The Struggles of Man (OOC)

Based on the renamed thread title, I think we'll be using an IC thread for our stories and this one for OOC discussion.
Also, all ready to go as Arabia Raspur...
Yes, we will be using an in-character thread for the actual stories, but this one will be maintained for out-of-character discussion.

I was wondering, does anyone have any preference on a map type? I had intended to use some kind of continents map, but I'm open to suggestion.
No preference here. I guess I'd be most in favor of a Terra or Pangea. In both cases everyone will start on the same continent which I think will be best for storytelling ripeness.
I'm not sure how custom mapscripts work with GMR (I believe only the first player, whose game generates the terrain, would need it?), but I really like the PerfectWorld3 script. It generates fun and realistic terrains and could be the best of both world as PW3 maps have several continents but these are more often than not connected by coastal water in some places. And if we want Terra it has a "start on largest continent" option putting everyone on the same landmass.
I'd prefer PerfectWorld, but the Communitas map script could maybe be used as a back-up. If neither would work, roll with a regular Continents map.
Okay, so if it's okay with everyone, I'm going to use the PerfectWorld3 script, if I can figure out how to use mods.

Here we go, everyone.
Okay, game has been started, and I'm am using the Raze Capitals mod and Perfect World 3. So, anyone who doesn't have these mods needs to download them in order to play their turns.

We're underway!
I found two Raze Capitals mods by the same creator, which one do you have?

Edit: Never mind, it seems like one of them is BNW compatible while the other one isn't.
Don't you have the app? It will do it for you automatically.

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Taking my turn now! Got to say, I am pumped none of you chose a European civilization. I have already planned a rough progression of my civilization's story to encompass many of the major European civilizations today. I think it will definitely make for an interesting story!
Random point, but you might want to set up a "Struggles of Man (IC)" thread, Heerlo, for us to post our stories in. That way we'll have an OP to act as a table of contents and a single thread for the entire overarching story.
What exactly is the limit on RPing-based actions?
Like, could I claim my whole continent for myself and declare war on anyone else who steps on it and aggressively attack them when they do so, even when I am vastly inferior militarily and doing so is essentially suicide?

EDIT: I feel I should clarify that this is not my exact plan, just an example.
EDIT2: And on a related note, can we use elements of our civilizations actual history/religion, or should we focus on a more unique story?
What exactly is the limit on RPing-based actions?
Like, could I claim my whole continent for myself and declare war on anyone else who steps on it and aggressively attack them when they do so, even when I am vastly inferior militarily and doing so is essentially suicide?

I guess you could do that if you think it'd make for a good story, but what I'm going to do is limit myself by what I would consider plausible. So, I wouldn't claim my whole continent, but I might claim an area around me and declare on anyone who tried to settle in that area.

EDIT: I feel I should clarify that this is not my exact plan, just an example.

Oh, sure...:p

EDIT2: And on a related note, can we use elements of our civilizations actual history/religion, or should we focus on a more unique story?

I think you can do whatever you want. Since the various Uniques of our civs are roughly linked to some aspects of the real-life civilizations, it might be a good idea to work in some of the historical elements to justify why this nation has this UU.
Random point, but you might want to set up a "Struggles of Man (IC)" thread, Heerlo, for us to post our stories in. That way we'll have an OP to act as a table of contents and a single thread for the entire overarching story.

Sorry, I've been meaning to, just had a busy day today. Should be up soon.

What exactly is the limit on RPing-based actions?
Like, could I claim my whole continent for myself and declare war on anyone else who steps on it and aggressively attack them when they do so, even when I am vastly inferior militarily and doing so is essentially suicide?

EDIT: I feel I should clarify that this is not my exact plan, just an example.
EDIT2: And on a related note, can we use elements of our civilizations actual history/religion, or should we focus on a more unique story?

I guess you could do that if you think it'd make for a good story, but what I'm going to do is limit myself by what I would consider plausible. So, I wouldn't claim my whole continent, but I might claim an area around me and declare on anyone who tried to settle in that area.

Like I said in the OP, I don't want to be too strict on what you can and can't do concerning roleplaying. You can make such claims if you want, but just keep in mind that other players will more than likely not recognize them. You don't want to be seen as a crazy land-grabber and get the whole world after you. ;)

I think you can do whatever you want. Since the various Uniques of our civs are roughly linked to some aspects of the real-life civilizations, it might be a good idea to work in some of the historical elements to justify why this nation has this UU.

It really just depends on how you want to write. You don't have to be restricted to your civ's historical characteristics, but in some cases in might be good to borrow a little from real life, as the Majah has pointed out.

An example is my civ, Korea. I will probably need to explain at some point in the story why my nation is so science based, and I'll need to find some way to incorporate that into the story. So I might have to borrow some elements from real-life Korean history.
Story thread created, for anyone who wishes to go ahead and post anything.
I've posted my first story post. I plan to divide up my posts between historical texts written by a Lucius Ciones Graeca in 1200 AD and posts from the point of view of contemporary leaders and people. I think writing from the point of view of someone thousands of years in the future without knowing what could possibly happen between now and then will present interesting challenges. Looking forward to thinking on my feet :crazyeye: On the other hand, I know it will also come in handy story-wise to write from the point of views of leaders. Hoping the mix of story techniques will keep things interesting.

I assume no story contest this month since we are only just starting?

EDIT: Also, just to help everyone in their writing concerning my civ. Our "official" name will change throughout depending on who is in charge and what cultures have developed, however in general my civilization can be called "Europa" and people that live in it can be called "Europaens". (I'm sure you see what I did there. I'm VERY creative).
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