Tides of Crimson (FANTASY MOD)

new patch (v0.62) has been posted. just go to the first page of this thread or click on the link in my signature. this should be the last of any crashes in the game. if by chance i'm wrong, just message me and i'll fix anything that may still be a problem. enjoy!
Thanks for the update. I look forward to seeing how well it works. On a separate note, the Naga have a similar issue with one of their endgame summons (Megidolons or something like that). Lastly, a request: I got the ultima spell victory as the goblins and, while it was cool up to the completion, the video was still that of the space race video. A great addition would be a unique video for the ultima spell victory. Thanks again!
Ah... i found that megalodon error too. just made a quick update (v0.63) to fix that. now there SHOULD be absolutely NO errors, as i finally got some time to do some in depth test playing today.... but again... if you find something lemme know...

as for your suggestion, yeah i do plan on adding a video that is more relevant for the ultima spell. as you can tell, this mod project is still in beta, so i plan on adding many more things, including more rebalancing, adding more races, music, etc. as for the timeline, i can't say, cuz work kills me constantly. =(

but please keep your suggestions coming, the more feedback i get, the better i can make this mod. =)
I have been playing a few more times since I last posted. I noticed that the Fire and Death spheres are totally useless, even for their "main" purposes. These Spheres need serious rebalancing to even be usable, let alone useful. I suggest reducing the corruption they give, otherwise their improved unit support is irrelevant, since the money you save on unit support is promptly stolen by your citizens. It also makes it much harder to produce the units whose support you are saving on. They could also be rebalanced by lowering the cost of military units by a percentage and/or removing the corruption towards shield production when making military units. Hope this helps!
hm never really noticed that. i will look into that more when/if i get some time. thanks for the input!
I was playing as the burning legion and every time I took one of the enemies cities, their entire nation would fall for no reason, just BAM, dead. I don't think it is supposed to do that.
really? never ran into that problem. i'll take a look at it.

sorry i've been MIA, but i do plan on working on this game eventually. working is killing me as always. i know there is some re-balancing of the governments i have to do, but i would like to ask the community (for those who have the mod) what they think of the mod now that it's been downloadable for a while. what other things can i improve. what do u like/dislike? thanks.

i finally got around to playing a bit today and regained my passion for civ 3 and fantasy worlds. lol. :lol:
I want to thank you for this Mod!

I've played almost every turn-based Strategy Game for PC (including Civ 4+5), as well as tons of related Mods, and found Civilization 3 to be my favourite Game of all Time.

And within Civ 3, Tides of Crimson is one of the better mods, and has much potential. Im very fond of the wonderful Fantasy-World you've created, where every Race feels different and magical, and i totally agree with the Idea to increase the general unit-costs and unit-worths.

In Future, im going to play it a lot, and will post my Impressions and Suggestions.



Although i really want, i dont get "warm" with this mod. The Game progresses slowly, i dont have any money, everybody attacks me and conquering fails at the high defense bonuses.

No matter which race and on which difficulty i play, no matter which strategy i try- games are tough and short.

So, for now i'm not going to continue playing this mod, but i'd surely be happy about future updates, and would gladly test them extensively...
After playing some Time, here are my Impressions :
(As long as there is no response, I'll simply edit this post to avoid forum-spamming).


° Personally, i find the theme and atmosphere of your Mod the best i've seen so far.

° I really like the idea to make units more unique and precious.

° In the current state of developement, this mod isnt much fun to play, at least for me. But, i'm still convinced that it has a lot of potential!


° Since the Gaming feels a bit slow, i suggest to start each game with a worker, to let each race start with two unique researches and to reduce the costs of the more expensive buildings.

° The income should be increased, and/or there should be buildings in the early game, which increase a city's income.

° A wilderness-system as used in "Master of Mana" (Civ4) would be a great improvement. This means, that there are less races on the map as usual, and the space between the different players is filled with wilderness, in which monsters are spawned regulairly. The greater the distance of the single start locations, the stronger the monsters are.
The meaning of this would be to allow units to level up and get stronger, without having to declare war on another player.

