Times For Heroes: Chapter 1, Origins

Centaur Raid on Smerna

Cilla the visiting Pontifex came speeding into Smerna yelling that she saw centaurs crossing the river headed to town. The villagers quickly sent the children and elders up the climbing poles first while the rest looked to the village watchman Hsingar for guidance.

"Quickly now you lot," he made a sweeping gesture over the hunters "get your bows and arrow bundles and move to the tops of the homes. Once the centaurs enter the Smerna you start picking them off." The hunters nodded and set about their task, quiet nut determined. Hsingar quickly wheeled around and pointed a two naga boys, "Crin, Jasker, get that visiting human merchant up into a home. Hes treated us well and we don't want to let him get hurt." The boys moved to do as they were bid.

The centaurs were almost upon the town now and there was no more time. Arrows began to fly overhead and a few of the lead centaurs fell slowing the charge just enough for the final order, "The rest of you grab a weapon or tool and get ready to defend your homes!" The farmers and tradesmen grabbed hammers, staves, spears, and any number of objects which could be used. They yelled their defiance and then battle was joined.

Centaurs raced into the village center and viciously set upon the Naga trying to steal their lives so they could claim a bit more ill gotten goods. The Naga fought for the lives of their families and homes. Hsingar tried to make the villagers fight as a unit, but there was no chance they weren't soldiers. He could only thank Vigaliana and Semiv that the centaurs were few in number and that they had advance warning.

Cilla slid all around Smerna tending to the wounded as Hsingar, Crin, and Jaskar piled the dead centaurs outside the village for burning. Racina, the villages blacksmith, set about reverently preparing the dead for their funeral pyres. She whispered short prayers to each as she moved them to where the villagers piled wood and kindling.

As night came Pontifex Cilla went before the villagers, and noticed appreciatively that the human merchant was in attendance, She began the prayer that would help guide the dead souls to the glorious afterlife. "May you accept these glorious departed into your embrace so that they may know the peace that this life has robbed from them..." Her singsong voice carried into the quiet night set glowing by the blaze of the funeral pyre.
OOC: Tvergold is in the OTL Yukon Territory- it's not part of Khazador. It is the 'isolated colony of mountain dwarves' mentioned in the update.
@ EQ can we get a list of what nations have contact with who? This way we can avoid issues later. Thanks.
Leberin koth Valae ran as quickly as he could, limbs brushing his skin as he passed. Occasionally he would hop over the stream that this valley contained. He was running roughly north along the eastern edge of the Envalen chiefdoms. It was unlikely for him to see anyone.

Though he had been on guard to the south, a rather large orc raid on the northern border had weakened its defense and the south had been quiet. So Leberin was one of a few who had been called north.

He only rested during the darkest hours of the night and only had two pieces of dried deer to eat during the trip. He would arrive in a couple more days of hard running, changing valleys only as needed.

Having gone 3 days already he finally came to a rest. It was dark in the valley. He decided to scramble halfway up the mountain to sleep for a couple hours. A light covering of fallen leaves worked well to cover and conceal at the same time.

Leberin slept a dozen minutes or so before a noise in the distance caught his ear. He openned his eyes and scanned the area before moving. As he did so, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps crushing leaves and the labored breathing of someone moving up a mountain that wasn't used to doing so.

Quietly shifting out from under his cover, Leberin looked in the direction of the noise and spotted a figure on the same slope as he. Watching for a second, the figure moved upwards in a line that would pass Leberin's altitude at some distance so there was no worries that he would be spotted yet. The figure looked to be taller and broader than the humans that lived in Leberin's village. It's dark green skin was visible due to the torch the creature carried. An orc.

Looking across the valley, Leberin spotted the light of another torch slowly making its way upward towards the summit. The orcs were going after Highbourne while they might be sleeping, Leberin thought. In the valley he saw more torches.

Leberin would need help, but he wasn't certain if any help was near enough to be of use. One orc on this mountain, one on the slope opposite the valley, and maybe a dozen in the valley. In addition, they were deeper into Envalen territory than he would have expected.

