Unit Request Thread 3

At first, I have to say, I'm sorry for this request, since there are already a whole bunch of good Roman units.

I have a request for a late Imperial Legionary, indeed for a "Comitatenses" which was a rider.
Actually, I even prefer a non-rider, thus a legionary, since I'm still not happy about the current late Imperial units.

The unit should have:
attack1: pike attack
attack2: sword attack

Also great would be: road building ability

Information about the attached pic:
It's a late Roman cavalryman ("Equites octavo Dalmatae"), about late 3rd century AD/ early 4th century, so the time of Diocletian and Constantine.

I think, this unit would also fit for generic usage.


  • Comitatenses.jpg
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I think it's pike only.

Having pike and sword is difficult, as the animation would not flow very nicely from one to another, so I doubt you will find much unit with them.
Except perhaps the legionary, which throw is pilum and then switch to sword.
Except perhaps the legionary, which throw is pilum and then switch to sword.

Yes, this needed.
As far as I know, there isn't a unit which throws the pilum/spear and then attacks with the sword, besides the current legionaries.

Furthermore, that unit above it doesn't really look "late imperial".
Nevertheless, in generel I like the units of Sandris. His units are really good.
Then AttackB.flc should have to be a weaponless legionary drawing his sword from its sheath.
If you did that, Takhisis, you'd get the opponent dying while the legionary was still pulling his sword from his sheath, which is eminently silly. :p
Only if the other unit had one or two HP remaining.
And, anyway, a legionary wouldn't have thrown his pilum, waited to see whether it'd hit and then said 'oh, are you still alive?'
(yes, I know about attacks A, B and C, but I couldn't resist it…)
srsly nao, you can paste that unsheathing part of the animation right after the end of the javelin throw.
There are some good images of various Late Romans posted here <http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?t=175023>. I think Sandris' mostly fit the bill except it would be good to have a generic Heavy Cavalry (non Cataphract/Clibinarii) and Light Cavalry eg Equites Scutarii or similar...
@KM - Terraform abilities (like "Build Road") are selected in the editor. NORMALLY, a unit must have all of them checked for the game to recognize the unit as a Worker and use it accordingly but, interestingly, the "Fall Of Rome" Conquest has both "Build Road" and "Build Fort" selected. I've seen many discussions about adding the latter ability to a unit ( :old: ) but none about the former ... :hmm:


I'm going to request a Fencer, modeled after this:

And some stances to consider:

Left is the lunge, right is the en guard position.

Salute (fortify animation would probably be default position saluting, then moving to the en guard position)

And a Youtube video of 1880s Fencing moves
Fencing moves
How about kind of like this?

First one, I'm already using for something else, and also doesn't fit quite as well for the role I'm looking for.

And second one, I was unaware of. Do you have a link to the unit somewhere so I can look at it more closely? :)
@KM - Terraform abilities (like "Build Road") are selected in the editor. NORMALLY, a unit must have all of them checked for the game to recognize the unit as a Worker and use it accordingly but, interestingly, the "Fall Of Rome" Conquest has both "Build Road" and "Build Fort" selected. I've seen many discussions about adding the latter ability to a unit ( :old: ) but none about the former ... :hmm:



I was just referring to this:
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