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Thoughts on latest version.


Oct 14, 2020
I just gave up on my best Emperor game yet in the latest version. I could have won it, but it was going to be really, really rough. Things I noted that are 3.55 specific:

- Tech limitations really help the AI - not possible to build up a huge tech lead like it was pre-3.55, outside of medieval era and certain strats.

- Confederation is... strong. I was using it for a large part of the game, because every other government would bankrupt me at the size I was at.

- I think the inflation mechanic needs to be weakened, now that technological stagnation is a thing. If a game goes to the 1800s, inflation will cut into the fewer and fewer ways to reduce upkeep cost that you do have. Before I quit I was at 0% science / 20% culture (no other way to get happiness), and had to go to extreme lengths just to stay solvent. At the end I wound up forfeiting cities to vassals in a hope to stabilize the economic situation. It did solve the econ crunch to the point where I could run 10% science, albeit with a much smaller base.

- My lead opponent was pretty close in tech and was creeping ahead. I was building an invasion force but because no money it was impossible to upgrade units (something I was able to do easily before inflation destroyed my income).

- Solar Cult's community in Free Religion is a bit too strong if your empire is super wide. Each Solar Cult community would save 13 GPT in every city. Civil Service's Local bureaucracies and the Kremlin were used too.

- Cult of Personality is still stupid. Doesn't bring happiness compared to a religion or the religious communities (and you will probably have 3 religions to spread).

- Golden ages are surprisingly useful with the humanist trait, at least for super wide empires. First GA in really late medieval was worth ~10k beakers and the GPP points.

- I reach a point at renaissance where my cities have built almost everything they're going to build. Aside from building arsenals, the government officials in Civil Service are fairly useless. I built a couple and then decided it was better to just use the hammers of the late settled / captured cities.

When I quit (during Industrial era) I was at 8k beakers per turn (all cities building research because I ran out of things to build), that went down to ~6k when the money crunches happened). I was still likely to stay ahead of the lead opponent, but the moment I went off commerce to actually build an army I'd probably face a strike.

If I could go back I'd probably have gone Centralist Constitution. Fed looks really really appealing except Great People are only somewhat useful at that stage of the game.
Oh and whoever thought of making the AI pickier about Open Borders made a good decision.
The 'ahead of time penalty' confuses me a bit - I have a hard time maximising research at 100% penalty, it feels inefficient, as if the same resources could be better spent on production or wealth...

As a result I started doing 'binary research' again, running either 0% or 100% science when I hit the limit.

Anyone thinks this is a good idea ?
AI spies love to steal your treasury if it piles up.
My usual strategy is to research most of a 100% tech, then switch to another, and another, until the next age advance. That retains most of the beakers, and it's one of the ways to get a leg up on the AI.
AI spies love to steal your treasury if it piles up.

Yes and my techs, but at least they're not blowing up buildings left and right like they used to :)

My usual strategy is to research most of a 100% tech, then switch to another, and another, until the next age advance. That retains most of the beakers, and it's one of the ways to get a leg up on the AI.

Interesting, may have to try.

Not sure if that minimises the penalty though...
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I just gave up on my best Emperor game yet in the latest version. I could have won it, but it was going to be really, really rough. Things I noted that are 3.55 s.

Emperor!!!!!! Boy now I really feel slow, dumb & inept. I struggled to a 3.50 HotFix Noble game "Space Race" victory with copious amounts of "do overs". Just gave up on a similar 3.55 adventure at around 250BC after all my captured cities becoming useless due to resistance riots, and my Civ having zero science and no gold. Now cheater actually do not prosper. Still love this game though.
What is a 100% tech?
By this I mean a tech whose cost is increased by 100% due to the new "tech in appropriate age" penalty to research. It's quite punishing.