Watching the torches make their way upward, he nocked an arrow and let it fly across the valley. It disappeared in the darkness heading towards the torch on the opposite slope. A moment later he could see the light moving down the slope haphazardly. Lighting leaves on fire as it went. One down.

He prepared the next arrow and started running up the slope he was on. Adjusted to such a climb, he made his way faster than the orc to his north. Moments later, when he had some altitude against the orc, he let the next arrow fly. He saw it hit its mark. Two down.

Looking in the valley, he saw torches moving up both slopes now. They were aware of his presence. He continued upwards to the summitt only to find it empty. No guard on this slope. Not sure if anyone was within range, Leberin grabbed a signal arrow and shot it into the sky. Its shaft contained a hollowed section that had a carved piece inside that when shot produced an earsplitting screach. All the torches started moving up the slope he was on.

Uncertain when help would arrive, Leberin loosed a couple more arrows down the slope and then started downslope, leaving the orcs to his far right. If he could get far enough, he could make the next mountain before they reached the peak of this one and give him time to take out a few more.


The call paused Leberin in his tracks. He spun around to find the source of the battle call of the Envalen archers. In the valley below the orcs he spotted what appeared to be 4 or 5 archers. They were loosing arrows up towards the orcs, but due to the angle and the possible tiredness of the archers, or maybe due to their lack of experience, few arrows seemed to be making their target.

Leberin cursed silently and started back upslope. The small group of archers must have heard his signal arrow, but against a dozen orc raiders, they wouldn't survive once in melee.

Halfway up he turned and moved towards the archers. He loosed a couple arrows and slowly reduced the orcs down to about 7. All barrelling down towards the archers. Leberin reached them first however and took command of the four.

"You Fools!! There were more than you could handle. Now, make a line behind me and don't loose your arrows until the first orc passes that rock up there. That's your range. Anything further, don't attempt."

As they approached, Leberin reduced the number to five before the orcs passed the rock. All four archers hit the first orc who fell face first and rolled downhill.

Leberin took out the second who tripped up the third. The archers got the forth and fifth, allowing Leberin to finish off the third.

They survived. Leberin breathed a sigh of relief. One archer passed out from the terror he had held back. The other three laughed and cheered at their first victory. It was just enough noise to keep Leberin from hearing the orc approach from behind.

His first clue was when an archer screamed in pain. Leberin spun around to see one of the archers on his knees and holding the stub that had once been his left arm. Behind him stood an orc grinning and holding a large and bloody club.

While the two archers who still remained standing fumbled for an arrow, Leberin grabbed the dagger on his belt and lept at the orc. He managed to drive the dagger into the creature's neck, but he was grabbed and thrown behind the orc. The dagger would take a moment to kill the orc.

Leberin jumped up ready to grab the orc and pull him to the ground when a sharp pain errupted from his stomach. He looked down to see a large, rusty axe head burried in his stomach. To his left was the orc holding its handle.

As he slumped to the ground, Leberin watched his innards spill to the ground. He wished that he had saved the archers, but had obviously failed in his mind. As he looked up from the ground for the last time, he saw possibly two dozen Envalen warriors rushing, swords drawn, towards his possition and a dozen arrows passing over their heads.

He smiled as he fell forward into the leaves, feeling his spirit pass into them.
@Milarqui- Also... how would you possibly be able to contact Khazador? No outsider knew what happened to Tvergold other than the Drell anyway- I explained that in the epilogue. I think that the discovery of the lost records at some point in the distant future might make for a good story, anyway- it seems ridiculous to spoil it so soon.
Grothmag stepped into the royal chamber, in front of the throne of the king of Khazador, in the great capitol city of Khazad-dum. Carved out of the great mountain Khazarok, Khazad-dum was the largest and most glorious Mountain Dwarf city in all of Azmenaal. With its sprawling tunnel network and large, vaulted halls, spreading miles into the mountain, it was the greatest example of Dwarven engineering and architecture. In the center of it all, was the Harkthum Hall, where the King's throne room was located.

