
3) there was no history before now there is. I'm not going to allow one particular superhypermegagigapower, because there's no fun in a world where france always wins.

Firstly, posting the map I made, for posterity. Main difference from Wouter is in Liberia. I marked the states the Confederacy claimed in light grey. If we go "Balkanized USA", I could see the CSA trying to take these states back as the Federal government collasped, which would then naturally be a part of Liberia after their civil war. I also marked a province in otl Oklahoma brown. The Confederacy and the "Five Civilized Tribes" that made most of the powerbase of the Indian Territory were allied in mutual disdain of the federal government, and since the CSA won itl, I figured that Sequoyah would be actually formed as a Native American state (in lieu of having reservations). However, Seqouyah irl missed the panhandle, which used to be part of Texas, which was surrendered as a consequence of the Missouri compromise. I figured Texas would demand that bit of land back, so that individual province should be moved to Texas.


Liberia: President Marcus Garvey

IRL, Marcus Garvey was a prominent black nationalist from Jamaica, but moved frequently around the world, where became one of the most prominent black nationalists in the early 20th century. In this timeline, he has similar origins, although the changing reality of the conditions of the United States signficantly alters his views. The dawn of what would be known as the Liberian Revolution in 1914 caused him to move to the Confederacy, where he became the political symbolhead of the revolting slaves. However, rather than advocating for a return to Africa, Garvey instead created what he called the "New Africa" theory, where revolting slaves would take political and economic power from the whites and create a new homeland for themselves in the former American South. This nation would eventually be christened as Liberia by Garvey, named after the ex-nation in West Africa that eventually joined Maryland. The final victory of the slaves in 1919 led to the formation of the New Africa Party, and Garvey spent the better part of a decade rebuilding the infrastructure and industry of the ruined South. Now, in 1936, with the nation largely rebuilt, Garvey has been emphasizing need of the liberation of the African diaspora in the Americas and in Africa proper...

BONUS: Liberia's flag:

Prime Minister Adela Pankhurst

Adela Pankhurst was a British suffragist who (both OTL and IRL), frusterated with both her family and the lack of progress of the suffragist movement in Britain, moved to Australia in 1914. Australia's suffragist movement was historically one of the most powerful and successful, having nationwide suffrage across the republic as early as 1893. Therefore, Adela found it easy to intergrate herself into the social democratic Chartist Party, and won a seat in Western Australia in the 1916 elections. Their electoral rivals, the National Party, defeated the then in power Chartist Party, and they would remain in power until 1933. Adela was one of the most outspoken critics of the National Party, and although not the official Leader of the Opposition, she was increasingly seen as such through the 1920s, until she was officially made so in an internal referendum in 1929. The victory of the Chartists in 1933 meant that Adela became the first elected female executive in modern human history, already securing her place in human history. Assuming no early elections, the next Australian election should be in 1938.

Australia's political system is a blend of the American and British system. It features a parliament, including a prime minister, but also has fixed elections.

Australia will be using the Eureka flag ITL

Hawaii: Queen Victoria Kawēkiu Kaʻiulani Lunalilo Kalaninuiahilapalapa Cleghorn (Queen Ka'iulani)

IRL, Ka'iulani, the adopted heir of Queen Liliʻuokalani, was a prominent Hawaiian nationalist and attempted to drum up sympathy for Hawaiian independence in the westafter the monarchy was overthrown. She would eventually die an early death by being caught in a storm and catching pneumonia. ITL, with the monarchy never overthrown, she is eventually succeeds her adoptive mother as the next Queen of Hawaii in 1917, where she becomes a strong figure of Hawaiian nationalism and moderity. She establishes the first Parliament of Hawaii, based off various European counterparts (although the Prime Minister is officially referred to as the
Kuhina Nui), although the Queen still holds considerable power over the legislative branch (to the point where she is still the de facto executive). Given her high internal approval ratings, this isn't necessarily seen as a problem. Currently, the Kuokoa (Independence) Party is in power, and has been enjoying being the government in power since the establishment of the parliament. There has been no early elections called for in Hawaii yet, and thus the next elections are scheduled to take place in 1937.

Maryland: Honestly going to hand this one over to Wouter because idk Liberian history. Otherwise, I'd just nominate the historical president of Liberia at the time.

