The New Second Reich


Mar 31, 2002
Suburbs of Chicago
The New Second Reich

Hello fellow civilization players. This is a story about a WWI scenario I made with Civilization II. It does not follow history exactly, so expect surprises along the way. This is my first story, so comments are welcome. Enjoy!

Some thinsg you should know:

-WWI scenario, Civilization II

-Large Wold map

-played as Gemany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire

Part 1

-June 1914: The world, after experiencing hundreds of years of European Imperialism, a century of industrialization, a century when most industrialized nations acquired great wealth, and many years of military build-up, is divided into two hostile camps: The Triple Alliance, between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire, and the Allies, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom. Both sides support huge armies and navies, ready at a moments notice to mobilize for combat. Germany, which is fast becoming one of the world’s most powerful nations, is challenging Britain with its navy, and France and Russia with its vast army. Without a general war in Europe for almost a century, the horrors of large wars have long since forgotten. In North America, America is strengthening fast, and its navy is constantly growing. In Latin America, the many diverse countries have combined with a few other countries from around the globe to form the Neutral Alliance, committed to stay out of the arms race. In Asia, China sleeps, waiting for a call to awaken her. With the seeds of war planted, the world is a pressure cooker waiting to go off…

Chapter 1

Wilhelm seated himself at his desk. The June sunlight bathed the room in gold. The German chief of staff, Alfred van Schlieffen, entered the room. The man in his mid forties, dressed in brown, was beginning to go bald. Wilhelm had known him for many years, and they had become very good friends. “Good morning, Wilhelm,” said Alfred as he pulled up a chair to the desk.
“Good morning, Alfred,” replied Wilhelm.
“I have something I want to show you,” stated Alfred as he unrolled a large piece of paper on the desk.
“What is this?” inquired Wilhelm, as he scanned the map intensely.
“Remember this?” asked Alfred, as though he was surprised Wilhelm didn’t.
“This is the plan I came up with eleven years ago to win the war, with a few adjustments.”
“Ah, yes,” replied Wilhelm as his memory returned, “please, refresh my memory.”
“First, we will send troops through neutral Belgium to attack France. The French expect an attack along the border. They will have all of their defenses down there, while the Belgian border will be undefended. We will then sweep to the channel coast, move southward toward Rouen, and come around Paris from the south and west. We will then also have the French army at the German border trapped. With Paris captured, France will sue for peace. Then, after our troops have rested, we will transport them on the railways to the Russian border, and attack there. With France gone, we can concentrate all of our forces in the east. Russia, with its poor economic conditions, poorly laid out railroad system, and corrupt government, will capitulate rapidly. We will then concentrate our forces on defeating Britain.” Explained Alfred, as he pointed out the corresponding locations on the map.
“Looks like a sound plan,” replied Wilhelm. “Our relations with Russia are worsening because we rejected to pay her tribute of 1,500 gold. If things get much worse, we may have to put this plan into action.” Said Wilhelm, his apprehensiveness showing.
“Trust me, I will, no, we will make it work. It can’t go wrong.” Added Alfred, trying to push ahead his plan. “I suggest that we start preparing or war now. We should raise the tax rate and start buying military units instead of just waiting for them to be finished on their own.” Said Alfred.
“Ok, Alfred, just tell me what you think we should do, and I’ll make it happen,” said Wilhelm as he accepted the plan.

-Germany prepared for war. It bought artillery, cavalry, and riflemen units, and strategically placed submarines to pick at ships caring units to Europe. By August 1914, Russia was getting increasingly frustrated because Germany was constantly saying no to her demands.
The Next Installment:

Chapter 2

Late one night, just as Wilhelm was about to leave his office, Alfred almost busted down the door as he ran into the room. “What’s so important?” asked Wilhelm.
“Russia has just declared war on us. Russia demanded tribute, we rejected the demand, and they declared war, just like that. Then, we sent a rifleman unit to destroy an artillery unit to the west of Warsaw, and Britain and France declared war us,” said Alfred, still in shock of the quick pace of the recent events, “Wilhelm, this is it. This war, I feel, will determine the fate of Germany.”
“Well, then, follow our plan. Only this time, if there is no resistance at the border, sent cavalry units into the heart of France to destroy units before they can get to Paris.” Instructed Wilhelm, as he called in his other advisors into the room. The war had begun.

-Germany immediately made an offensive towards Paris. The city was shelled intensely as its defenders were picked off, one by one. Eventually, still in August, Paris fell. The city of lights, the city of the Eiffel Tower, the city ranked fourth best in the world, was now in the hands of Germany. Wilhelm immediately instructed all of the entertainers in the city to become tax collectors to help support the German war effort. Partisans sprang up outside of the city. Cavalry units attacked French units deep in the heart of France so they couldn’t join the battle for Paris. Nantes and Marseille fell the same month. With few losses, the Germans next captured Brest and Bordeaux. France was conquered in only two turns.
hey, as my sig. says, this is kcck...I'm work'n on it...
Wilhelm Triumphant:

Chapter 3

Wilhelm and Alfred toasted each other at a rather formal social held for all those in the upper levels of the German government to celebrate the fall of France. After chatting for a few hours, the two went off to a secluded corner of the room to discuss business. “The German people owe you much, Alfred.” Said Wilhelm, complimenting on a job well done.
“Thank you, Wilhelm,” replied Alfred, “Now, I believe we should turn to the east, and take care of Russia.”
“What about Britain, Alfred, for they are still safe and sound on their island,” asked Wilhelm.
“Our submarines shall continue destroying all ships heading to or coming from Britain, and our navy shall continue to attack British ships wherever they may be,” replied Alfred, confident of his plan. “We should attack Russia with as much force as we attacked France. We must use artillery to shell cities, and use cavalry to penetrate the front lines into Russia. With Russia’s corrupt Monarchy and weak economy, it should fall quickly.”
“I understand Alfred,” said Wilhelm, “but I believe we should somehow attack Britain, or at least send our glorious battleships to engage their “battleships” in the North Sea.”
“Don’t worry,” said Alfred, trying to comfort Wilhelm,” the British can wait. Our expansion into the east cannot.”

-After waiting a turn to rest, German forces drove into Russia, capturing Riga, Warsaw, Minsk, and Kiev all in a single turn. With this great advance, no single square of original eastern German territory now bordered a single Russian square. With almost all of Russia’s offensive units destroyed in a single turn, the end of the war in the east seemed near.
Germany continued its naval war with Britain. With France capitulating, and most of what little naval forces Russia had to start with, Britain stood alone on the high seas. Now, a large portion of the British fleet floated in the North Sea, waiting for the German fleet to come out of hiding…
You should do the same with a Third Reich (WWII) game.
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