Unfriend Me Already


Nov 4, 2012
No, I'm not trying to suggest that there should be an option to simply end a DoF, short of making a Denouncement, as a way a preserving accountability.

However, I really, REALLY don't want to be friends with Haile any more, but I seem to be waiting a VERY long time for our Friendship to expire. Unfortunately, I wasn't really keeping track of exactly when it began. All know is that I renewed our Friendship at the same time he and Dido renewed theirs. And yet, Dido has now begun attacking Haile (before their Friendship expired and without Denouncing first) and even asks me to join her! :crazyeye:

Now, given all I've seen and heard about AI behavior I'm sure it is possible that Dido didn't care about any repercussions from back-stabbing Haile, but I certainly don't want to...yet.

So, my questions are: 1) How long does a DoF last (on Marathon)? 2) Is there a record somewhere of when they begin (the notification log only goes back about 30 turns....do I have to save and retire to find it in the game history)? and 3) Has anyone ever heard of or encountered a bug where maybe a DoF is automatically renewed when saving and reloading?
1. It's 90 turns on marathon.

2. Yes. I think it's under the diplomacy overview option, then global politics I believe. It shows the time left on your deals as well as which AI opponents are at war or friends with each other.

I'd wait until they weaken each other and then attack the weaker one. It's only a matter of time before the winner of that fight declares on you.
Declaration of friendships last stupidly long times sometimes, and while I understand that declaring war on a friend should be a bad thing, if my friend invades another friend (or proposes bad stuff in the world congress, or declares war on my city state allies, etc), I think I should have every right to denounce them without suffering a diplo penalty. Clearly, this system still needs to have protections against denounce then declare war next turn with no penalties, but it is really annoying feeling indirectly betrayed by a friend, and being able to do nothing about it.
Exactly - so maybe a good mechanic would be for Dof's to be cancelled, without penatly, if one of your Friends declares war on another one?
Ok, now this is really kind of strange...Dido has trounced Haile, and I plan on liberating a number of his cities from her. I also no longer plan on waiting for my Friendship with Dido to expire (I just entered the Industrial ahead of everyone else, and would like get the msot out of my technological advantages on the battlefield)...

However, when I go to attack one of Dido's puppet cities, I find that because Haile is hold a worker unit in it I must declare war on BOTH of them in order to attack it with my Cannons..whaaaa!?? How are they able to maintain an open border agreement after she took all but two of his cities??
If you don't wait for the DoF to expire, everyone in the game is never going to be anything other than hostile with you again. While I think there should be a denounce friends without penalty, I actually do like this penalty, as it is pretty comforting to have a declaration of friendship with an empire that could probably wipe you off the map. Unless this is with Russia. Then it doesn't matter.
Right. So now I've changed my plan back to waiting for my DoF with Dido to expire and going on on expedition to the other continent to keep the Russians in check...
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