CSA: General Mason Patrick

General Mason Patrick was a Confederate officer during the Liberian Revolution, which saw his nation collaspe upon itself. He was perhaps the most successful commander in the Confederate side, where he was one of the first in the world to experiment using aircraft in battle. He fled to Confederate Bahamas after the Liberian victory, where he has ruled as a military dictatorship, vowing one day that he will return back and reclaim the south for the white man...
1) flanders is my minor. no touchy.
2) as many ministers as you want.
3) there was no history before now there is. I'm not going to allow one particular superhypermegagigapower, because there's no fun in a world where france always wins.

1. Then Wallonia then I suppose.
2. KK
3. I wasn't saying that but generally when you're working on a collaborative project you usually say something along the lines of "Hey that sounds cool, what do you think of X, Y, and Z that affects your nation". I do understand that this is a project you're organizing, I'm just giving a suggestion that collaborating with players on their history can lead to a better outcome.
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Hey I'm writing about Japan as a major that has home islands + Sakhalin + Kuriles + Okinawa + Taiwan just fyi I have some baseline things written but nothing concrete yet.
Hey I'm writing about Japan as a major that has home islands + Sakhalin + Kuriles + Okinawa + Taiwan just fyi I have some baseline things written but nothing concrete yet.

Oh cool, I'm still working on China but if you want to run the major plot points by me we could create an interesting history.
Is there anything said about Malaysia and Indonesia? They're free on the map SK posted but there's a bunch of stuff on there not mentioned so I have no idea and I had some ideas for those parts.
Hmm, here is my, not totally OP Empire of Brasil :

Terretory : Basically Brasil, plus Paraguay, Bolovia, the little european colonies and Venezuela (Venezuela as occupied)

History : Diverting from our history after the tripple alliance fleet, Brasil annexed what remained of Paraguay and became a dominant power. Pedro II adopted an heir and the revolt of the army was put down by Marines nd Naval guns. After the defeat against Chile, Bolivia fell into absolute chaos, so in the end brasilian forces had to move in and in the end integrated the country. The littloe british, french and dutch colonies were simply taken while they were not looking or busy (mhhhm tasty aluminium).
Venezuela was actually conquered after a war against an Alliance of Venezuela, Peru and Argentina attacked.Brasil won, forming two unstable goverments in Argentina and Peru (No puppets) and occupying Venezuela in 1930. Venezuela was basically the birthplace of this world fascism and after decades of tyranny, many people are still so brainwashed they fight the Brasilian forces with all they have.
ALso Brasil is relativly progressive when it comes to its black population, comparable to the US in the 1970s. Native people are a bit less well integrated and accepted.
All in all Brasil acts as the dominant power of South America and in parts of Africa. They also have connections in asia.

Politics : Parliamentary Empire

Yes, this is actually possible. Very similiar to the British in our timeline, Brasil is a progressive, liberal and democratic nation here.

Partys (please those who known portugese translate, I don't know it)

- Socialdemocratic party of the Empire (Mid-left) (current goverment)
- Party of the Imperial Loyalists ( Monarchist/conversative)
- Value and Trust Church party ( Regressive)
- Conservative Gathering ( Convservative)
- Libertyparty of the people (Communists)
- Purity and Order ( Nationalists/Fascist)
- Freedom and Progress ( Progressive)
- United farmer ( liberals)

Miltiary :

A fully professional military (Only volunteers serving), with a powerfull navy and skilled army.

15 x Standard Infantry division ( 9 x inf in 3 regiment + Scout, pioneers and arty company)
5 x Marine divisons ( 8 x Inf in 2 regiments + Pioneers and scouts)

(Tech level comparable to the British in the normal game)


2 Carriers (1936) ( 20 fighter and 12 Naval bombers each)
6 Battleships ( 4 Inter war, 2 1936)
12 Hv. Cruiser ( 4 Inter war, 8 1936)
15 Lt. Cruisers ( 3 inter warr, 12 1936)
50 Destroyer ( 25 Inter war, 10 1936)
20 Submarines ( All inter war)

Airforce :

300 Fighter
150 Tac fighter
50 Naval bombers
50 tactical bombers

All inter war

Economy :

Most industry focused in Brazil, low industry in both Paraguay and Bolivia.
32 Civillian
8 Military
15 Naval Dockyards

Also, due to the economic prosper in brasil, at least several sizeable steel produtions, they found the giant iron deposits in Brasil earlier and thanks to also finding massive coal deposists in Columbia, they went heavy industry crazy in the 20s-.
Something between 150 and 200 steel for them, and maybe two times their rubber prodution.

