Unique Units in Civ4?


Dec 13, 2004
So much complaint has been made of some of Civ3's UUs. Will there be any changes made thusly? Especially hated is the Americans' F-15 unit, especially as it comes too late in the game. There are military units from earlier in history that can be more useful--the Buffalo Soldier of the mid-19th century comes to mind (they can be Infantry replacements with an Attack bonus to reflect their history as tenacious warriors of the front line). Players tend to dislike the Spanish and English UUs too, and I'm sure better military units from these empires can be thought of. Is there any news out on this?
I agree completely with your statement... I like to play with several civs, yet their UU´s are terrible... there have been many suggestions regarding fixing this, like having one per era. I think if it was possible, have one UU land based and one maritime UU, which will allow more chances for all civs.
There's an interesting concept, one UU per era; I don't know how some civs can avoid being cheated out of an ancient-age unit, or a medieval one in some cases; I suppose a fictious one can be invented for the game? The idea of one land-based unit and one maritime one strikes me as more feasible.
I think each civ should have at least 3-4 UU, otherwise it's too much like Age of Empires. I mean, every civ should be more different and unique and what better way to do so than give them more UUs? Each civ could have one UU in ancient time, one in medieval, one in industrious and one in modern. Some would be stronger in each age and they would all balance overall. Surely, with people from quiete a few different countries on this forum alone, there could be many ideas for UUs for many civs; and the civs that do not exist anymore could have a made up UU in later ages (no more unreal than America in 4000 BC)
I'm not sure I like the idea of one special unit per era, but I always hated how front-loaded the special units were, with few or none left over for the end of the game. There were certainly a lot of independence movements in the 20th century that could have produced ideas for non-European civs.
I'm in agreement with Klopolov; I'm sure members of this international forum can come up with suggestions from the histories of their countries. I'm not sure if made up units would be in keeping with the spirit of the game, though; on the other hand, as Klopolov said, no more unreal than Ancient Age Americans, or for that matter, extinct civilizations continuing into the modern world.
Desertsnow said:
So much complaint has been made of some of Civ3's UUs. Will there be any changes made thusly? Especially hated is the Americans' F-15 unit, especially as it comes too late in the game. There are military units from earlier in history that can be more useful--the Buffalo Soldier of the mid-19th century comes to mind (they can be Infantry replacements with an Attack bonus to reflect their history as tenacious warriors of the front line). Players tend to dislike the Spanish and English UUs too, and I'm sure better military units from these empires can be thought of. Is there any news out on this?

It is not as if the US is going to have ancient or medieval UU, is it? :D

That said, the UUs could use and overhaul, or be replaced with cultural unit graphic styles for each civ.
I wasn't expecting anctient or Medieval units. The Buffalo Soldier that I suggested was in fact an Industral Age unit.

More on Buffalo Soldiers
I think a nice idea in Civ IV could be the addition of unique city improvement per civ...

About topic: what about they include in civ IV 2 or more unique units per civs (ex: one for 2 differents era).
I wouldn't like having that many unique units. One is enough imo, the game shouldn't revolve around unique units any more than it already does, it's at a good level now. America should keep it's modern era unit, but they should improve the modern era as a whole and as a result make it more useful.
Maybe they should get rid of UUs as they are now. Every civ would have a unique name and graphic(some shared of course) for each unit. Roman Swordsmen would be Legionnaires, Russian Tanks would be T-34s, American Riflemen could be Buffalo Soldiers, etc. This way you are always fighting a different and unique military, especially based on what I saw about changes in military fro Civ 4.
Maybe they should get rid of UUs as they are now. Every civ would have a unique name and graphic(some shared of course) for each unit. Roman Swordsmen would be Legionnaires, Russian Tanks would be T-34s, American Riflemen could be Buffalo Soldiers, etc. This way you are always fighting a different and unique military, especially based on what I saw about changes in military fro Civ 4.
That might be fun as long as they don't differ in the stats so much that they decide the games by themselves.
Golden eras won't work as in civ3 then I guess, and they'd have to fill out some civs unittrees with some generell units.
all the units have the same stats, a Buffalo Soldier as a Hessian Infantryman. A T-34 has the same stats as a Panzer, a Chi-Tai(Japanese tank I think), a Sherman, or a Wolverine(technically a tank destroyer). An Enkidu Warrior would have the same stats as Estruscan Warriors or Celtic Tribesmen. It goes on and on, but now UUs would not have to be balanced and each military would be unique by virtue of its artwork and names. More what-if that way.
hopefully in civ4 both air n sea combat will be greatly improved upon just as the ground is suposedly going to be so these units will come in handy if they're the UU's. i like the man o war anyway...
I want more UUs and them to be balanced better.
More UU's? Does anyone know the definition of the word "unique"? I will write it out for u... "exsisting as the only one or sole example" Personally i would like to see a eastern/western/ northern/southern variation of units (asian inf. look different than western say - but no stat change) I think this may statisfy the w :scan: estern craving for ..more more more...
Actually, I think we can have an American medieval unit - the minuteman. (Replaces Musketman)
I'd like to see each government type have a Uniqe tech. Fascist nations could have nationalism, Communist nations would have propaganda, Democracy would have Free artistry, Republic would have the forum (Which would allow them to build an earlier university), and Monarchy would let you build a castle instead of a wall which could be used in a city.
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