° Since there are Times, where nothing but wealth and units can be produced, i suggest to integrate special buildings, which could be upgraded endlessly, could be developed only in the capital and had a cumulative effect. This buildings could be race-specific or generally available, unique or in different manifestations.
For example: for each level of building, all units you control get +1 attack/defense/movement / the building increases production/research/city defense/culture etc...

° There should be an action-button that allows units to rest until healed.

° In the diplomacy screen, each player should be written in its color.

° The possibility to set capture-points, means points where all produced units are automatically ordered, would be nice.

° The "End Turn" clock-logo and the "Main Menu" button feel inappropriate and should be replaced by something more "fantastic".

° To make the game-experience unique from the beginning, each race should start with its cheapest warrior-unit instead of a voodoo-doll.

° There should be a new building, f.e. "Arena", in which units can be trained, means: which provides experience for gold.

° To specify the individual unit developement even further, units should be able to develop in different directions, and if possible, learn special abilities after having reached a certain kind of experience.
That means, that they do not generally upgrade automatically, but that the player can choose the strenght of his units by his own.

° Deseases should be turned off

° Ai players are to aggressive, especially on low difficulty levels, in which they should'nt be much threat.

° Roaming creatures should be rebelanced. There are times when 20 creatures enter your lands at once, which is, especially in the beginning, a huge disturbance.

Sorry for the delayed response. Thank you so much for your suggestions. It's been a really long time since i've even taken a look at this Mod, but i will continue to rebalance it. A lot of your suggestions are really good, and I will see if i can get the time to fix them. I currently work almost 70 hours a week so it is hard for me. Some of your suggestions, however, are limitations that the Civ 3 editor has. For instance, I want to start each civilization with their own unique warrior-type unit, but the mod editor only allows for the same starting unit for all civilizations.

I haven't test played it much, hence the "beta" version. So if i had more people like you to give me suggestions it would have really helped this mod move along. Thanks again for playing, and I will try to find time to make this mod better in the near future and try to keep you guys updated. =)
it might be settings in webcafes in Turkey , but Uploading doesn't work as a free service , showing the file being already downloading and it actually doesn't .
don't have web at home ; only to mention that it could be a widespread problem . Seems something related to that web cafes are all connected , it downloads to some machine else .
I would definitely not recommend downloading a file this big from a public location lol. Is there no other way?

On a side note: i have started working feverishly on this mod again. The next version should include 2 new races and a multitude of gameplay balances. Im test playing a lot and i hope to get this right before i release it. My guess it will be finished in less than a month from now. :)
On a side note: i have started working feverishly on this mod again. The next version should include 2 new races and a multitude of gameplay balances. Im test playing a lot and i hope to get this right before i release it. My guess it will be finished in less than a month from now. :)
Looking forward to this :)
On a side note: i have started working feverishly on this mod again. The next version should include 2 new races and a multitude of gameplay balances. Im test playing a lot and i hope to get this right before i release it. My guess it will be finished in less than a month from now. :)

Great :)
i've been playing as zorge for a while and love it except do the building really need such high maintenence costs? the original civ 3 had them all at 1. building a single building often puts me in a deficit.

and i think i have noticed the glitch that someone else mentioned where they take a city and the whole empire collapses but it was another civ that took them and at least 3 cities fell simultaneosly.
what buildings are you talking about specifically? most of the early buildings are only 1 maintenance cost. of course later-era buildings sometimes cost more than 1 maintenance, but that was the case in the original civ 3 as well. certain early buildings (i.e.) the fishery/lumber mill/windmill have such HUGE benefits that the maintenance costs are high to make the player balance pros and cons before building them.

as for the empire collapsing bug, i really don't know what the cause of this could be. i will look into it, but i have yet to experience it myself. my goal is definitely to have this kind of an issue fixed before i release the next version of this mod.

thanks for you feedback, ezakiel!
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