Grothmag entered the throne room, dropping to his left knee immediately, and bowing his head. "Rise, brother Dwarf," the king commanded, and Grothmag quickly stood up on both feet, staring straight ahead at the rather large dwarf sitting on the ornate iron and gold chair in front of him. The king stared back. They held this look for a good minute, before a grin began to creep across both of their faces, eventually exposing itself as a true smile. They couldn't hold it any longer, and both dwarves began to laugh that hearty laugh that only dwarves can make.

"Grothmag Ironhelm," started King Arthendain, "what a pleasure it is to see you. What have you brought me now, cousin?" he asked, knowing that if Grothmag came in good spirits, it could only be with good news.

Grothmag continued to grin, reaching for the large brown canvas bag tied to his belt. He pulled the bag free, reached inside, and quickly threw the contents of the bag out onto the ground in front of the King. The severed head looked blankly up at King Arthendain.

"I believe tha' deserves a pint!" he exclaimed, holding his hands on his hips triumphantly, as King Arthendain looked in wonder at the Centaur Lord's head.

"A pint? Hell, tha' deserves a whole bloody barrel!" the king yelled, while snapping his fingers. One of his assistants quickly ran up to his side, bowing, and then standing ready to receive his orders. "Bring our friend here a barrel of our finest mead, on the double!" he said, pointing to Grothmag, who still stood in front of the king.

The servant bowed again, then rushed off to do what he was told. "Let it be known," the king started, standing up from his throne, "that tonight we celebrate this great victory for Khazador! Break out the mead, tonight we shall party!"

The rest of the night was mostly a blur for Groth. He remembers dancing to music, feasting on boar as well as roast, and drinking. Lots and lots of drinking, but nothing in particular stood out. It was one of the best times he had had in his life, and he would be pissed at himself if he had allowed himself to not drink enough to forget the whole evening.

But that night, after the celebrations had died down, and Grothmag had stumbled into bed, he had a dream. It was a very strange dream, an oracle of some sort came to him. The strange voice, for he could not see who was telling him these things, gave twelve cryptic clues, speaking of artifacts and gods. What was the meaning of this? He did not know.

Early the next morning, dwarves never got hangovers, you see, Grothmag went to visit the king again. As he walked down Harkthum Hall, towards the throne, he couldn't get the strange voice out of his head, though he was able to push it to the back of his mind, for the time being.

"Cousin, what brings ye back to me this marning?" King Arthendain asked, as Grothmag entered the throne room. He bowed, as was customary, then proceeded closer to the king, so that only he could hear him talk.

"My king, I have to leave." he said in a low whisper. The king looked saddened by this, but didn't interrupt. "Our business with the Centaur are not done. Though we may have taken out one of their leaders, a new one will surely take his place. We cannot face their threat alone. We need allies." the king nodded, and Grothmag continued.

"I have decided to travel west. To the Human lands of California. I think tha' I may be able to show them the true threat of the centaur herds, and convince them to aid us in our campaigns against them. I am all ready to leave now, but not without your blessing."

The king rubbed his hand across his chin in contemplation. "I am saddened to see you ready to leave so soon, Grothmag. But I also understand our position here." he paused for a moment. "So, it looks like I have no choice. I give you my blessing, you may leave for the lands of California. But remember, the deserts between us and them will be harsh. Bring plenty of supplies, and make sure you stay out of trouble, understand?" he raised an eyebrow at this last part, waiting for Grothmag's response.

Grothmag bowed his head to his king. "Aye, Sir, I understand." he said.

The king nodded. "Good." Grothmag looked up, as if he was about to leave, but a look in the king's eye told him he wasn't ready to dismiss him, not yet. "There is one more thing, cousin. Were you approached by an oracle in your dreams last night?"

