The Realms Beyond - Succession Game Discussions

I'd be very interested in participating in a variant SG (though preferably no higher than Prince difficulty unless you're willing to put up with a few mistakes :)) - I really enjoyed Epic1, and I think my play would improve more quickly with some feedback/input from others. I keep missing signups, though - I blame it on living in Europe :)
Sirian, please take me off the roster for RB? as I have joined another SG game. I do believe this will disqualify me from this particular SG as you want people that have not played a SG before (still havent had my turns but on the way).
Thanks for the opportunity though and hopefully I'll be able to join a RB-SG in the future.
Ok. other than the holidays I should now be able to participate in an SG with out restriction.

although I havn't been in an SG I would like to try
hmm well I'm in 3 sg's as of right now and not a single one is blessed by the RB monker~!

alas if SG's weren;t so effing addictive and fun, I'd say playing the non rb kind a waste of my time! as it is, I'll pick up on an rb branded sg later, having far too much fun with the commoners!:D

Many many more SG's in my future, they really take the civ experience up a few notches as if CIV needed that!!!!!:eek:

Anyway I spied a copy of Moo on sirian's new pc so I have the feeling I'm already part of the crowd at least spiritually.

pardon me while I send stardock another email pleading them to delay gal civ 2 for the sake of my sleep time!:lol:

Sadan01 said:
Sirian, please take me off the roster for RB? as I have joined another SG game. I do believe this will disqualify me from this particular SG as you want people that have not played a SG before (still havent had my turns but on the way).

The delay involved is my fault, so you shouldn't be penalized for that!

You're still in, if you want to play. If not, I'll try to find someone worthy to take the slot.

Please let me know! :)

- Sirian
Sirian said:
The delay involved is my fault, so you shouldn't be penalized for that!

You're still in, if you want to play. If not, I'll try to find someone worthy to take the slot.

Please let me know! :)

- Sirian

Ok Sirian, if it is fine with you, then keep me in as I would love to be involved in a Realms Beyond game. How's that for brown nosing?! :lol:

Thanks! :goodjob:

Liquidated, RB runs MoO1 SG's here on this site. Check the Other Games/Master of Orion forum, check at RB, or, if all else fails, PM me (again) for details :)
Checking in folks. I recently got a copy of the game, and though my playtime is limited, I may be up for a succession game or two once I get better acclimated to the game.

Always nice to see old friends and lots of newcomers around these parts.
Ok, how does one get involved in one of these RB SG games? All of them so far seem to already have had full rosters the minute they've been posted. Am I missing something?
Could always be pro-active and start your own game. :) Guaranteed a spot then.
Speaker said:
Gotta be fast and set this thread as your homepage.


Man, I hope it's not really that bad. :)

The good news is, you ALWAYS have a spot in the Epics, guaranteed. So maybe check that out. (If you've played and reported an Epic, you qualify to launch your own RB SG. Just have to observe the series rules.)

- Sirian
Well, I would have played the first epic, except I had exams right up until the 17th, and not only that, but my computer was in for repairs and didn't even get back until yesterday :(. I will definitely play the next one, though.
Anyway, is it possible to get put on some sort of preliminary list for RB7, whever someone decides to run that?
Uniqueuponhim said:
Anyway, is it possible to get put on some sort of preliminary list for RB7, whever someone decides to run that?

It's possible, but there is no formal procedure for it. It's up to whoever launches the next game as to how to manage the details and the roster.

- Sirian
Uniqueuponhim said:
Well, I would have played the first epic, except I had exams right up until the 17th, and not only that, but my computer was in for repairs and didn't even get back until yesterday :(. I will definitely play the next one, though.
Anyway, is it possible to get put on some sort of preliminary list for RB7, whever someone decides to run that?

Same as me. I'll keep checking this thread though :goodjob: guys really managed to get me to sign up for another forum or two just for the great community. :)

I had a blast playing Epic One and enjoy reading about the SGs a lot. So I figured it might be ok to jump into uncharted waters and try it out.

I'd love to participate in a SG after the holidays if you'd except a not-so-perfect-maybe-even-quite-bad-player amongst your ranks.
You are somewhat scary! :)
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