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Timeline thread

I'll probably heavily retcon Command and Conquer, though. The later installments are a bit too apocalyptic for my liking, what with the Tiberium taking over the planet and such. I'll keep them in, but I'm going to have to seriously lessen their impact, for continuity purposes.

I absolutely agree with you. For our continuity I see the impact of Tiberium more as a local phenomenon prominent in the regions inhabited by the Brotherhood (e.g. Africa, Serbia and of course Italy).

I'm wary about adding too much Fallout, just as I am wary of adding too much Shadowrun. As much as I like both of the stories, I don't want them 'taking over' the Future parts of the timeline.

Well, Fallout and Shadowrun both are big sources that couver entire decades while other Future sources frequently only add small changes. But you're right, the future is pretty Shadowrun-ified until shortly before WW III.
Since some elements are Star Gate and Star Trek appear, I've been thinking of how to reconcile them, although not all of this should be in your timeline.

1928 -- The Stargate is rediscovered by archaeologists in Egypt

1996 -- Stargate successfully activated by the U.S. Airforce. Ra killed by Jack O'Neill and Daniel Jackson.

1997 -- Permanent Stargate program begun in secret

2078 -- In the midst of WWIII, an unknown alien enemy activates an enhanced version of the Endgame Device (Stargate Atlantis) All stargates in the galaxy destroyed in an intense thermonuclear explosion, including the two stargates on Earth, resulting in massive destruction. In addition, hyperspace travel is rendered completely impossible, resulting in all interstellar civilization ending overnight, with the exception of species such as the Vulcans who relied on the slower, but unaffected, warp drive.

2100's Tok'ra meet the similar Trill species and become a subset of their civilization, ending the problem of finding new hosts.

And if you must have Star Wars

Distant Past -- The wars between the Sith and Jedi end in a new ear of cooperation and peace. Force abilities become a part of human evolution, but a new rift appears between the religious group, known as the Ori, and the scientific branch--the Alterans. The Alterans flee to our galaxy, while the Ori establish themselves in the Galaxy Far Far away. Both groups Ascend into energy beings, leaving new human civilizations behind.
Awesome, that's really great stuff!
I would have never thought of linking the Sith and Jedi with the Ori and the Alterans. Great idea!

Just a quick side note: WW III ended with the devastation of most of the superpowers of the world in October 2077, so the use of the Endgame Device takes place at least some months after the war ended.
Hm, maybe this could be the year of Zephram Cochrane constructing the Earth's first warp drive...

EDIT: Moogi, I just realized this: You placed the date when the Jewish barber impersonated to late, that happened during his speech after the annexion of Osterlich (that means in 1938).
Awesome, that's really great stuff!
Just a quick side note: WW III ended with the devastation of most of the superpowers of the world in October 2077, so the use of the Endgame Device takes place at least some months after the war ended.
Hm, maybe this could be the year of Zephram Cochrane constructing the Earth's first warp drive...

There seem to be quite a few different sources mixed together for WWIII, so yeah, you may need to change the date of the Endgame device.
There seem to be quite a few different sources mixed together for WWIII, so yeah, you may need to change the date of the Endgame device.

I'm a bit confused, mainly because I've never watched SG: Atlantis and I don't know the Endgame device first hand. Does the story of the Endgame device specifically take place during WW III or was the date 2078 given or possibly both? If there is a link to a review of the episode that would be great.
Sorry it's been a while since my last update. It's been kinda busy here on my end. Next update will probably cover some of the suggestions posted in this thread, the new Superhero pedia entry, and some original research on my part into the biographies of some of the mod's Hero units. I'll have it up hopefully by the weekend.
I'm a bit confused, mainly because I've never watched SG: Atlantis and I don't know the Endgame device first hand. Does the story of the Endgame device specifically take place during WW III or was the date 2078 given or possibly both? If there is a link to a review of the episode that would be great.

The Endgame device referenced in my timeline additions is not the same one seen on Stargate Atlantis, and all Stargate series take place in the same year as it actually is, with the exception of a few flashbacks and some VERY limited time travel.

To summarize, the Endgame Device was designed to end the war with the alien Wraiths by rendering their hyperdrives specifically unable to work without destroying the ship in question, but had the side effect of gradually causing all Stargates in that galaxy to explode.

Neither Stargate nor hyperdrives possessed by humans and others that can wiz anywhere in the galaxy in days or even minutes and to other galaxies in weeks at all work with Star Trek, so an explanation was needed that eliminated both. A more powerful version of the Endgame Device fits, as does putting in into the general chaos and nuclear devastation of WWIII, expecially as the exploding stargates basically cause a hugely massive nuclear explosion.

For plot summary (likely to be confusing if you aren't familiar with the show) look here and here.

EDIT: The article in the device itself (also called the Attero Device) may be helpfull too.

Mucho delayo on the timelino, unfortunately. I've made a few minor adjustments, but I won't be updating the thread until I've added a few more. Right now, I'm mainly adding information on the Heroes, but some of it is pretty tricky research, so it might take a little while. Sorry. I'll probably also add some of the Stargate stuff as well.
GASP! The dreaded double-post strikes again!

