This thread is now about dinosaurs

Wow, this is pretty cool. An intermediate between bipedal and quadrupedal dinosaurs? This is a pretty big find. Comments on this cladistically important find?
They shouldn't have given it a name so close to another certain dinosaur that was sort of a biped and sort of a quadruped. :mad:
Now I know more about where my chicken fillet burgers come from.
So dinosaurs went from bipedal -> quadrupedal -> bipedal? Why did they even bother to evolutionize in the first place?
KFC has much to learn it seems from paleontology.
KFC has much to learn it seems from paleontology.

Sooner or later, KFC will come out with genetically-modified quadrupedal chicken.
... No, that makes for bad PR. It will just breed the regressive genes back. Seriously, what do they teach you people at marketing school? :p
Marketing School taught me to go Accounting & Finance.
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