Grothmag looked surprised. He nodded to his king. "As I had thought," King Arthendain said. "I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one to receive the message, just as I now believe we two aren't the only ones, either. No, what ever that message was, I now believe all of Azmenaal has heard it." Grothmag nodded in agreement to this. "So, my friend, I'd like to hear your thoughts on this matter."

Grothmag thought for a moment. He wasn't used to sharing his thoughts to the king, even though they were friends and kin, it wasn't his place to voice his opinions to his master. It was a while before he figured out just how to say it, but in the end, he decided to just lay it out there, and let it be known. "I believe it is a farce. I believe some powerful magician somewhere, or perhaps even the god Lowkey himself, is trying to play a trick on us. I will not put much stock into these strange messages. Perhaps they are real, but wouldn't you think people would know about such powerful artifacts, forged by the gods themselves, by now? No, it seems much more likely tha' it is just one giant practical joke, to get men and dwarves and all living things to spill blood over false dreams. However, tha' is only my opinion, my king."

The king nodded. "I believe you may be right, Grothmag, though I am a bit more open minded about this business then you, it seems. I'm not asking you to go out of your way to find these artifacts, but should you stumble upon something interesting, please, by all means investigate. However, don't go out of your way from your main mission here."

Grothmag nodded, and bowed again to his king. The king nodded his head to the dwarf before him, and dismissed him.

Grothmag had been traveling for weeks now. The sun was high above his head, beating down on him with its energy-sapping heat. He was still well supplied, had hit all the little streams and ponds he could find to refill his water supply and refresh his donkey, but by the gods was that sun driving him crazy.

He still had a ways to go before he hit the mountains between Khazador and California. He knew the trail, though he had only traveled it a few times in the past. Taking a swig from his canteen, he crested a small hill and was blinded by bright light reflecting off of a giant lake.

"Oh thank Crezth!" he proclaimed, wiping his brow and gazing out over the lake. The water was as blue as the sky, and the light from the sun danced upon its surface. It was a magical sight, and it was only about a mile away.

"Come on, Vicker, move your lazy ass!" he yelled at his companion, pulling on its bridal as he lead it towards the water, but once it had caught sight of the dazzling blue, no more encouragement was needed.

They made good time to the shore, where he quickly reached his hands down, cupping as much water as he could, bringing it up to his mouth, and drinking it all quickly.

"Eyugh!" he yelled, spitting the little of it that he hadn't swallowed out of his mouth. "Tha' is the foulest water I ever tasted! So salty, I am even more thirsty now then before I took that drink!" he quickly pulled his donkey away, preventing it from drinking from this false paradise. He looked up at the sky, shaking his fist, knowing that somewhere out there, Lowkey was rolling with laughter at his latest prank.

He was about to turn around and lead Vicker away, when, somewhere out in the water, something caught his eye. He couldn't see it before because of the light coming off of the water, but he could see something out there now. What it was, he didn't know, but suddenly he was intrigued. He lead his donkey over to a large boulder, tied it up, and then went to investigate.
Yeah I figured not, but I don't like calling people out so much. I try to be more subtle about it.
@Milarqui- Also... how would you possibly be able to contact Khazador? No outsider knew what happened to Tvergold other than the Drell anyway- I explained that in the epilogue. I think that the discovery of the lost records at some point in the distant future might make for a good story, anyway- it seems ridiculous to spoil it so soon.

Well, since I thought that Tvergold would be in contact with Khazador, that's why I sent a message to them. It also didn't pass through my head the fact that my guys don't even know about the Kingdom of Khazador...
Val er-Naili stood nervously in front of the small crowd that had formed in front of his barbadun, in the Elven city of Acci. He was waiting for the start of his Gorn-To-Ner*, the moment from which on he would be considered an adult. He didn't know what happened exactly in this ritual every ten-year-old had to pass through, because Imara** and Vath** had never told him what happened, only that from that moment, both of them had started to learn the job they were made for, one job in which they had excelled: her mother worked as one of the priestess in the altar to Leifeimara in Acci, while his father spent his days making bronze and iron weapons for the Acci Tirin**.

