thecrazyscotsman's Omnibus

thecrazyscotsman's Omnibus 1.2.3

He could at least make a post "hey guys I'm busy I'll update later".
Well, he did -- although that was more than a month ago.

A post before that (I don't know for sure which one) mentioned he'd be holding off on the update until the release of the next patch, to make sure it was compatible. So mostly, I'm wondering how it stands now. Also, Firaxis now provides mod support, so...
Life happens, I'm being patient or at least trying to.

I'm sure TCS will be back when he can, though I'm in the same boat as many of you. I can't wait for an update. Since the Australia patch I've quit using Omnibus because the complete version seems to crash the game, and have moved over to using Quo's instead. And while I like a lot of what Quo's has done I do prefer many of the changes TCS has made.

My big concern now, is that now that I've grown accustomed to Quo's mod, once Omnibus is updated I'll probably spend 2 weeks trying to merge changes between the two... /sigh
Nah I'm patient.. Just being his cheer squad :) I started using his mods as soon as he was bringing them out! :)
He could at least make a post "hey guys I'm busy I'll update later".
He could, indeed. And he doesn't have to.

Practice patience and the reward is even bigger when he does return with an improved version.
Seconding that. I've done a bit of a mash up of tcs's enhanced plus his buildings from complete and quo's mod for a new game. Just couldn't wait anymore. Really looking forward to tcs's return. And, now that I have looked at the code (from my perspective as a novice), really impressed with his work. It will be well worth waiting for his return. He put in a Lot of work into this. I still miss all the policies...
I have disabled all other mods but, when I select any version of the rule set, the game will take me to the intro screen but will not actually start - any thoughts? I have installed it in the correct directory which couldn't be simpler to follow
I have disabled all other mods but, when I select any version of the rule set, the game will take me to the intro screen but will not actually start - any thoughts? I have installed it in the correct directory which couldn't be simpler to follow
If i'm not wrong, the mod is not updated to Australian Summer Patch, hence it won't work.
The problem appears to be with the technology requirements in the tech tree; if you take out the last few technology prerequisites, the game starts a lot faster.
The problem appears to be with the technology requirements in the tech tree; if you take out the last few technology prerequisites, the game starts a lot faster.
Do you have an edited version of these technology files?
You can find the file here. Just replace the following file with it
"c:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\TCS Omnibus Mod\Data\Complete\Tech and Civic Overhaul\TnC_Technologies_Complete.sql"

I have removed the last 3 eras. You can add them again by removing the entire lines marked by "DELETE THIS LINE". (but please do it only from top to bottom or else you might get errors)
I'm still hoping for an update. Unfortunately, I have zero modding knowledge, or I would have tried to fix the problem (or at least find out whether it can be fixed easily).
If someone feels like taking it up, I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate that.
You can find the file here. Just replace the following file with it
"c:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\TCS Omnibus Mod\Data\Complete\Tech and Civic Overhaul\TnC_Technologies_Complete.sql"

I have removed the last 3 eras. You can add them again by removing the entire lines marked by "DELETE THIS LINE". (but please do it only from top to bottom or else you might get errors)
I did some further testing and the problem actually is with the Information Era tech block:

If you only exlcude this section everything loads with an odd tech tree as a side effect: you can immediatly start researching information era technoogies. I checked for typo's or syntax errors in this code block and I cannot find any. Could it be something goes wrong with one or more information era technologies elsewhere in the file TnC_Technologies_Complete.sql?
I'm still not back into civ, mainly because I loved tcs changes! Still excited if you manage to update and put them on steam! *your number 1 fan ;p*
I'm back!

First off, I want to thank you guys for your support - it's humbling, to say the least. To be honest, I didn't realize how much some of you enjoyed using these mods, and I'm thrilled to see that you all still follow them!

Second, I owe all of you an apology. I've been away from Civ for quite some time (not entirely on purpose). I've had quite a bit going on, but that's no excuse for not even dropping a line in here the past several months. I've always had plans to keep my mods updated but life has just kind of gotten in the way. I'm sincerely sorry for that, and for being incommunicado.

Third, an update regarding my plans. It seems quite a bit has changed in the modding scene since I last poked my head in, so I'm not sure at this point exactly what direction I want to go with the Omnibus. I will be updating and combining some of the individual components in the coming days/weeks (my first one, Improved Forts and Engineers, has been uploaded to the Workshop), but until those are all where I want them I probably won't be touching the Omnibus for the very simple reason that it's easier to dive back in with the smaller projects. Plus, it's easier to troubleshoot the smaller ones since so much has changed :)

These are my current top priorities to edit and upload:
  • Improved Water Yields (edit: now on the Workshop!)
  • Better City Specialization
I would love your continued feedback and suggestions!
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welcome back :D

I really like better city specialization and I've done a bit of tweaking on it, if you're interested I'd love to hear your opinion about my changes
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