Up for an expansive game?

That's ok.

On my way out, but I should be able to open save and comment on your PPP within 8 hours.

Should we trade Economics for Gunpowder+Optics to Izzy? (I'm assuming it's possible, but I haven't tested it) That way we time our meeting with the other AIs with finishing Astro and switching to FM.
Log tells me that Huayna and Izzy made peace 760 AD. That's how many turns ago already? 7 right?
I'd be tempted to use the techs to bribe Isabella back into war with Huayna once the peace treaty is over (3t) and get Huayna to waste his stack and WEs on Isabella. Would make rolling over him that much easier.

Should I prepare a settler for the lil island?
Yes, especially since we're missing fish. There's only 1 other source of it on the whole continent somehow, and that's in Isabella's territory.
Log tells me that Huayna and Izzy made peace 760 AD. That's how many turns ago already? 7 right?
I'd be tempted to use the techs to bribe Isabella back into war with Huayna once the peace treaty is over (3t) and get Huayna to waste his stack and WEs on Isabella. Would make rolling over him that much easier.
I guess you mean: Bribe Izzy, wait for the stack to die, DoW HC?

Won't that push a bit too much our attack date? WE are a pain but so are Cuirassiers...
Cuirassiers are not a problem as they don't get defensive bonuses. No reason to worry about Huayna getting those. Once AIs lose their SoD nothing is a problem anymore.

We have to wait 3 turns for bribe, but I don't see how we can take him on within 3 turns anyway. There will be about 3 more turns to wait before the stack dies, but that's ok. We will retain more units and finish the overall war sooner anyway. Isabella's stack is right nearby, she will move on the city immediately and Huayna will defend it/counterattack with his SoD.

Then we mop up everything.
Just my opinion, not sure what the rest think.

But attacking into cultural defence with Lbows, pikes and WEs seems unwise to me. Having Huayna spread his units thin and lose them to Isabella makes it all much easier.
That won't help much. Takes about as long as the Isabella bribe and we still have to kill his WEs (heavily promoted) ourselves without siege. The pikes and longbows (at least lbows) will remain in the city.
I tried to post from my phone. It constantly changed my words so I gave up and posted.
I know there are pages dedicate to the worst auto-corrects. ;)
If we're going to build our stack a bit more anyway then waiting to see what Izzy wants for a declaration isn't a big deal.

Bribing Izzy into war if we declare first is likely to be cheaper, I'm not sure what HC would do in that scenario.
You did well, I had a good laugh :goodjob:

Me too :thumbsup:

Ras: if you didn't post comments because you were watching Top Chef on TV, it's not a good excuse :lol:

:mischief: :lol:

Nothing to add regarding the game: bribing Izzy to get HC back into war before backstabbing sounds like a good plan. Definatly get that island!
Looking good y'all :D

Played a couple turns into the war, 2 cities are now ours and we are in position to capture his cap after having forked 2 of his cities. Our losses have been minimal.

Could have played more but there's no reason I should be the one having all the fun :mischief:

Will report and hand over tomorrow. A small spoiler until then...
Spoiler :

The evidence is clear...
Played 12 turns​


Events: N/A

Cuirassier count: 18 (+3)


Spoiler :
Isabella lands a trade mission with her Economics GM, I make this trade

Cuirassier count: 20 (+2)


Events: N/A

Cuirassier count: 23 (+3)


Spoiler :

Isabella makes a debatable demand:

I hesitated but refused. We have a lot of diplo margin with her, and I don't want to lose our visibility on HC cities just now.

Hatty makes exact same request on same turn. Same answer.

And we meet....

But one important thing happens: Isabella's peace treaty with HC ends... :mwaha:

Deal :evil:

Strategic shenanigans:
Spoiler :

I'm moving a stack of 15 Cuirs close to the Incan city of Vilcabamba because it's the city near Isabella's SoD.

My idea is to jump in near the city when we declare once Isabella has softened up the defense.

If Isabella gets the city first the stack can just move in the direction of HC's cap.