As the time passed, Val started to get more nervous, because he felt as if everyone was looking at him, wearing his pure white robe, his dark brown long hair tied back in a ponytail and his eyes - one dark blue, like the sea, the other gold-like yellow - standing out from his pale face.

As the sun was starting to pass over them - Noon, Val thought - their barauld** appeared in front of the ners, who gasped in surprise. Val looked nervously at his best friend, Nisa re-Ilnia, a girl with whom he had made friends with in their first day at the barbadun**. They had been inseparable ever since that day, and they had always helped each other with their homework and with some of the innocent pranks they liked to play on some of the other children.

Their barauld, whom Val only called "Auld** Verin", was wearing a robe, too, but instead of white like the childrens', it was green like the grass of the forest - which was the same colour as his left eye - and with silver linings - the colour of his right eye. Auld Verin had his ceremonial staff in his left hand, and started to wave it around him, as he chanted in the ancient language of the Elven.

"Leifeimara, Rehtu, Mithr, eka ai valar nurl! Nal, Leifeimara Eda, Imara az du fell! Nal, Rehtu Eda, Vath az iet Leife! Nal, Mithr, az dur Vath Ilie! Eka ono garm vala kul leta vala del ners jier eka! Fael eka eris leta lam bar delem iet gata de leta fell!"***

The barauld then kept moving his staff, passing it over the heads of the children and nearly hitting one of them, singing without words, before he went quiet and stopped moving. A white mist started to come out of the fire that happily burned at a side of the barauld and flew around him, before it started to invade the whole field. Suddenly, everything turned so dark that Val couldn't see what was happening around him, but somehow could still see himself as if he was bathed by the midday sun.

Val was shocked, and scared enough to want to run away from the place, but he found that he couldn't move away from where he was. It was then when he heard a soft female voice talking.

"Ekar ner, maela. Eta rauthr leta waise va von. Eta freohr as sundavar."****

The effect of the voice in his ears was immediate, as Val felt himself calming down.

"Elrun vrang, eka solin va. Eta freohr var vrang. Var arya leta air medh va. Vala leta solin adurna valar gatal. Va leta air elles, y elda leta air elles. val er-Naili, eka skolir va iet Farthen Grims, il va leta namare iet gatal y leta fram air elle ekar ners. Evarinya, ekar ner, y fairth: eta freohr as sundavar."*****

Then, the surroundings turned back to white, and the mist started to dissipate. Val calmed down and started to search for his friend, and he saw that she was looking back at him with a small smile. He smiled back at her at looked around for Imara and Vath. There! He waved at them, but the two adults only looked at him, gobsmacked. The adults around them, Val noticed, were also surprised by something, and were looking at him and Nisa.

"Do you know what has happened, to make them look at us like that?" he asked Nisa.

"No. The only thing I can think of that might be related is that whomever was talking with me was saying something that me and someone else would share a future. He then called the Great Builder or something like that."

Before Val could answer, Auld Verin came to them. "Val, Nisa, please come with me."

Val and Nisa looked at Auld Verin, then to each other, and followed their barauld without question. Unconsciously, Val reached for Nisa's hand and took it, and so the two of them walked hand in hand towards what the future would give them.

*Gorn-To-Ner: literally, Adult-From-Child. This ritual marks the ritual of passage between childhood and adulthood. Elven pass this ritual at the age of 10, though sometimes there are children that are gifted, so they have to go throught this ritual sooner than normal. From the moment this happens, Elven are considered to be adults, with all rights and obligations. It is also in here where the future the children will have is unveiled: it reveals to the barbauld which is the job in which each child will be better. Before this ritual, the children study at a mixed Barbadun (the Elven society is egalitarian, and the army is composed of men and women) basic things, such as the ancient Elven language (written and talked), mathematics and about the nature that surrounds them; after the ritual they learn the job they will have from the masters of the job, but without leaving aside the basic things taught at the Barbadun.

