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Turn Chat Schedule for Term 4


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
All times are 23:59 GMT (6:59 EDT).

Thanks to EDT, all of our Europeans, Asians, and Australians get to come an 'hour earlier'. :) (I think... these time zones are confusing! :crazyeye: )

The last turn chat of the term is over.

(Possible for Term 5..)

Saturday, August 3rd - 1780 AD - 1800 AD

Wednesday, August 7th - (Please make extended build queues in advance) 1800 AD - 1820 AD

Victory Chat - Saturday, August 10th, 4:00 or 5:00 EDT. Victory by :love: (culture)! 1820 AD - 1832 AD!
* Note: Spaceship Victory is also possible this turn chat.
Looks good chieftess.
Article 3: The President will post a fixed schedule of game times (example - 23:00 GMT on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays). This schedule may be updated each Sunday (GMT) for the next week's turn chats. If not updated, the existing schedule carries over week to week.

This feels like term 2 again with its 24 hour notice rule!
The constitution is here.

I must respectfully point out to our new president that the chat schedule must be posted on Sunday or else the existing schedule carries over. While I realize the new term did not start on Sunday the rule is straightforward. Having been through public investigations myself I would not want to see Chieftess subjected to that process and do hope she will adhere to the constitution. :)
Should we make this thread sticky since the schedule is now made well in advance?
Looks like I got confused about "forum GMT" and "REAL GMT" (I hate time zones. :)). It's still 6:59 EDT my time. Basically, one site I went to had GMT as now being -4 for where I live. (It was -5). I didn't know that this board didn't change that. :)

Originally posted by Chieftess
Saturday, July 13th - cancelled due to forum outage!

This is sad news but the forum is up again. I would like to make a motion that this turn chat be 'un-cancelled'. The show must go on! I think it is even stipulated somewhere in our laws or standards that the government can carry on and make decisions during forum outages. :)
Yes it is so stipulated. If a leader is unable to determine through polls/discussions what the wishes of the citizens are (and forum outage is specifically noted) they are responsible for planning and implementing policies and activities on their own.
if the forum is down, no chat can be held. this game is based on CITIZEN DECISIONS. not on decisions of leaders... if the 6 want to play a game for themselves, they should wait for ptw or stick with civ2 multiplayer and dont try to use a demo-game for their purposes ;-p
last chat a war started. making the next chat without having citizen opinion and discussing things would no be desirable. and i believe this would not be in the will of citizenry.
I don't see how GMT and "real GMT" can be different. By definition GMT is the time in England the only way it could accidentaly get mixed up is when we (England) have our day light saving time change.
Originally posted by disorganizer
if the forum is down, no chat can be held. this game is based on CITIZEN DECISIONS. not on decisions of leaders... if the 6 want to play a game for themselves, they should wait for ptw or stick with civ2 multiplayer and dont try to use a demo-game for their purposes ;-p
last chat a war started. making the next chat without having citizen opinion and discussing things would no be desirable. and i believe this would not be in the will of citizenry.

Umm, the forum isn't down now...:rolleyes:
Yes, but 1 day discussion is a bit too much time no?
As we have seen from many polls, the most participaton/day values (=efficiency) are reached after 48 hours of polling. so if we stick with the 1 day discussion (i think its somewhere in the standards. or even a law?) and then 2 days poll, we need 3 days time minimum for mayor decissions.
and i think the upcoming decisssions are major!
and btw: why such a hurry donsig? i was wondering last term why the chats were hurried so much. we will ppbly be finished next month anyway, even if we would cancel every 2nd chat or only play 5 turns/chat.

and hurrying the chat most of the time leads to decissions which do not involve the citizenry, as they are not present at the chat.
Why the hurry?

If you look back at the times we've had turn chat cancellations or extended times between chats you will see that very little discussion takes place after a day or so anyway. The rest is dead time while everyone waits for the next set of turns.

There is no need for everyone to be in on every decision. The game can and should go on despite forum outages, missing leaders and real life. We have enough people involved that turns can - and should - be played on a regular basis.
Well, how many ppl are in turn chats?
Divide this by 20 and multiply with 100. Then u get how many % of our active citizens decide for all. And i did not put up the citizens in elections or anything. I took an average number over our polls (a guess i believe, but i think it seems the best value). Maybe even 25 or 30 should be put there.
We dont have a need to hurry our chats.
Ah. I forgot: This was the 1st time of a cancelation due to forum outage. The other time decisions were already there when the chat was canceled due to lack of ppl there. So no discussions were needed up to the next chat. All discussing was already done. This here is a totally different situation, and im glad ct noticed that, due to the lack of discussion on the war topic. And because it happend directly before a weekend, and many of our citizens only can access the forum on weekdays.
Chieftess, try the Time Zone converter (be sure to uncheck 'use current date/time'). It appears that the chat time is 23:00 GMT, because GMT-ans don't care for (saving) daylight time, but it is still 01:00 CET. :(
Slight change... governors may want to extend their build queues. Also, established provinces (such as Istar, Asphinxia...) are nearly finished with known improvements! :)
A Note for Term 5 (if there is one :))

Our victory is e'er so near (gee, I've been listening to Curufinwe to much last night. ;))... ehem..

I've calculated that we will have 45 turns before "Endgame". There's 3 turn chats left in the term (30 turns if all goes well - 10 turns per turn). That leaves 10-15 for the last turn chat. Our victory year has been decreasing since analysist forcasted our culture victory in 1882. It now stands at 1850! It's possible that this figure could go down as we build research labs, and rush culture improvements in our borders. So, if it comes to that, I'm asking all governors to be prepared to make an extended build queue for the last turn chat.

Plus, it would most likely be on Sunday, August 4th, and earlier than the 7:00 EDT turn chat. Maybe 4:00 or 5:00 EDT. (3-4 hours earlier) so that we can celebrate our victory. :)
July 31st seems pretty tight. Especially with the change of guard happening on that day and only a 48 hour turnaround since the last round. In fact, the 29th seems tight as well. How about making 1 go on the 30th or something? Leave some turns for term 5 too!
ok. :)
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