Turn Chat Instruction Thread: Sunday 22 May - 12:00 GMT


No Longer Just Lurking
Nov 18, 2003
Bedfordshire UK
Time: Sunday 22 May - 12:00 GMT, 08:00 (8AM) EDT
Place: #turnchat
Game Save: 500 AD

All officials who are empowered to post instructions for the upcoming turn chat are to do so here. Please post at least one hour before the turn chat starts.

This is not a discussion thread

Future City Names:

Unit Names:
new names at post #123 of the registry:
LeatherNeck (Sword)
First MDI: Eric the Red (all so far have been upgraded from Swords already named)

Reserved Names of future units by citizens already passed on registry
Next naval unit: Old Ironsides
First Calvary: 1st King's Guard
Second Calvary: Comander Deo
First Plane: Air Kohn

(Previous Instruction Thread is here )
CoAF instructions for TC 6, Sunday 22 May 12:00 GMT


EDIT: I do know the External Consul's plans now - slight editing for that.
  • Primary objective is to take and keep the Chinese cities occupied by France, and hold the front on all other sides. Any offensives vs Spain and Netherlands will need to be delayed a bit until we have some more frontline troops. There is some urgency to hit France before they get Gunpowder.
  • We unfortunately don't know the map to our east. This means instructions are necessarily somewhat vague.


  • MGL: If we decide to make an army, use MGL Edward to create an army of three knights. Edward can reach Classicity and form the army on turn 1 (current turn = 0) provided the Dutch archer leaves the road.
  • Upgrades: please upgrade Steven's Swordsman. Also upgrade the vet sword near Falls Church if you deem it necessary. Please use other elite units for leader fishing, and refrain from upgrading unless you have insufficient targets for them. If you want to upgrade some, please upgrade horses first.
  • Homeland defense: consists of 3 swords (Tracheon, Falls Church, Auchtermuchty) and 2 knights (Bentley, Sebadoh), plus some spears. Use as you think fit, vs small naval invasions most likely. If no threats materialize, you can move the knights to the front.
  • Attack force: consists of 2 cats, 3 swords, 2 MDI, 4 horses, 7 knights, all in the east, as indicated in the map. Please move up some spears/pikes from the core to block Gem Mountain (east of Classicity). Use a few troops to pick off intruders. Move the remainder through China and take the former Chinese cities now oppressed by France (Shanghai, Nanking, Tsingtao).
    Murcia (Spain) is a secondary target and we'll need some 5 MDI's or equivalent to take it if it is defended by spears (counting on 2 vet spears) and we'll need 7 MDI's if the defense is pikes. I would advise not to attack unless you can spare such amount of troops.
    The two Dutch cities are also secondary targets. Please use about 5-6 knights to attack them, once you can spare those. Do not declare war on Netherlands until we are ready for the attack.
  • Obsolete units: the army has no need for the ship (Spichester), the 3 warriors (Chaos, Delhi, New London), and for the regular spears in Spichester and Tracheon. They may be disbanded by the governors if they wish to do so. Total savings: 12 gpt.
  • Tactical suggestions: the horse in Naples can attack the Spanish archer near Blacktopia. The catapults cannot cross the Gem Mountain Area until we build some roads there, but would be useful against French Templar Knights, or whatever they are called.
City Foundings: Don't let the AI get new territory after we raze more cities. Continue to build up north, untill you fill up the former French marshlands and the Indian Desert and any other land up there (if there's any room left). After that build cities in our core to start ICS.
Director of Infrastructure's Instructions for 500 AD

2 Slaves and 1 Worker by No_Where: Finish roading, then plant and chop a forest.

2 Slaves by Sebadoh: Move SW and mine/road grassland.

2 Workers by Sebadoh: Move NE and chop forest, mine grassland, and road it.

2 Workers and 2 Slaves by Blather: Finish chopping, then mine/road tile, then chop forest NW of Blather.

2 Slaves by Spichester: Finish roading, then move SW and mine/road that tile.

Worker by Spichester: Move N, and chop/irrigate/road forest tile.

