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Trivial Things That Annoy You About Civ 5

Stretchy Man

Aug 30, 2010
All the serious problems with Civ 5 have been discussed here to death. What are some of the tiny things that get on your tits?

For me it has to be that ridiculous cracking sound whenever you click on something. When I first heard it during the Y2K Greg's live demo, I thought there was something screwed up with the audio.

Yeah, I don't like the click noise which you hear every time you hit end turn especially since you often end up hitting end turn over and over.
don't like the little white-text notifications. particularly for combat, they're a little easy to miss.

would've liked to see a scrollable window for this information on the normal game screen.

it sounds like something that's easy to mod in though, someone's probably already fixed it.
The Hall of Fame is badly organized, with tons of those little picturesque icons, rather than just the data you need.
1. Having to choose which DX version I want every time.

2. Being forced to click on the ESRB notice every time.

3. Not being able to use <space key> as end turn. I'm comfortable with right and works mouse, left hand ends turn.

4. Getting wound up by some idiot making mine "N".
Stupid or missing keyboard shortcuts
No queueing (?) of worker actions
Useless civilopedia
No "regenerate map" option, which forces you to go back to main menu and listen to that idiotic story again
* Multiplayer games can be saved, but not via options, but pressing ctrl+s during play! After that you have to relocate and rename the file to be able to load it!
* Doesn't save settings. Can be done in config files or XML files manually...
* Useless ESRB and such warnings. Can be disabled in config files or XML ... sheesh.
* That sound when someone else completes a wonder.
* Seas secluded by ice act as lakes, but aren't lakes. Cities on the coast of those cannot build naval units or lighthouses etc. Actually this isn't that trivial!
* Civilopedia is useless.

Oh and everyone, those keybinds can be changed.... manually via config files or XML files.
that my CS allies have to move all their 500 units around every turn, slowing down the game and being annoying!
The voiced over quotes in the technology pop-ups and the wonder pop-ups correspond to speech and music on the Volumes (i.e. they're separate). Since I prefer having music be as loud as or even louder than speech, it's greatly annoying to me since the tech quote heard will be rather small and the wonder quotes will be of decent volume.

Another thing. SPELLING MISTAKES and other simple errors. One of the voiced over quotes is used in place of another technology quote which was supposed to be there but which wasn't (forgot which tech, it was in the modern/future era though).

Yet another thing. Gandhi in the Mongol scenario. The heck? Could you be any lazier?

Yet another thing. AI going for cultural victories usually stick to ONE city. How is that smart? They should make at least 2-4 cities, seriously. And technically that'll generate the culture faster for the social policies anyway.

Yet ANOTHER thing. The music, while great, is implemented poorly, and prone to being interrupted. At the start of each game, you hear (usually) the Peaceful theme of your chosen leader (i.e. America the Beautiful-esque for Washington starts). However, as soon as you meet another civ, that music cuts loose. Also, when you declare war on a civ, or they declare on you, you hear THEIR music, not yours. So if I was Washington and declared on Oda, I hear Japanese music as my troops kill the Japanese troops. How patriotic, I guess??? This just smells of bad implementation.
The narrator's voice. Especially when he tells me all about who I'm playing AGAIN. "You are Hiawatha...your noble civilization blah blah blah..." Yeah, I know. Because you told me the LAST friggin' time.

That it takes a full 1.5-5 seconds to cancel the intro movie. They REALLY like that narrator, apparently...

That they picked Oda Nobunaga as the Japanese leader. Seriously? Not the Emperor Meiji or Tokugawa?

That the Civ leader animations are neither realistic enough to appear lifelike, nor cartoony enough to appear cartoony. They're this weird in-between half-realistic/half-cartoony look.
Everytime i attack someone, it takes 5 seconds before i can move on to something else.
Oh yeah! That's SOOOOO annoying.

Have you checked the "quick combat" box in the advanced settings during game setup? Or maybe I am thinking of the wrong thing.

One thing that does annoy me is to attack with a city you click one mouse button, and unit combat is the other. If I remember correctly in the previous Civ 4 the same button would do both. Oh how many times I clicked the range attack button using the same button as the unit attack and then have to do it over again. I know it's only a second or two but it is annoying.

Then the stupid range attack arrow will show up and do it's dance a time or two before actually zapping the enemy you had selected. The arrow will do it's loop over to the enemy unit, then do it again instead of attacking like you want it to.

I like the game, but the above and previous posts mention a few annoyances I would like to see changed.
It forgets the game settings every time. I just alt-tabbed out of that damned Washington loading screen to post this.
Continents always seem to extend from pole to pole, so I'm blocked from sailing around the world.
4. Getting wound up by some idiot making mine "N".

At least that letter is in the word mine. The hotkey to build a camp is H. Okay, that's weird. Then some other worker hotkeys involve hitting alt, despite some perfectly irrelevant letters remaining on the keyboard. It's like they had a different team of crazy people for each hotkey and they weren't allowed to communicate.
How the game will sometimes Not auto-cycle to an active unit with moves left, while it's prompting to end the turn. Thus wasting those moves, and all of the issues that follow from that...
-too many clicks to get to the info/action you need
-rearranged F-keys
-windows stay open when opening others, not good when you searching things because of #2
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