The World of Odysseus -Beta

I've downloaded and installed the beta version of the World of Odysseus. It looks great! Obviously, a lot of work has gone into it. One minor question: the map. I have not been able to to start a game with a 'real' map. I assume that there is one complete map, per the above "beta Progress" report. I've started the game several different times and ways, and I either must choose a public map, or a generated map. How do I start a game with the map shown in your screenshots above? Thanks for your help.

You just had to open the odyssey mod folder (normally C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Mods\)
dobble-click one of the worldbuilder-files,
the mod will run direct, because i but into the wb-file the line: ModPath=Mods\Odyssey\

instead of this, you could create a PublicMaps folder at the same place and put the wb-files into it (this is the normal way civ4 goes).

Thanks for the compliment, please tell me your inspirations after your testround.
I really like the mod, compliments! Good regular gameplay combined with some nice surprises (creatures etc.) and great art. I noticed some unfinished things (technology Xx for example), but this could very well become a great one. Maybe some more surprising events or rewarding voyages could add to the fun. Looking forward to the future patch you mention, keep it up!

The Highking of Hellas Papandon declares that he starts a New Odyssey to Ithaka. His ship is ready to leave the harbour.

Although Hellas needs a bailout this Mod is still in progress.

Just three weeks for the next patch with many new stuff.

P.S. Did anyone had an idea how to integrate the actual situation in this mod?


  • Papandrey.JPG
    18.7 KB · Views: 1,388
Idea to integrate? Easy! A troubled hellenic kingdom seeks Heroes to save it from collapse. The would-be hero or heroine must simply defeat the beast BadManagement (translate into Greek), capture the golden treasure and deliver it to the King. hehehe

No wait. Your Greek kingdom is on the brink of economic collapse and you have to seek help from Brussels... erm... Rome. This opens up for the Roman incursion into Old Greece. it could possibly be done with some tweaks to the vassalage system.
Hasn't that simply being transcribed into the Greek alphabet, rather than being translated into Greek? :)
Information about the next patch.

I already have integrated some more story elements and new leaders: Kalypso, Hera and Helos. But i need to finish the techtree before i upload the patch. So it takes a bit longer for the next patch. Next date for the release is the beginning of June...

Another good news: charle88 works on a LH for a greek queen:)
Too bad, The World Of Odysseus doesn't run on the Mac. Is the main dll change the number of civs that take part? Because in this case I'd ask for a Mac friendly version.

It's already fun to browse through the unit art with Nifskope. It looks like you have tweaked some skins that I haven't seen elsewhere. Some very creative: an asian warrior with laurel:). Very nice.
Too bad, The World Of Odysseus doesn't run on the Mac. Is the main dll change the number of civs that take part? Because in this case I'd ask for a Mac friendly version.

mhhh, dont know anything about the dll. Could it be the CvGameCoreDLL.dll? i guess, i did not changed anything there:confused:

It's already fun to browse through the unit art with Nifskope. It looks like you have tweaked some skins that I haven't seen elsewhere. Some very creative: an asian warrior with laurel:). Very nice.

this guy shall be an olympic contender. in the future he will be the later ancient greek power-unit. too sad, that you cant see his style of two-handed boxing.

by the way
i am still busy with my exam, so this building site rest some more
mhhh, dont know anything about the dll. Could it be the CvGameCoreDLL.dll? i guess, i did not changed anything there:confused:

this guy shall be an olympic contender. in the future he will be the later ancient greek power-unit. too sad, that you cant see his style of two-handed boxing.

by the way
i am still busy with my exam, so this building site rest some more

Must be, if you have more than 18 civs in, as I understand it.

So you laureled the olympic contender by yourself, excellent! I actually added this guy to my modmod of Pie's Ancient Europe, if you want him exclusively in TheWoO, let me know. But the danger that many people get to see this, is rather low, since I made this mostly for myself and not with the pretense of "publishing" a modmod. I'd also like to know whom to credit for the several heroe skins, for example the "greek" club armed berserk, very nice!
I'd also like to know whom to credit for the several heroe skins, for example the "greek" club armed berserk, very nice!

which unit do you mean with "greek" club armed berserk? is it the heracles guy (heracles.nif)? he is from Fictionalization IV by cfKane, but i afraid, he is not finished so far and did not work in game.

of course not,:blush:
i hope it will be finished before Civ6 is for sale

at the moment i have a bug somewhere in the construction site, so i cant upload the patch
and i work on a scenario for the Blood and Iron mod

meanwhile you are cordially invited to to ramp The World of Odysseus up.:hammer: just send me your files or post your suggestions:)
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