3 Slaves by Regentham: Chop forest, irrigate tile, road tile.

1 Worker and 3 Slaves by Regentham: Irrigate tile, then move onto unroaded sugar and irrigate/road tile.

Slave by Striders Haven: Help out the worker and 3 slaves above by doing the same as them.

3 Slaves by Striders Haven: Finish irrigating, then move S and irrigate, then move SW and irrigate that, then move SW and irrigate that.

Chinese Slave by chokepoint: Road gems NW of current location.

Slave by Classicity: Finish roading, then help connect gems.

2 Slaves by Dun Eideann: Finish roading, then move NNE and chop forest, and mine tile.

3 Slaves by Blacktopia: Finish roading, then road the tile W of current position, and chop forest N of Dun Eideann.

Slaves in the north by MGL Edward: Bring them to Naples and chop forests SE and E of Naples.

3 Slaves South of The Black Hole: Finish mining, then road tile.

6 Slaves by Husborne Crawley: Finish roading, then move 2NE and irrigate/road tile, then move SE and chop forest.

4 Slaves by Husborne Crawley: Finish mining, then road tile.

Worker by Barchester: Move SW and irrigate/road plains, then move NW and irrigate/road tile.

Slave by Skye: Finish irrigating, then move W and irrigate/road.

Worker and Slave by New London: Finish irrigating, then move NE and mine/road.

3 Workers by Warm'ogh: Finish roading, then move 2E and mine/road mountain.

2 Slaves by New London: Finish roading, then move 2W and mine/road hill.

Slave by Delhi: Chop forest, then irrigate/road grassland.

Slave by Auchtermuchty: Mine tile, then move 2NW and mine/road tobacco.

Slave by Tracheon: Finish roading, then move NE and chop forest and mine it.

Slave by Nijmegen: Finish mining, then move SW and plant and chop forest.

3 Workers by Nijmegen: Finish irrigating, then road tile, and help slave by Nijmegen plant and chop forest.

3 Workers by Mr Roboto: Keep irrigating, then road tile, then move SE and plant/chop forest.
Continue to build libraries and temples. Libraries in core cities and build temples in newly captured/built cities. Also, begin construction of Leo's Workshop in donsignia.
External Consulate’s instructions for the 5/22/2005 turnchat. Specific instructions appear first; the Term 3 Policy appears next, for reference purposes.

Specific Instructions

1. In all instances, the DP has the freedom to adapt instructions to the ever-changing game conditions. Our only stipulation is that the spirit of the instructions and long-term goals of the External Consulate be adhered to. Changing details to achieve the same (or similar) end is fine.

2. Establish an embassy with Persia and a ROP with China. (We should keep troops stationed on Gem Mountain to block China’s access to our home continent.)

3. Military Alliances. Although we need to manage War Weariness, France, Spain, Portugal, and the Byzantines all declared war on us. Thus we actually get War Happiness from our wars with them. However, it is best not to have any of our troops on foreign soil at the start of a turn; if we do, we may accumulate WW points. With that said, we’re going to enter into some MAs against the Byzantines:

3a. If cost effective, form a MA with Persia against the Byzantines (until we form our embassy we won’t know what deal we can strike). IF we trade Gunpowder, I suspect we can tack on the MAs to the deal at no cost to ourselves. If so, please form MAs against Byzantine, France, & Spain. HOWEVER, zyxy suggests a better way of doing the trade: "do the alliance with Persia in a separate deal (I.e., we pay for an alliance, and then get our money back by selling gunpowder), so that they will keep paying us if they break the alliance." I suggest doing the trade this way if possible. If we don’t do the Gunpowder trade – or any other tech trade that might allow us to also form a MA – see if the Persians will enter into a MA against the Byzantines in exchange for our entering into a MA against Spain (I believe the Byzantines are at war against Spain). The DP can also elect to pay some gold in order to secure a MA.

3b. IF we do the Persian Gunpowder deal we will have Education. Use that as bait with Maya to form a MA against the Byzantines. The Mayan will pay us 13 GPT & 41 gold for Invention; I suspect they’d do a similar deal for Education. (We’d prefer to trade Education in order to encourage Maya to research the upper tier of techs.)

