The god's Horde.(FfHDI3)

Charadon got up and out of his fine bed of furs and deer skin.

Agares: Destroy Order,Destroy Mallys or Elves and spread Veil
Ogma: Discover the magic techs(Got most of them) and build a mage guild in Oghmapolis
Kilmorph:Be nice the dwarves,keep spreading Runes to Luchuirp now too.
Danalin:Settle the island if possilbe and build a city named Piggies!
Optional Oghma:Construct Life,Mind and Metamagic nodes,build libraries and elder councils in all cities and don't drop the science slider below 70%

I already have Elder councils in all of my cities so I only need writing for libraries.The only way to get Metamagic is researching sorcery,which is more than 50 turns alone.I set out on the trip to sailing,no wait,Optics.26 turns to be able to settle the island of Danalin.We start towards Divination to get Life and Mind nodes while building a Thane of Kilmorph and a settler for Danalin's piggies city.Beeri Bawl adopts OO while the Banananaland garrison kills an OGRE that attacks:wow:.AV and Order worshipers both live in Urslo,bound to cause some trouble.A MANTICORE is seen near my land!Who in there wrong mind added a 12/8 Manticore with 4 moves!?:mad:He eats the settler that would have built the piggies city and my stack is on the other side of Lanun borders [pissed].On the brightside however,I get Beeri to go Runes.There are also Minotaurs near me:badcomp:.We eventually build Piggies! for Danalin.We take and destroy Khandar to the NW.Beeri Bawl becomes Flauros's vassal.I publish the code of Junil.

I updated.


  • Charadon(Dumanios) FfH DI3.CivBeyondSwordSave
    471.3 KB · Views: 78
I'm going to assume that the green highlighted text infers that you've completed those objectives?
While ideas can be born from chaos, they can only be shaped through order. However, the people of the Doviello have displeased Oghma to a greater extent, the only thing tying him to the Doviello is the dedicated city. Should they fail again, then Oghma will abandom them, and as such many of the benefits that the Beastmen enjoy.

This is your last chance, Charadon. Do not fail me again.

Mandatory Objective
Build at least one library. Just one. Please quit storing books in places that keep getting soiled upon. Bonus points if built in Oghmaopolis.
Optional Objective
Construct a Mana Node for Life, Fire, Law, Mind, Metamagic, or Spirit.

There is no reward. Fail to complete the Mandatory Objectve will result in a hefty penalty however.
If you complete the Optional objective, then I will reward you with amplifying your ability in that mana type.

The Angels of Oghma are a strange bunch. They are not strong, they are not agile, they are not courageous. They are clever, intellectual, the scholars and sages that devoted their lives to the pursuit of knowledge. Oddly enough, the Angels of Oghma are often tied closely with Kilmorph's, the dilligence that they pursued their work matching that of the most devout follower of the Runes.

And perhaps Kilmorph could help Oghma in his war- if Charadon shows that he is fit to follow the two of them, then perhaps they can begin to work together to drive out the greed of Mammon, the taint of Camulous, and the brutality of Aeron. But only if she is willing, willing to pursue knowledge through the traditional route of hard work and labor.

Translation (For God's Eyes Only)
Spoiler :

Kilmorph, if Charadon does both objectives, please spawn a source of Gold underneath Oghmaopolis at the next intervention, if you feel so inclined to help out :p
Charadon was standing on the outskirts of his new city, wondering why he bothered naming it with such an insane name. His thoughts were interrupted by music coming from the city square. He went there, and found the people partying. He heard the voice of Tali in his ear.
"This is a really nice city you have here! How nice of you to name it for me! I started a party to celebrate that! Oh! I wanted to tell you that I think that you should teach you people the way of the octoputh. I think octoputhes are really cool.

Your Quest
Spoiler :
Spread the OO
try to settle on the island, if possible

Spoiler :
Gave Piggies! 10 culture and a carnival
added water-mushrooms
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