Emperor!!!!!! Boy now I really feel slow, dumb & inept. I struggled to a 3.50 HotFix Noble game "Space Race" victory with copious amounts of "do overs". Just gave up on a similar 3.55 adventure at around 250BC after all my captured cities becoming useless due to resistance riots, and my Civ having zero science and no gold. Now cheater actually do not prosper. Still love this game though.
I've had quite a bit of experience with vanilla so Monarch was for the longest time my level. I give myself a leg up by doing advanced starts (part of why I'm almost always going to run into the penalty). Emperor this way is a good difficulty for me - it keeps the AI in the game past medieval era, whereas on Monarch I'd just run away if I could get to renaissance. Biggest thing is that you simply cannot afford to leave AIs alone, because they will catch up, especially if you have any open borders. Strangest thing is that one of my vassals was still teching pretty strongly even with only a few cities left, and through him the lead AI opponent was likely getting tech reduction.
I'm not sure - do vassals always have the equivalent of open borders with their masters?

One other thing is that I play with the revolutions feature off. The AI doesn't seem to know how that works and could be too easily destroyed by it.
By this I mean a tech whose cost is increased by 100% due to the new "tech in appropriate age" penalty to research. It's quite punishing.

I've had quite a bit of experience with vanilla so Monarch was for the longest time my level. I give myself a leg up by doing advanced starts (part of why I'm almost always going to run into the penalty). Emperor this way is a good difficulty for me - it keeps the AI in the game past medieval era, whereas on Monarch I'd just run away if I could get to renaissance. Biggest thing is that you simply cannot afford to leave AIs alone, because they will catch up, especially if you have any open borders. Strangest thing is that one of my vassals was still teching pretty strongly even with only a few cities left, and through him the lead AI opponent was likely getting tech reduction.
I'm not sure - do vassals always have the equivalent of open borders with their masters?

One other thing is that I play with the revolutions feature off. The AI doesn't seem to know how that works and could be too easily destroyed by it.

Didn't know about 100% cost increase, I only saw 50% increase techs in the next era.

Good to know about plying with the Revolutions turned off, that may help a little. Thanks for the replies guys (and gals if any).
Finally finished an Emperor game! Did a culture victory - these seem a lot easier than they were in vanilla, or I just never tried for culture there. I don't think I did a GOOD culture victory, as it was in the 1680s and I wasn't even leading in score, but I had good relations with most AIs except Ptolemy the continent bully (poor guy ended up a vassal to me with his remaining city surrounded by my cultural tiles, lol).

It definitely seems like balanced use of cottages in advance is the play. My worker strategy was not the best, but I used a lot more cottages and converted some tiles to cottage when mechanized farms came on. Under normal circumstances. I was able to run 70% sci+culture once I finished conquering, and could even run Republic for a long time.

Russia's unique improvement is a bit ridiculous, especially with Lenin's traits and the cheap Banyas. Getting the equivalent of Iron Working farms with Archery and a fairly cheap building does ridiculous things to early game growth. I really think that the UI should be put deeper into the game to limit the easy early game food.
Finally finished an Emperor game! Did a culture victory - these seem a lot easier than they were in vanilla, or I just never tried for culture there. I don't think I did a GOOD culture victory, as it was in the 1680s and I wasn't even leading in score, but I had good relations with most AIs except Ptolemy the continent bully (poor guy ended up a vassal to me with his remaining city surrounded by my cultural tiles, lol).

It definitely seems like balanced use of cottages in advance is the play. My worker strategy was not the best, but I used a lot more cottages and converted some tiles to cottage when mechanized farms came on. Under normal circumstances. I was able to run 70% sci+culture once I finished conquering, and could even run Republic for a long time.

Russia's unique improvement is a bit ridiculous, especially with Lenin's traits and the cheap Banyas. Getting the equivalent of Iron Working farms with Archery and a fairly cheap building does ridiculous things to early game growth. I really think that the UI should be put deeper into the game to limit the easy early game food.

Good post but don't quite understand the last sentence.
BTW "You're a better man than I Gunga Din".
The Russian unique improvement gives forests +2 food +1 hammer +2 commerce with Ancient era techs, which is a lot better than most improvements of that time.
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