Turn 64 - 1425 BC


Nov 2, 2001
South Florida
Secure Site
username: cfcteam
password: zli94AB

All officials are reminded to post instructions in the Term 2 Instruction Thread.


The Best Made Plans....

Well, my alternate source for a secure server did not pan out as I had hoped, so I'm still working on something for us to use on a more permanent basis.

However, in the meantime, I've set up a sub-folder on my company web site which is secure and should serve our purpose in the interim.
Very... Difficult. I think this constitutes WAR!!!!!

Oh, and I looked at your company website.

What's New - Updated 10-Feb-2003
We are continuously updating and adding information to this site, so check back frequently for the latest information.
Interesting that the Science Advisor thinks that we are now technologically advanced!

Did you remember to gift Mysticism to Elucidia?
We are not "gifting" anything to anyone at this time. We have, however, continued to extend the offer of Mysticism to Elucidia in anticipation of their offer of Mathematics, which should have been given to us last turn.

Needless to say, the fact that it was not does not sit well with me. I'm quite dissappointed in our new "allies".

One more thing to all Ministers and Governors... as this is the beginning of the week, now would be a good time to update your instructions in the Instruction thread.
Sorry for my choice of the "gifted", it's probably my ignorance of the email game format. I don't know how the trade negotiation bit works and so presumed that it was done mostly on trust. I presume now that the haggling of the single-player game is left up to emailing and only the acceptance of the deal is done in-game.

I don't think Elucidia are completing Mathematics until this turn and so I would imagine they will accept the trade and we'll have Mathematics next turn and can begin construction.

If they welch on the deal then I think we'll have profited from the exchange quite significantly already.
Agreed, but I doubt they're welching on the deal. If anything, they're stalling on the trading of Math to us so they can reap the benefits of it, not us - a tactic that we will likely use with Construction as well. ;)

Also, as far as the diplomacy feature is concerned in PBEM games, there really is no diplomacy within the game. No messages, no demands, etc. You can only put items on the table, remove them, send offers, or accept/reject offers.

So, a typical transaction would take 2 turns for each team. For example: we offer Mysticism to Elucidia, but do not accept the deal (if we had, they could take the tech as a gift and not have to return anything for it). On their turn, they put Math on the table and accept the deal. Then, when it returns to us, we accept the deal to finalize it.

If Elucidia does not accept the deal immediately (ie. they only send the offer), then we would accept the deal, followed by them accepting it on their next turn. This would delay our receipt of the tech by 1 turn.
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