Cuirassier count: 25 (+2)


Events: N/A

Cuirassier count: 27 (+2)


Spoiler :

We discover the world is round! :woohoo:

And we meet the last AI:

On the war front, Isabella is moving in:

Our turn soon... :evil:

Cuirassier count: 30 (+3)


Time for war!!

Spoiler :

Astronomy is in!

I don't switch out of Mercantilism just yet because we still don't have Economics.

The first important battles have taken place between HC and Isabella:

And HC is leaving his border city vulnerable...

What time is it?

The 2 Pikemen fights are at ~40%:

We lose 1 out of 2.

Our odds VS the strongest Longbow goes up to 70%, and a few clicks later:

I move in the other stack to be able to attack Vilcabamba next turn.

Cuirassier count: 30 (+2 -2)

Kill ratio is 14:2


Spoiler :
Isabella has not softened up enough Vilcabamba's defense, I prefer waiting a turn and getting some reinforcements rather than risk being short of a couple of attackers and losing the city to Isabella.

Instead I kill wandering Longbows, Knights and Cuirassiers. :mwaha:

A Great General is born...

Cuirassier count: 34 (+4)

Kill ratio is 20:2


Spoiler :
HC is willing to negociate... LOL

The city of Vilcabamba falls under the fire of the jump-over-the-peak technique:

Meanwhile a very important ceremony takes place:

Attacko, the Amphibious Ballista Elephant is born.

[ -- Yes, a super-medic would have been much more useful here but rules are rules... -- ]

Isabella finally proposes a decent price for Economics (twas 300 gold previously):

I accept and revolt to Free Market now because notice we are losing 7 GPT at 0% research... ABOUT TIME.

Cuirassier count: 33 (-1)

Kill ratio is 31:3


Spoiler :
IBT our forces are under attack from Ragnar Cuirassiers. We kill 2 but lose 2.

After the Free Market revolt, our GPT has made a +69 jump *lol*

While most our troops are moving to the front or healing, a stack of brave Cuirassiers approach the city of Corihatoolongtowriteoutta:

The defense is not overly impressive but the numbers exceed the stack and attacking would imply crossing a river.... not all our units are amphibious unfortunately.

Si I decide to fork his a$$:

Hatty has a decent tech rate, I decide to go for this trade:

Yeah I know, it obsoletes our GLib... the trade was there for a good price so I took it.

Cuirassier count: 31 (-2, none produced b/c anarchy)

Kill ratio is 33:5


Events: N/A (moving/healing troops), and I make this deal
Spoiler :

Cuirassier count: 36 (+5, I decide to cool off a bit on the unit builds because 36 seems enough)

Kill ratio is 33:5


(see next post for current situation!)
(end of previous post)



A useful event:
Spoiler :


The situation:​
Spoiler :

Close-up of the war front

And 22 other Cuirs are hiking not too far :mischief:




Joao's 11 GPT just popped this turn.

We might need to make these gits switch to FM...

No Man is an Island

Good :hammer: to the next dude!


  • Attacko AD-1070.CivBeyondSwordSave
    292.4 KB · Views: 102
Looking good :ar15:.

RP>Rifling or Communism? (assuming Hats goes for physics).
Nice warfare and nice illustrated report! :thumbsup:

O AI, AI, wherefore art thou so predictable? :mischief:

36 cuirassiers sounds like a bit too much :lol: but ok. :D
Maybe it will feel right when I open save.
The 1-tile island city is another good homage to Attacko -- doesn't get more amphibious than that.

I suggest naming it Attackos Naval HQ or something of the sort.
RP>Rifling or Communism? (assuming Hats goes for physics).
Communism could be interesting... we haven't built a single CH, Chemistry should soon be on the trading market (Joao has it), and we've pre improved watermills and workshops so a State Property/Caste System switch could be very powerful.

Communism first (for the free GSpy and a chance to get the Kremlin?) > RP > Rifling sounds good

The 1-tile island city is another good homage to Attacko -- doesn't get more amphibious than that.

I suggest naming it Attackos Naval HQ or something of the sort.
Or The Horcrux?

the evidence is clear- the Attacko horcrux. for the superior
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