The Great Lolcat Internet Phenomenon

Do you like lolcats?

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Mark Young

Formerly Sir Eric
Feb 14, 2003
How do you feel about the lolcat phenomenon?

For those who haven't heard about it. Basically it's mostly about taking photo's of cats and adding captions to them from the cats point of view.

Here are s few examples of some lolcats.


  • lolcatBuddySystem.jpg
    237.9 KB · Views: 259
  • lolcatdingoatebaby.jpg
    34 KB · Views: 192
  • lolcatpewpies.jpg
    44 KB · Views: 166
For those who haven't heard about it.
Might wanna add in there "or have not wandered into the H&Js forum" since there is a thread dedicated for LOLcats (and other variants like LOL<pet>)
The good ones are good, the bad ones are reaaaalllly bad. But I'm glad I don't go to *****.
Might wanna add in there "or have not wandered into the H&Js forum" since there is a thread dedicated for LOLcats (and other variants like LOL<pet>)

This thread isn't neccesarily for posting lolcats, but rather to find out just what people think of the lolcat phenonenom.
Internet memes are generally stupid.

This one is no exception.
Some are relatively funny, although the language used is horrible, both grammatical and spelling. Therefore, I am indifferent.
Yep, that's a lolcat. I've seen the same piccie with a different caption.
I make absolutely no attempt to understand this or any other internet meme, but I find many amusing, a few uproariously so. Though I wouldn't go so far as to call them "teh awesome," I guess I will here as there's no "I find them mildly amusing" option.
I like them as long as they're funny. Yeah, they're stupid, but since when was that a bad thing? They're a laugh, which is more than can be said for most of the crap clogging the tubes.
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