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The High Games at The Marillion


der Besucher
Dec 7, 2001
Atlanta, GA
It's time for the next Vanir hosted competition and celebration at The Marillion. This time around we will be concentrating on horsemanship and hunting skills with a grand finale of cavalry manoevers and movement as we prepare to head for the Japanese front.

There is no entry fee and Vanir will be awarding prizes for each contest winner. Please note the contests you will be participating in and note the preferred equipment that you have. If you do not list the preferred items, you will be assumed to not have them.

This will be a multi-day event. The first day (4 December) will have the performance contests. The second (5 December) will have the hunting events. The final day (6 December) will be the cavalry events.

For the cavalry events, participants will be randomly placed into teams.

Without further ado, here are the contests:
		Subskills	Req'd Items	Pref Items
Performance 	Precision	Horse		Hunter
Steeplechase	Steeplechase	Horse		Hunter
Circuit Race	Speed		Horse		Thoroughbred
						Lt. Warhorse
High Joust	Speed		Warhorse	Heavy Warhorse
		Armored		Armor		Iron Armor
		Melee		Spear		Lance
		Shield		Shield		Iron shield
Low Joust	Precision	Horse		Hunter
		Melee		Spear		Lt. Warhorse
		Hurled		Sword	
Alpha Dog 	Canine		Dog


Pheasant	Canine		Dog(s)		Hound(s)
		Ranged		Bow		Longbow
Fox		Steeplechase	Horse		Hunter
		Canine		Dog(s)		Hound(s)

Deer		Tracking	Bow		Longbow

Bear		Canine		Dog		Hound
		Melee		Spear	
		Ranged		Bow	
Boar		Tracking	Spear		Boar Spear

Sm. Game	Avian		Bird		Falcon


Mobilization	Strategy	Horsemen

Manoevers	Tactics		Horsemen
I was hoping for an event involving distance weapons.... Alas...

The Knight of the Cedar shall enter the Steeplechase and Circuit race events. For them, I will use a hunter and throughbred (Wind of Hope) I have purchased.

I also wish to participate in the Mobilization and Manoevers events.

To all participants, the best of luck!

EDIT: new events/items
I would like to enter the small game competition and the alpha dog competition.
I would like to enter:
High Joust

All necessary skills and items are present.

If someone has a appropriate horse for the circuit race and/or steeplechase and no rider, i am willing to jump in (i dont want the money...).
Darn, if only I had a large or small warhorse, a hunter, a Thoroughbred, some animals, and some better stats...Well, better go buy those animals...:)
Ahh shaitan. Pick some random events and sign me up. If anythings required I'll just buy it :)

Don't feel like choosing right now :)
Put me down for the Circuit Race. I will be using the TB that donsig lets me use in the races in the FRLA. :) I will sign up for more, just not at the time...
i dont think i can enter into any of thoose things as i am more concentrated on fighting on 2 feet
Cyc, Prince of Manitou will join the High Games at the Marillion.
Below is the list of events I wish to enter and the equipment I will bring for it:

Performance - Hunter
Steeplechase - Hunter
Circuit Race - TB
Low Joust - Hunter
Deer - Masterworks Long Bow
Boar - Spear (3)

I am interested in signing up for Mobilization and Manuevers. Where can I find the rules for these games?
Mobilization will be moving a force of horsemen and a carted supply train from The Marillion to Valhalla, then to Kuhkaff and finally back to The Marillion (three legs). The first leg will be en masse movement. The second will be forced march and the train will be approached three times along the way by "judges" that represent raiders. Points will be deducted if the judges reach the train before an equal or greater number of horsemen can intercept. The last stage will have the vanguard separate and proceed at maximum speed while an escort force travels with the train at its best speed. This leg will have one "attack" by the judges. These use basic Strategy and the attacks will call for Tactics.

The manoevers will have the contestants trying to secure the most favorable ground and formation in several different configurations. This will be exclusively Tactical manoevering.

As many people have opted out of the Conflict Rules, Vanir will supply horse troops when needed. Of course, your own troops are preferable as they are presumably familiar with your command style already.
shaitan i think that you should have a competition just for the people that are opten into the conflict to improve people wanting to join it
I still propose a team-"capture the flag" game :)
And maybe a special "tracking" game, where you have to find a target?
I wish to change the my eqipment for the circuit race. Rather than riding a hunter, I shall ride my new throughbred, The Wind of Hope.

I also remembered I have the skill to participate in the Mobilization and Manuvers events. May I have the use of a unit of the famed Vanirian riders?
Steeplechase and Fox are the other 2 events that I want to participate in...I will use the Hunter that Strider lets me use in the FRLA...and I will probably participate in more...BTW, when is this going to be?
I want to partcipate in Circuit Race and Performance.

I will be riding Neverwinter in the Circuit Race and Aden in Performance (Both hunters)
I would like to participate in the Cavalry Events and I would also request Horse Troops be supplied to me.
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