The "OMG! Look what happened!" Thread

He might have Varietas Delectat. Some unit could then look like a camel archer.
Haven't played Civ in a while, so this might not be that weird. But I decided to start as America from 3000 BC just to see how things went with the latest patch, and was surprised to see a Turkey this big. They even have France and Portugal as vassals, and had Arabia as a vassal when I spawned but Arabia soon switched to being an English vassal.

Spoiler :


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Civs are a bit too eager to vassalize peacefully. I'll just increase the VassalPowerModifiers in LeaderHeadInfos.
The screenshot says it all. I wonder why they've conquered Jerusalem and lost Alexandria though, since the general is in Africa.


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Haven't played Civ in a while, so this might not be that weird. But I decided to start as America from 3000 BC just to see how things went with the latest patch, and was surprised to see a Turkey this big. They even have France and Portugal as vassals, and had Arabia as a vassal when I spawned but Arabia soon switched to being an English vassal.
It's not that unusual to see Turkey expands so much.
I see them conquering north Africa and Arabia if there are only independents there.

In my last game as Russia with a 600AD start (I hope I can find a save to post the screenshot) I saw Turkey extending from the Mediterranean sea to the Bay of Bengal (they conquered those two town in north India).
Yeah I was playing a game recently.

Persia had turks + egypt + khmer as vassals.

Egpyt collapses persia+tukey conqueror egpyt then declared on Rome. Persia managed to conqueror carthage + that city in morroco iol cesera so they basically had a city on the Atlantic.

They also declared on India (lost khmer as a vassal managed to vassalise India)

But then they collapsed. But empire streched from across north africa, Turkey (inc istanbul). Jerumsalem/Iraq/Syria/Iran/Casusus/Iran/Afganistan up to Samarkand/Pakistan + had India as a vassal.

They were also as war with Arabs which they would have won and could of vassalised them.

I am tempted to up the stability. but I suppose this Empire was over streched. They needed to give their north African cities to their Turkish vassal. But the AI doesnt know how to do this which is a shame.

They also had 1 city in India they could have given back.
I Just had a very OMG game where turkey had conrtol of pretty much all of europe and africa and half of asia. Russia had northern europe to mongonlia, I spain had south america (apart from a small Dutch bit), the carribean and mexico. america had america and canada and australia was independant. will try and get screenshots.

as im already posting: how do you get the scoreboard to show their dynamic names? mine just shows Egypt, America, Russia...??
In a python file called "CvMainInterface", or something like that, there is a line "getCivShortDescription". Replace that with "getCivDescription", and it's done. It's around line 2990.
Wessel... although I do love that Italy looks like a Jigsaw puzzle, the thing that shocked me the most... was that you navigated the Atlantic without Calendar.
^It isn't impossible: he may have traded maps and got the Aztec city as a present. Unlikely, but possible.
I thought when you trade world maps with somebody who has their map centered, your map becomes centered...
For once the right civ has built the Moai Statues : the Natives ! (I know Mombasa is rather far from Easter Island but still.)

I guess it's because everybody else started in the Middle Ages in 600 AD start and couldn't build them because it was considered to early. I don't play 600 AD start a lot, so maybe it happens more often than that.


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Border messes are not uncommon. The situation in Italy become very strange though..

Turn 91 without calendar and you're in Okhotsk via the New World, with a conquered Aztec and a conquered France and a vassalized Portugal... hmmm, worldbuilder much?
You don't need calendar for optics. You don't even need calendar for the UHV (conquer England, France and the Netherlands and then build a settler in an Aztec or Incan city). I killed Portugal without the "exploit", my cities were Santiago, Zaragoza and that city north of the clam in the south, Sevilla I believe. I also started to build Knights early, so conquering France was not that difficult, although they conquered Rome very early, so they had Pikemen and Knights. I can assure you that I haven't used the world builder. I actually lost some settlers and lots of workers to Dog Soldiers because I was too lazy to care about their safety, and yet I did not open the world builder. The reason why the terrain is so bright, is that I used the "view terrain" button to better show the difference between the borders. So, I did not use the world builder for any purposes in that game.

EDIT: Actually it's better to skip calendar until you've met China, Khmer and Japan. Don't trade a useful tech to the Europeans, buy them from the Khmer, the Aztec or the Inca.
You don't need calendar for optics. You don't even need calendar for the UHV (conquer England, France and the Netherlands and then build a settler in an Aztec or Incan city). I killed Portugal without the "exploit", my cities were Santiago, Zaragoza and that city north of the clam in the south, Sevilla I believe. I also started to build Knights early, so conquering France was not that difficult, although they conquered Rome very early, so they had Pikemen and Knights. I can assure you that I haven't used the world builder. I actually lost some settlers and lots of workers to Dog Soldiers because I was too lazy to care about their safety, and yet I did not open the world builder. The reason why the terrain is so bright, is that I used the "view terrain" button to better show the difference between the borders. So, I did not use the world builder for any purposes in that game.

EDIT: Actually it's better to skip calendar until you've met China, Khmer and Japan. Don't trade a useful tech to the Europeans, buy them from the Khmer, the Aztec or the Inca.

Okay, that makes more sense. Nevermind then :)
Border messes are not uncommon. The situation in Italy become very strange though..
Wait, how is there French culture in southern Italy, when France has been destroyed? (That is French culture, right?)
Outdated map, I assume.
Can you clarify?
I'm not deriving the fact that the French have been destroyed off his story, but off the scoreboard.
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