3c. Form a MA with the Hittites against the Byzantines. We will give them Monotheism (basically a worthless tech) and they will give us 5 GPT and 40 gold.

3d. Form a MA with Japan against the Byzantines. We will give them Monotheism and they will give us a worker and 10 gold.

4. We are continuing our war against France. Our next targets are the 3 cities they captured from the Chinese (Shanghai, Nanking, & Tsingtao). After we take those we will consider making a peace with them.

5. We are continuing our war against Spain. We will be capturing the city of Murcia (and razing that); and also Valencia. It is up to the CoAF’s discretion when to take these cities (the former Chinese cities the French captured are a priority).

6. Portugal has declared war on us. Unless they offer us a wonderful peace deal, we will continue our war with them for this turnchat. Although we covet the Great Pyramids, it will be awhile before our troops will be in position to attack Portugal. In the meantime, we should target any convenient Portuguese target we happen across.

7. In THIS POLL we are voting whether we should eliminate the Dutch. At the time I post these instructions voting indicates we will eliminate them. If this voting pattern continues, we will attack them when the CoAF has troops ready. This likely won’t be until the end of the turnchat (we are low on troops). If at all possible do not start any turn with our troops inside Dutch territory; to do so mean we accumulate WW points (this suggest we’ll use Knights to take the two Dutch cities).

External Consulate – Policy for Term 3

Our Guiding Philosophy

Our long term strategy is to annex enough of the pangaea so that our territory is just below the domination limit. We expect we will at least annex most of the land up to and including the point where the Persian city Gordium currently stands.

We will seek to cripple the ability of all other Civilizations to win the game before we achieve our cultural goal of 130,000 points. This also means we cannot allow another Civ to reach 65,000 cultural points.

Long Term Foreign Affairs

1. We are now strong enough that we will not submit to any demands from another country.
2. We will continue to establish embassies with other Civs, and will encourage warfare and disharmony among our rivals. Such disharmony will be achieved through trade and alliances.
3. We will not enter into alliances, trades, or GPT deals with countries we think we will be at war with within 20 turns.
4. Once we establish a choke point at Gem Mountain we will consider entering into ROPs with other civs.
5. Portugal and the Pyramids are a priority target for annexation. Through discussion we’ve concluded that an overland attack may be the only practical option. Thus we will need to figure out how to get there.

6. China and France will be likely be targeted so we can get to Portugal.
7. Our policy is whenever possible any civ that has attacked us should be left with one city. Currently France, Persia, Byzantine, Spain, Portugal, and Japan fall into this category. However, we well may elect to eliminate some of those civs from the map.
8. Once we’ve established a chokepoint at Gem Mountain, we will demand that any “wandering” troops from another civ must leave our territory on our home continent. (Our home continent is all land west of Gem Mountain.) If not, we will declare war.
9. We will attack and destroy any city that is building the Smith’s Great Wonder. This wonder is to be ours.

Military Affairs

1. We will soon make war with the Dutch and annex their remaining territory.
2. We will delay war with China. Instead we’ll form a ROP with them so our troops can take the 3 former Chinese cities held by the French.
3. France has declared war on us. We will continue the war and seek MAs against them.
4. The Byzantines have declared war on us. We have formed alliances against them, which expired; and will form additional ones. We expect this to be a phony war.
5. The Spanish have declared war on us. We will take their cities of Murcia and Valencia.
6. Portugal has declared war on us. We seek to take the Great Pyramids; but it will be awhile before our troops will get that far north.
7. The Great Library (held by the Persians) is a military target for us.
Chat has started

have formed the Embassy with Persia and are looking at various options for aliiances/deals etc

turn 0, 500AD

Formed the persian alliances but they must have been getting trade income from one of the Civs they then declared on and only had 19gpt as a result

turn 0, 500AD after alliances/trades

turn 5 - 550 AD

We capture Tsingtao and Shanghai, but are coming under attack from France and Portugal - our Army is 2/13 after a Crusader attacked! We deal with one of the remaining Archers but there are 2 more and several Portuguese ancient Cavalry, Swords and Archers. Do we make peace with Portugal or lose Shanghai? Chat stopped to discuss this issue.

turn 9 - 590 AD

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