UNits for Civ4

I think there should be Naval Leaders and Aerial Leaders to form Armys of planes and ships. It would be easier to guard Transports that way.
I totaly agree with drakan...I want to see another D-dAy landing...i want AI to be smarter....
Maybe a unit workshop like in Aplha Centauri, where you spend extra money to improve a certain unit feature like attack, armor, etc. That way two nations can fight each other with similar weapons in the same age,but one of them wins. Ie, US attacks Mexico in 1840's but Mexico had inferior armor, etc. so USA wins with no much of "technological" advantage. Basically it makes the richer nation the more powerful, like in real life.

Also we need to create a smoother transition from the industrial age to the WWI, since WWI units are bipassed by WWII units.
After Combustion but before Flight it should be possible to build Zeppelins which can be used for reconnaissance but also for bombarding. I know the window for their use is very short, but maybe before them you could build hot air balloons? They were used since the 1700s, I believe, mainly for recon.

How about also Chemical and Biological weapons? They would be similar in function to nukes except they would only effect living things and not terrain or buildings, so you could devastate a city's population and destroy it's defenses without actually destroying the city.

Maybe there should be a terrorist unit which you could load with chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons and use it to deliver the payload to enemy cities?
The most important new unit we need is anti panzer infantry, with special bonuses vs armoured units, but maluses vs ordinary infantry!
Philips beard said:
The most important new unit we need is anti panzer infantry, with special bonuses vs armoured units, but maluses vs ordinary infantry!

Isn't that what TOW infantry is?
i don't seethe point of adding many new units. As they'll have a very short life span before going out of date.

Maybe though, especially in the modern ear, have a few tech levels to each units, maybe similar to vetern and elite. So, there's a basic tech you research for a unit, ie, flight for planes. Then you get the two really basic plane types. Then, once you have some other tech, you have the option of upgrading the planes into something slightly better (longer range, or something). And this happens a few times before you develop the advanced plane units.

But I really don't see the point of cluttering up the game with 10 differnt types of plane, multiple tanks, etc.
riadsala said:
i don't seethe point of adding many new units. As they'll have a very short life span before going out of date.

Maybe though, especially in the modern ear, have a few tech levels to each units, maybe similar to vetern and elite. So, there's a basic tech you research for a unit, ie, flight for planes. Then you get the two really basic plane types. Then, once you have some other tech, you have the option of upgrading the planes into something slightly better (longer range, or something). And this happens a few times before you develop the advanced plane units.

But I really don't see the point of cluttering up the game with 10 differnt types of plane, multiple tanks, etc.

This is a valid point, from my experience, there are units that I have barely build while in the game (ex if I have horses, I never build archers)... what could be a great option is that different units can be customized to each civilization (making them uu`s). For example, you could have more firepower in the frigates but less mobility for the germans; more mobility for the english, etc... it will give a more realistic and fun game, with additional new graphics.
Many ask what will happen with certain units for civs that are not around anymore (ex Rome, Babylon, etc), they could get customized based on the countries which became them, like Italy for Rome, Persia for Iran or the Incas for Peru...
More units are fine as long as they are more useful and make the game more interesting (ie not only offensive&deffensive units)
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