The Wall Street Occupation

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I just hope it lasts long enough for me to check them out when I'm there soo- INTEGRAL WE ARE MEETING UP :D
Although I'm all #occupy over here (see avatar, for example) I'm seeing some pretty ridiculously fallacious arguments on both sides. So, at the risk of EVERYONE, regardless of which side they are, gangbanging me:

Police curbing constitutional right to free speech, police brutality. Yeah, that's jackbooting alright. Fascism from the 1%ers alright.

Are you kidding me. I don't even. If you call this fascism you don't know fascism. End your ridiculous hyperbole.

Same argument can be said for the Tea Party :rolleyes:.

But see, that doesn't make his argument wrong. All it does is attempt to circumlocute around the question by putting the opponent on the defensive.

I was at the grocery store last week and noticed a gaggle of OWS protestors outside a Game Stop at the same strip mall, signs and all. I couldn't figure out what they were doing but as I got closer I noticed the poster on the door that read "MW3 Release Today!"

Yay, nothing like stereotyping.

Police have closed the camps in Portland and Oakland. Looks like this may be wrapping up soon.

What a non-sequitur...

You don't follow the law, the police make you. Pretty simple.

Yup. Sort of like how runaway slaves DESERVED to be caught and beaten, amiright?

Except as has been pointed out over and over again the behavior that is routine from OWSers was nonexistant at Tea Party rallies.

And the composition of the Tea Party is not that of OWS. OWS consists of people who are far more oppressed and maligned by the system.

It's gonna be a cold winter in Boston and NYC...

I have faith OWS will persevere. However I could prove wrong, at which point I will become utterly disillusioned with America, as I was prior to this, due to America's complacency.
Are you kidding me. I don't even. If you call this fascism you don't know fascism. End your ridiculous hyperbole.

What the? Rebuked from another OWSer?! Why I never! It's neither a hyperbole nor ridiculous!!
It really isn't Fascism at all...
What a non-sequitur...

Why? Police across the country, including two of the biggest sites, are flat out evicting overnight protesters. You won't be able to "camp", or even really "occupy" anything anymore. Protesting a random city park doesn't have much of a point anyway.
It really isn't Fascism at all...

...I'm just ticked off when conservatives and people against the OWS movement just disregards it and state that we deserved the actions by the police.
Things could get nasty Thursday if they try to shut down Wall Street.

Maybe this is the last harrah. It will be getting super cold soon, and they want to go out with a bang.

I do support the movement in theory. The thing is many if these kids have ipads, and support big companies like Apple, I really question their cause. Is it genuine? I agree with Wall Street Reform, a bailout should have never been necessary in the first place.

Like I said, I support most of their causes, but a post above made me laugh about these kids being oppressed. They aren't oppressed. They just lack the job skills necessary to get a job.

I do agree the wage disparity has grown to enormous levels, but I don't agree that rich people should give money to unemployed people to sit on their ass. Make these punks work. So how do we correct the wage disparity? I think greater unionization is the answer. Unions are dying, and it's time to create new ones. The old ones are too corrupt, it's why the unions are slowly dying.
I do support the movement in theory. The thing is many if these kids have ipads, and support big companies like Apple, I really question their cause. Is it genuine? I agree with Wall Street Reform, a bailout should have never been necessary in the first place.

So now all big companies are part of the finance industry that OWS is directing most of its protests against?
I do support the movement in theory. The thing is many if these kids have ipads, and support big companies like Apple, I really question their cause.
The projection is mainly to big banks and other entities in the financial sector. I doubt Coca-Cola has anything to do with the financial sector.

They just lack the job skills necessary to get a job.
To be honest, there is a catch 22 going on with recent grads. You need the job skills to get the job, but where do you get the job skills if even an entry level job has requirements? That's a barrier to entry in most people's eyes and it's what's ticking many of the youth off. Even grunt work to use as a jump pad is hard to come buy and been outsourced to China or India just because labor is cheaper there.

Then there's the factor that even McDonnalds won't hire you because they know you will bolt to a better paying job later on, especially if you have a degree. So they offer the "you're too overqualified" excuse.

but I don't agree that rich people should give money to unemployed people to sit on their ass.
This generalization just irks me. Sure there are some unemployed people who abuse the system. It's quite unfair to lable all unemployed people getting paid to sit on their butts. We are in a harsh jobless recession with scarce jobs all around. I will attest that there are unemployed people are actively trying to find jobs or putting themselves back to school. "Make these punks work" is not going to cut it if employers add barriers to entry by turning down long term unemployed and use of the overqualified excuse to turn potential employers away.
Uhm, didn't they do a survey on the OWS protestors that showed about 70% of them are employed? In fact, the joblessness percentage was higher with the tea party.

So yeah, you can deplore their tactics but "Get a job" is not a valid argument against their argument that today's society is unjust. That it favors monied interests over the interests of the rest.
I can believe they have a job, at least some of them. And like I said above, the protest isn't just against the big banks, it's against wage disparity. And I agree with them. A CEO doesn't do 1000X the amount of work I do, he doesn't even have 1000X the responsibility, so why should he get 1000X my pay?
Uhm, didn't they do a survey on the OWS protestors that showed about 70% of them are employed? In fact, the joblessness percentage was higher with the tea party.

So yeah, you can deplore their tactics but "Get a job" is not a valid argument against their argument that today's society is unjust. That it favors monied interests over the interests of the rest.
Strange, if I had a job. I would not even give OWS a second glance.
In order to encourage others to better themselves.......

I'm not saying they shouldn't get paid well. But how many millions of dollars does one person really need? I have no problem with CEO's, or basketball players making millions. I just would like to see a little more of the trickle down effect.
Its a fad, a good portion are there for no other reason that its the hip thing to do and they want to be able to pretend they were as cool as their parents as 60's rallies, which were also fake as hell.

Its exactly why Micheal Moore and Aleck Baldwin showed up at the rallies, you need your pop culture credentials in order. OWS is big buisness, and the rules of propinquity apply.

Oddly enough, as soon as I watched the foodage of Alec Baldwin at the NYC rally a commercial with him advertising for Capital One came on. Need I say more?

...I'm just ticked off when conservatives and people against the OWS movement just disregards it and state that we deserved the actions by the police.

Really? As if the police had stumbled on a well intentioned group of protesters? Please...
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