• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Tribal Elders of Delphi

Good News PEOPLE! It seems there are open territory to the east of our capital with a good spot by the sea with 2 fish ressources.

We had an invasion of barbs I took care off using hills for the great defense of our capital. We are pushing them back in their territory

Spoiler :

For Assur. I think we might need another worker. Our only worker has finished repairing our damaged stone and marble quarry. He is now waiting in the cotton field instruction of going to Assur or stay there and make another cotton plantation. Bought a tile between the mountain pass to seal of the west passage from Siam and the dutch. As long as we dont have a open borders with them we are garanteed to be alone to settle the west.

Spoiler :

Milan situation: Milan sent emissaries to request our help against barbarians causing great trouble within their kingdom. I emperor decided to send our Assurian warriors to a known barbarian camp in order to help our relationship with Milan. (4 tiles north of Milan)

Spoiler :

We are also reasearching Bronze Working
As for the election i will continue to represent the peacefull candidate. I you vote for me I promise you peacefull relationship with Siam and the Dutch.

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Any plans by anyone?

I'd like to add a Minister. Diplomatic Minister. His first job would be to decide if we should trade embassies with other civs sharing our continent. They already contacted us for this and I refused waiting for the council approval.

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For trade, we should first research Animal Husbandry, to create a caravan, since our capital is an inland city, we need inland trade routs.

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We were going Bronze -Wheel-Math as discussed earlier and decided by the minister of Science Mr King Kong

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So there is no trade until then
Well, I hope our economy will stand strong until then.

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Dostayer i'm with you. No need for early war even more since we just cutted the path for a western expansion to Siam. The country is controlled by the bellicist party. Maybe Mr Kong can change his mind.

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I'm proposing a change of order: after we finish our current research we will research Animal Husbandry for trade income, in addition, the trade will increase our science output.
Lets vote!
How is our economy holding up at the moment? I'm happy to go with a tech/policy change if needed, but I feel war with Siam is inevitable eventually so if we are okay financially we should destroy them early (before negative "You killed everyone" negative diplomacy buffs with other civs) :)
So long as we're prepared to go to war in about 30 turns from now, I'm happy. I just don't want us to be caught off guard.
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