Anyway, the new version is up. Mostly minor updates for now, but I've added in a few fun details, like explaining why giant robots weren't more common during the Cold War, and several completely unnecessary Lost references.

By the way, there's another site www.alternatehistory.com, where people frequently produce timelines for alternate historical scenarios. They have an entire subforum devoted to more fantastic concepts as well. Do I have permission to put this up on there at some point? I haven't been on that board in a long time, and I thought bringing in an actual timeline might be a fitting way to have a sweeping return.
Great job, once more!
Just a little side note: the Brotherhood of Nod was founded 1800 BC, not AC.
And yep, Kane is ancient²! Hm, we might be able to merge Kane and the immortal Orlando (as depicted in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) into one immortal...
Although this Kane ismuch older than the Kane of C&C. It's implied that he was the Cain that killed his brother Abel.
Actually, considering the name and the fact that he named his brotherhood the "Brotherhood of Nod", with the Land of Nod being the place where Cain fled to, I think the C&C Kane has the same origins implied... or at least something comparable.

Cheers, LT.
I like your ideas cfkane and Lord Tirian.



I believe the names of the main contributors(besides me) of the mods names are pronounced.

Cfkane - sif-cane
Dibukk - die-buck
Moogi - moe-gee
Great job, once more!
Just a little side note: the Brotherhood of Nod was founded 1800 BC, not AC.
And yep, Kane is ancient²! Hm, we might be able to merge Kane and the immortal Orlando (as depicted in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) into one immortal...

Oops. I'll fix it later.

Why merge Kane and Orlando when you already have another immortal warrior named Kane floating around?

Although this Kane ismuch older than the Kane of C&C. It's implied that he was the Cain that killed his brother Abel.

I love composite characters. I think I may see if I can fuse the two Kanes.

I like your ideas cfkane and Lord Tirian.



I believe the names of the main contributors(besides me) of the mods names are pronounced.

Cfkane - sif-cane
Dibukk - die-buck
Moogi - moe-gee

Mine's pronounced 'Moo-gee', actually.
I love the idea of merging these two Kanes!

Actually, considering the name and the fact that he named his brotherhood the "Brotherhood of Nod", with the Land of Nod being the place where Cain fled to, I think the C&C Kane has the same origins implied... or at least something comparable.

Good guess, Lord Tirian!
There are even more hints that Kane is either the biblical Cain or at least obsessed with him: the Broterhood uses tanks called "Ezekiel's Wheel", his second in command is named Seth and Kane frequently quotes the bible or other Abrahamic sources:

"We have waited centuries for this moment. The rivers will flow with the blood of those who oppose us."

Plus, Kane survived several situations of sure death and doesn't seem to age in the 40 or so years the C&C games take place so he might be immortal (or he just uses a great anti-aging creme ;) )

I believe the names of the main contributors (besides me) of the mods names are pronounced.

Cfkane - sif-cane
Dibukk - die-buck
Moogi - moe-gee

Honestly, I'm not sure how to pronounce Dibbuk, either, as it is Hebrew. Google Dibbuk if you're intrested (but please don't ask why I use that name, it's a long story...) :old:
But Dumanios, is there a particular reason why you thought of this right now?
I found this site yesterday. It has a similar crossover timeline to what we're doing here, but this one is more based on snark and humour than ours. I don't know how old it is, but I thought it was interesting, anyway.

While I won't be using it for my timeline, there is one passage that I found interesting:
Spoiler :
1270:TARDIS/Maze energy in Xena transferred venereally to partner Gabrielle. They subsequently wander effortlessly from era to era, often without realizing it.

This explains a lot about that show, honestly.
I found this site yesterday. It has a similar crossover timeline to what we're doing here, but this one is more based on snark and humour than ours. I don't know how old it is, but I thought it was interesting, anyway.

While I won't be using it for my timeline, there is one passage that I found interesting:
Spoiler :
1270:TARDIS/Maze energy in Xena transferred venereally to partner Gabrielle. They subsequently wander effortlessly from era to era, often without realizing it.

This explains a lot about that show, honestly.

Actually, something like that might work for Xena. I was reluctant to use Xena in the timeline precisely because she works in a theme park version of ancient history, but since the Greek pedia mentions her, might as well give some reason for the time-jumping.

Not sure about time travel as a venereal disease, though.

EDIT: I'm about halfway through the thing, and I'm pretty impressed with how the sources are tied together. I'm not sure we can use all of it, but there are some pretty good ideas there nonetheless.
Actually, something like that might work for Xena. I was reluctant to use Xena in the timeline precisely because she works in a theme park version of ancient history, but since the Greek pedia mentions her, might as well give some reason for the time-jumping.

Not sure about time travel as a venereal disease, though.

EDIT: I'm about halfway through the thing, and I'm pretty impressed with how the sources are tied together. I'm not sure we can use all of it, but there are some pretty good ideas there nonetheless.

I wasn't thinking of using their timeline, but I thought it was pretty cool anyway. I might steal a date or two, later, though.

By the way, you used the term 'theme park version'. Would I be correct in assuming that you have had some exposure to tvtropes.org?
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