**Imara = Mother, Vath = Father, Tirin = Army, Barauld = School Teacher, Barbadun = School, Auld = Sage, Bar = Student,

*** "Leifeimara, Rehtu, Mithr, I am your servant! Hail, Goddess Leifeimara, Mother of us all! Hail, God Rehtu, Father of the world! Hail, Goddess Mithr, of our Father Wife! I stand before you so that you can judge these children through me! Give me a signal that will show them the path they will take!"

**** "My child, calm down. No disgrace will happen to you here. Don't be scared of the shadows."

***** "A special fate, I find in you. Don't fear your fate. Your loved one will be with you. Both of you will find in each other your future. You will be the best, and she will be the best. Val er-Naili, I name you the Great Inventor, as you will understand the future and will do the best for my children, the Elven. Farewell, my child, and remember: don't be scared of the shadows."

Well, since I thought that Tvergold would be in contact with Khazador, that's why I sent a message to them. It also didn't pass through my head the fact that my guys don't even know about the Kingdom of Khazador...

Our nations are just starting to develop archery, mining, etc... When they heck would they have wandered halfway across the continent?
Our nations are just starting to develop archery, mining, etc... When they heck would they have wandered halfway across the continent?

If its IC its possible. Gil'Galeth tend to wander around... they tend to blend in with the surroundings when its dark... and are probably not all that easy to see in the day if they want it to be so.
Orders incoming
The book that was sitting on a nearby table certainly startled Dexter. He had heard the voice of his patron God speak directly too him. Had he dreamed it or was this truly a vision from Rehtu. He took no time to ponder. He tossed back the Centaur fur blanket and lifted the book from the table. He held it curiously feeling the binding and reading the inscription on the cover. “The Code of the Lightbringer.” It read.

As Dexter read he found the words intoxicating. Filling him with pride, warmth and light. “There is darkness in you reader,” it said “as a servant of the Light you must be always vigilant. Fight back these urges to kill out of vengeance and loathing. Follow the path of Justice and Duty to your people.”
And Dexter knew why he was reading. He had never been normal. As a young boy he watched in Ronra as his mother was raped and his father was beaten until they were both massacred. He watched from his hut as the Centaurs laughed and spit on their corpses. He was taken in by an old blind woman of Ronra who had clothed him and fed him while he dealt with the guilt of letting his parents die. He promised never to be helpless again. So as he cradled his dying foster mother in his arms he vowed to take vengeance over all that plagued his people. He had planned to set out the next morning killing and pillaging any Centaur camps he came across but this sign from his God pleading him to see the path of light.

At that moment Dexter knelt to the ground face and arms to the heavens and he made his promise. “So far as I am alive and able I shall serve the Light, Humans and you the Goddess Rehtu in my duties of protector of this book and people.” At that moment he felt the intensity of warmth inside of him. As he finished the book he was approached by an Oracle, she retold him the story of the ancients, their artifacts and the Lost City. As the oracle departed he knew his task. He must collect these artifacts and bring them to the Lost City so that he may become an immortal Protector of Justice and Servant for Rehtu.

Dexter set out then for Reipwa’viy prepared for a long journey by sea to the northern lands. He would ask for Rehtu’s guidance as he scoured the lands for her artifact. He had heard the stories of season lights that danced across the sky in the Northern Lands but never had he saw them. Hopefully now he would get a chance to live beneath them.

To: Reipwa’viy
From: Dexter Swift, son of William

Good Peit’hom of Reipwa’viy. I implore your help in a search for a lost family heirloom. I will pay for an expedition of your sailors to escort me to the Northern Seas in search of my families lost artifact. If we are to find my dear families heirloom I will be forever indebted to your people.
All right, well we'll have the next update installment tonight probably around 10 PM or so. Great stories everyone, I've really enjoyed what I've read so far. It's incredibly nice to see this amount of writing in an NES, something which has not occurred for me in some time.
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