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Unit Request Thread 3

Well you could export the pcx using Flicster, stamp the swastikas over with Photoshop, and export them back to flc. Should be very easy, only time consuming.


Also these symbols were painted over before the ships entered their first combat sortie

I know there were no markings on Prinz Eugen during Rheinübung,

but it's not true for Gneisenau and Scharnhorst...

Link to video.

... and obviously not true for Bismarck.

Link to video.
Thanks, I will give Flicster a try. ;)

Both Scharnhorst and Gneisenau had no longer a swastika on the foreship when they were stationed in 1940 in Brest (There are aireal photos in the book "Von der Emden zur Tirpitz" by Siegfried Breyer). All pictures in the Norway campagin showed them only on sea level, so I guess you are right there.

On Bismarck I disagree however. Both Bismarck and Prinz Eugen left Gotenhafen in striped camoflage with swastikas to Norway. In Grimstadfjord both had their symbols and stripes painted over in dull grey. The fresh grey paint then eroded on Bismarck in the decades at the botton of the sea, showing the symbols again ("The Discovery of the Bismarck" by Robert D. Ballard).
Very well, thanks for the update. Btw I have thought about your problem and I think you could easily switch units for Germany to get to the same result. The Bayern class of super dreadnoughts was in many ways the predecessor of the Bismarck, so you could just use that as a generic choice and put another Linienschiff in the role of a generic dreadnought, for example the Helgoland.
Hmm... I think that your suggestion will be much easier to do than to tinker with the Bismarck model.

I tend to use the Kaiser Class as german dreadnought type, as it looks more equal to the Iron Duke, Nagato and Pennsylvania of the other ship branches (and yes, I know that the Kaiser have got only 12" guns compared to the 14" - 16" guns of the other classes ;) ).

Thanks for your help!

And also Thanks for your beautiful ship construktion teamwork. It is only a pity that they have to be downscaled so much, that most details are lost.
Hi guys!

I have a request for four different time lines. Pre-WWII, WWII, Coldwar and modern age.

I am looking for some sort of 'settler' unit and I dont like the Sid settler which we have now.

I am looking for a building team, city planner or a van with ladders, tools or something like that in it. Who is in for the challenge? Any ideas?

Ow.. and please don't point to the download section ;-)
Hi guys!

I have a request for four different time lines. Pre-WWII, WWII, Coldwar and modern age.

I am looking for some sort of 'settler' unit and I dont like the Sid settler which we have now.

I am looking for a building team, city planner or a van with ladders, tools or something like that in it. Who is in for the challenge? Any ideas?

Ow.. and please don't point to the download section ;-)

Why not? I have 327 units in my "Settlers & Workers" archive. Even if 2/5ths of them are germane to you, would you really ask someone to list 130?

There are plenty in the Industrial and Modern sections of the DB, and sorting through them shouldn't be too onerous.

Still, if it does, you can easily search for a unit in the db by matching up the creation date.

So, a few quickies:

Pre-WW1: Perhaps Micaleus' "Balken" peasant 4-pack of workers from 5/2008, updated 12/2011. Or Gary Childress' bulldozer pack, pieces all finally put together (I think) in Feb of this year. Plotinus' "Chain Gang Worker" 6/2007, which might readily cover both of the first two eras.

WW2 could be those bulldozers. Or Plotinus' Lumberjack (9/2011.)

Then a whole slew of modern workers began appearing ca. April of this year by ShiroKobbure; NavyDawg's generic and camo, from 11/08. Wyrmshadow's many-units list of modern construction machinery IIRC January of this year ...

... And there are many more suitable in the DB, although my personal fave is the beautiful if a bit dated SF Megacrane by (I think) Neomega IIRC originally in pieces from 10/2001 - 7/2002, and the SF section isn't even that crowded ...



Hi guys.

I’m hereby requesting a single little unit – an Avian type alien footsoldier with a gun (They are called the Ech'quey and have a federalist government structure, but that doesn’t matter).

I intend to use it to cover the basic infantry unit line for an alien race in a sci-fi scenario.

If there are any takers, I’d imagine an avian alien to look something like the images here. I’d also imagine its feathers to be blue.

Have a nice day, everyone :)

I would like to request someone make a civ colored american civil war general/army unit.
Hi guys.

I’m hereby requesting a single little unit – an Avian type alien footsoldier with a gun (They are called the Ech'quey and have a federalist government structure, but that doesn’t matter).

I intend to use it to cover the basic infantry unit line for an alien race in a sci-fi scenario.

If there are any takers, I’d imagine an avian alien to look something like the images here. I’d also imagine its feathers to be blue.

Have a nice day, everyone :)

Spoiler :

First one is a Kroot Karnivore isn't it?
It's *kroot.png*…
not a unit but a resource .pcx file which would be even better if placed on the larger file that has all the resources on it , even better with a decription of where it goes . ı would like to have a very dark blue or black image that covers the entire tile so that in space scenarios ı could cover all the coasts and have the light blue available to depict oceans in planets .
and by the way doesn't Wyrmshadow host his units in CFC anymore ? Was expecting to find thousands of high grade units , not much in the way of search results .

edit : Sorry , it appears ı wasn't looking hard enough .
For my WWII gameplay, I would like to see the Sturmabteilung (SA) - aka the 'Brownshirts'.

Attack anmiation has to be without a rifle. Just stick fighting or fist or.... a WWI Wyrm german unit without a gun.

Also would like to see a 1920-1940 civilian from the middle east. No attack annimation.

Thank you.
Hi guys.

I’m hereby requesting a single little unit – an Avian type alien footsoldier with a gun (They are called the Ech'quey and have a federalist government structure, but that doesn’t matter).

I second this request.

I could also use a bearded scientist in a orange hazardous environment suit wielding a crowbar, and/or a projectile launcher capable of firing explosive barrels. ;);)

And I would be especially appreciative if someone could expand our selection of superheroes and alien races.
There already are a few exploding oil barrel units, as well as a rolling powder keg.

I already found those. That was just a possible attack animation, and I was focusing on the bearded scientist in a orange hazardous environment suit wielding a crowbar. So far I haven't found one.

Thank you for trying to help. :)
Requesting an Arachnid from StarShip Troopers, maybe the Plasma Bug also?
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