Diplo :Forms a faction with Chile, Columbia,Siam and Uruguay ( Chile, COlumbia and Uruguay with a bit more and better industry and miltiary than in vanilla). Pacific Alliance of Democratic nations (yes Brazil has no pacific coast, who cares).

They are on bad terms with both the French and British, don't really care about the shattered remains of the United States or the rest of europe. The Imperialists, a small but raising number of people, dream of a new portugese Empire, wanting to reclaim all former portugese colonies and terretories.

Focus :

Diplomatic focus :

3 Branches :
- South American First: Focusing on uniting all of South America, defending it against foreign powers and democratise all of it.
- Atacante Brasil (Forward Brasil): Attempting to fill the vacant place of the dominant Empire, through diplomacy or force. Includes supporting Ethiopia and Siam and going against the French alliance. Should also include one small focus for the Navy.
- A new Empire : Focused on reclaiming portugese colonies in Africa and Asia, ends with conquering Portugal itself.

Economic :

One focus tree, with a small side tree :

Main tree would further develope Brasils industry and mobilize both the prodution and the recourses for war.
The side tree would be focused on developing the Amazonas, first with two infrastructure focus and finally "Native Emancipation" (only possible if a democraticor socialist/communist faction is ruling) which should give a 0,5 % modifier on national manpower.
For authocratic and fascits however there should be a different end point, something like "Share our burden", which basically mean enslaving the natives, giving a 2,5 % modifier on overall production but -5% National Unity.

Military :

Three trees :

Navy : Either home defense fleet (bonus on naval guns and destroyers), Blue water navy ( battleships and carriers) or merchant raiders (Submarines and light cruisers)

Airforce : Like shown, the brasilian air force is rather weak in the beginning, so this tree will mainly focus on closing this tech gap and improving aviation infrastructure in Brasil itself.(COuld be something like "Creating our own brand")

Army : Two Branches : Either Infantry/Arty focus which end with Special forces or Armored forces. (Either "Jungle Fighters" or " Pave the way")

Goverment :

Three branches for autocrats :

Either fascist, communist or absulte monarchist.

Two for democrazy :

- Parliamentary Monarchy ("Tradition shall guide us")(Additional national unity and less rebels)
- Remove the Emperor ("A true Republic") (More research, but a bit less unity)

Minor Powers :

Kingdom of Siam :

History : Thanks to Brazilian Help in the 1880s Siam westernized and defended Cambodia and Laos agaisnt the French, also have a bit more of Malaysia (Like in kaiserreich). Today they are close allies with brasil. They are not to happy about what is going on in Burma and India and more than once desired for Burma and wish to take Vietnam from the french (have claims on it)

Politics: Constitutional Monarchy ( pretty democratic with a stronger monarch than in Brasil)

Economy :
6 Military
14 Civilian
4 Naval Docks

More Rubber and a small (20ish) steel deposit.

Overall tech like Netherlands/Belgium

Limited Conscription

Army :
8 x Infantry (Like the Brasilian)
1 x Marines ( Like Brasil)

Navy :

6 Light cruisers
8 Destroyers
4 Sub


200 Fighter
80 Close air

(All pre war)

Minor :

Ethiopian Empire

Terretory :
Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Sudan

History : With a shattered Italy and a weakend Britain, Ethiopia could rise, supported by the south Americans, they could improve their economy and army and while they still alck in some areas, they will not fall to any europeans so fast.

Politics : Absolute Empire

Military :

8 x Division ( 8 x Inf, + Recon company)

Air force :

80 Fighter planes (pre war)

Navy :

2 Light Cruiser
2 Destroyer
3 Subs

(all pre war)

Technology : Comparable to an eastern eurpean country like Bulgaria or Greece.

Economy :

4 Military factories
10 civillian
1 Dock yard

Also maybe some small (20ish) deposits of steel and aluminium and a larger rubber production, to represent a higher developed economy.

Mini-Nation :

Königreich Neu-Kaiserwillhelm land

History: Former prussian colony, now crazy Hohenzollern enclave in asia.

Gebiete: All of Papua and New Guinea, plus the german Island colonies before ww1.

Diplomacy: We are the true Kaiserreich, we are the true heirs to Deutschland. Nobody but uz should rule germany, we are ze Kaizer.

Das should be everything ^^
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