The Russian and the Cossack.


Nov 6, 2001
After trying multiple Civs I must say I think the Russians are my personal favorite for Start/Midgame. Being Expansionary allows you to uncover a large portion of the map while picking up numerous "goody" huts along the way plus it allows you to get a better idea of how to shape your empire. Its great pumping out two scouts (for a total of three) and letting them scour the countryside for all huts. Chances are you are going to pick up at least one or two settlers along the way plus alot of valuable Technology. Maybe even a warrior or two.

All that technology your Scouts get from the huts are going to be invaluable when coupled with your Scientific traits. I'm playing a game with 15 Civs right now and each turn Im bringing in +500 gold from PerTurn Gold I've gotten in exchange for my Techs. This allows me to have 80% in Tech and 20% in Luxury which helps battle War Weariness in my multiple wars. As soon as you discover Gun Powder and Military Tradition you can start building Cossacks and then things really get interesting.

I had just discovered Nationalism and gained access to some SaltPepper which was when I noticed I could start building Cossacks. The English and the Chinese were getting a little too close for comfort, setting up new cities in the most ridiculous places and I had had enough. I changed my production to Mobilization and just start pumping out the Cossaks. In about 5 turns I had 30 Cossacks heading for the two fronts. The high speed at which I was producing them due to Mobilization and the fact they are so powerful [6/4/3] allowed me to just roll over both the Chinese and the English in record time. Granted Im only playing on Prince mode but I was happily surprised just the same. Now Im looking for my next Civ to conquer as I now have 50+ Cossacks roaming my Empire.

In conclusion, I feel the Expansionary/Scientific combination plus the addition of the Cossack unit make Russia they best Civ I have ever used. Definately worth trying out for yourself.:D
Russian civ rules!!
I played the Russians in my most recent game and the cossacks are really good. I had cossacks in my army even long after I discovered tanks because of their higher movement rate.
I don't think that Cossacks is the coolest russian unit. :king: And I think the all civs should have ONE UU in EACH eras! In this case cossacks can be good unit in Middle Ages, but in Modern ages Russians MIGs can be fighting vs F-15. :):):)

What about it?
"Chances are you are going to pick up at least one or two settlers along the way plus alot of valuable Technology"

Or find yourself stepping on the wrong hut and end up angering a horde of barbarians. ;)
Sadly, that is all I've been finding in my search for little huts.
>that is all I've been finding in my search for little huts.

I have been played only 4 Russia (Expansionists, right? :)), restart game MANY times and NEVER seen any barbarians in huts.
You have to take the chances :cool:
Most of the time you'll get more good stuff than bad stuff.
Being expansionisitic dramatically reduces (or perhaps eliminates) the chances of encountering the huts that spawn 3 barbarians on you upon entry. There is also an increased chance of getting something good (like technology, a warrior, etc.).

It's a VERY strong early game trait that can give you a significant leg up if you crank out 1 or 2 additional scouts very early.
Russia rocks. I've switched to them frm playing romans, and they really agree with me. Plus my great-uncle was commander of the Moscow Tank Academy so it's in my blood. And cossacks are brilliant - I think the best UU, with competition coming only really from the hoplite, immortal and Panzer.

I love using my Cossack horde to bring the nekulturny hordes under the control of the Rodina!
Hmmm. I build Cossack very rarely because of lack of strategic resourses. And I think that +1 def to cavalry is... hmmm... NOT enough to call this unit a Unique... I am displeased of this game at all. :(
This is off-topic:

Is Siberia cold? ;) Never been there myself but I've read in books that it is cold, especially at this time of the year. Also, that in Russia, anyone who was disobedient would get sent there, for treatments... :cool:
Originally posted by element|Z
The only problem with russia is that the leaders picture/animation is of an ugky old woman ffs :love:
I'm working on this right now and replaicing Cath. with Peter the Grate
Originally posted by WarandPeace
This is off-topic:

Is Siberia cold? ;) Never been there myself but I've read in books that it is cold, especially at this time of the year. Also, that in Russia, anyone who was disobedient would get sent there, for treatments... :cool:

I used to live in Vorkuta for a while;) That's almost as far north as it gets.
It is very cold but you get used to it. Also you get day for half a year and night for half a year.:cool:
Originally posted by Hommer
Hmmm. I build Cossack very rarely because of lack of strategic resourses. And I think that +1 def to cavalry is... hmmm... NOT enough to call this unit a Unique... I am displeased of this game at all. :(
I love cavalry. +1 defence? That's even better! I don't have to have rifleman protecting them! I agree it is not the best, but it is definetly usefull!:goodjob:

WarandPeace Is Siberia cold?

Somethimes, especially in winter. :) I live in the sothern part of Siberia, in a big city, so I don't feel much cold. However in this winter there was a temperature of -50C. Yes, this is not tropics. :)

Right now the temperature above zero and there is no snow at all. This is strange - in European part of Russia (and even in Baltic countries) snow is already laying. :):):)


So, I can say that real Cossaks had not been a Cavalry +1 def. :) They was a WAR SETTLERZ! A Siberia at all was colonized (and sometimes conquered) by Cossacks without any help of Russian Government! :D

But Sid Meyers Civilopedia say that Russians was a Vikings. Wow. :lol:
Yeah this is debatable
The origin of the Russian peolpe is not exactly clear and writing that they are Viking descendants is not correct
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