Update on the Voting for Session #6 (& Cheating Discovery)


Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
While I don't like to bring attention to bad behavior, this instance could impact the integrity of the vote, and so I should mention it. It will become clear anyway by the time the session results are posted and the numbers are different. We have someone who has made a dozen additional accounts (or more) to mass vote on proposals this session.

All of their votes will be negated when the session results come out, if not sooner, and moderation action is being taken against the cheater (as creating multiple accounts is also against site rules).

I ask that you not waste community oxygen by discussing the person and their votes further; CFC moderators will take care of the issue.

Please do not trust the vote totals on any of the proposals right now when making your voting decisions. As usual, your vote choice(s) should be based on which options you'd be okay with. This is mainly aimed at voters who decide their vote is pointless because so many "others" have voted for the alternative.

This is the first known instance of this happening - but it is the reason why I made the voting public, so such cheating could be caught.

To anyone else who might be thinking of doing this, I assure you that you're simply wasting your own time if you think you're going to influence the vote this way.

After further investigation, the cheating was not unique to Session #6, but also occurred in Session #3 and #4. Their impact was minimal, mostly making a few votes seem closer than they actually were. Only one vote, 4-19, had its outcome changed by it, and even that one deserves an asterisk. Given that they voted multiple times for the "also tweak Bowman/Atlatlist promotions" and only once for "only tweak Walls of Babylon", we can presume that their preference was the former. That would have, if they did not cheat (thereby invalidating all their votes), made the vote 39-39, and I would have broken the tie in favor of that option.

Therefore, despite their efforts and lengthy campaign, their cheating never actually changed the outcome of any vote to be one that wouldn't have occurred if they hadn't cheated. :lol:

Nevertheless, that vote is being redone for fairness: (6-73) Keep or Revert Change to Bowman/Atlatlist Promotions

Although I'm pretty confident all duplicate votes have been identified, it's impossible to know with 100% certainty how many times they voted, so I decided the most equitable solution for the community is to cancel out their entire voting history, and am in the process of recounting all the votes excluding the accounts that cheated.

I'm also taking the opportunity, since I'll be looking at all proposal threads anyway, to note down which proposals were actually implemented and make a few other implementation notes. I've done this for Session #1 here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/vp-congress-session-results.680720/

This is something I was planning to do anyway, as I think it'll be valuable to the community, so taking a couple extra seconds to remove all their votes isn't a big deal (and I get the satisfaction of negating the impact of their actions to nothing more than the slightest of inconveniences).

Unfortunately, in the current session, they have managed to make it more difficult for the community to tell how many votes were actually cast. As a moderator, it's easy for me to see which votes aren't legitimate, as the votes look like this to me:
Spoiler :


The actual tally for each option is the displayed number minus all the crossed out names. Rest assured, it will not be hard for me to exclude the cheated votes.

However, as non-moderators cannot see this, I was asked to do a quick tally of the votes so the community can have a better idea of what the standings are, now that we're at the halfway mark for Session #6's Voting Phase. I will do this in the second post shortly. :goodjob:

I'll unlock this thread as, while I dislike giving the bad behavior attention, I feel it's fair if the community wants to discuss the situation (as unfortunately, one vote two sessions ago was affected), but please limit discussion of it to this thread to reduce any dopamine boosts and/or positive reinforcement they may receive.

Please also refrain from uncivil behavior, as we are not barbarians here, and I will lock the thread if that occurs.

Being able to spot things like this is why the voters are made public, so if you spot any suspect behavior in the future, please send me a message by conversation.

Thank you all!

NOV. 9 UPDATE (also posted below):
All session results for Sessions #1 through #6 have been revised, excluding the cheated votes and making note of which passed proposals were not eventually implemented and why, as well as making other notes.

It was discovered during this process that the vote for (3-09) had also been manipulated by cheated votes in much the same way as (4-19) was: i.e. if the cheater had voted fairly, it would have created a tie that I likely would have voted to break in favor of the outcome that won. If the cheater's votes are retroactively excluded from the tally, which I have done, pineappledan's proposal (i.e. the original one) should have won.

Link to said vote: (3-09) God of War & Goddess of Protection Proposals

Unlike for (4-19), I'm not going to hold a revote on these changes as the Voting Phase is over, God of War has been changed again in this very session, and the community has since shot down two proposals which nerfed Goddess of Protection's healing bonus in the (5-71) vote. That last part is relevant because pineappledan's proposal was also one that nerfed the healing bonus.

I'll leave it up to the community to decide how to proceed with Goddess of Protection in a future session - or not. There's already quite a lot of work to be done for this one.

This should be the final conclusion of the cheating issue. Improvements are likely to be made to the VP Congress prior to Session #7 to prevent any future cheating.
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Vox Populi Congress Session #6
Vote Tally
(6-01) Capture Unit Update Proposals01: 20
01a: 28
01+01a: 21
Nay: 27
(6-02) Late Game Extra TR Proposals02: 16
02a: 50
Nay: 10
(6-03) Move Moai Defense Bonus to EncampmentYea: 42 / Nay: 25
(6-04) Make Moai Passable for ShipsYea: 3 / Nay: 63
(6-05) Small Display Modification for Faith PointsYea: 59 / Nay: 2
(6-06) CS Quest: Acquire City Quest Proposals06: 10
06a: 15
06b: 21
06c: 10
06d: 23
06e: 41
06f: 11
Nay: 12
(6-07) Amphitheater/Gallery/Opera House Gold and Maintenance Adjustment Proposals07: 17
07a: 32
Nay: 27
(6-08) Field Gun Art Update Proposals08: 24
08a: 39
Nay: 14
(6-09) Tourism from Religion Change Proposals09: 28
09a: 38
Nay: 5
(6-10) Multiple Civs Can Have A MonopolyYea: 28 / Nay: 50
(6-11) Add Turns Until Gift Counter to Militaristic City-StatesYea: 63 / Nay: 9
(6-12) Change Prerequisite for Broadcast TowerYea: 58 / Nay: 3
(6-13) Great Merchant Bulb Changes13: 20
13a: 18
13b: 36
Nay: 8
(6-14) Galley Buff Proposals14: 34
14a: 23
14+14a: 33
Nay: 7
(6-15) Nuclear Non-Proliferation WC Changes15: 32
15a: 18
Nay: 35
(6-16) Allow Border Growth Yields to Continue Triggering After Cities Run Out Of Tiles To ClaimYea: 59 / Nay: 4
(6-17) Allow Humans To Offer Instant Items For Per-Turn Items But Block AI Requests For ThemYea: 44 / Nay: 15
(6-18) Allow Vote Trading With Lump Sum Gold, Remove Any Option to "Reclaim Votes"Yea: 51 / Nay: 3
(6-19) God of War Changes19: 39
19a: 30
Nay: 22
(6-20 & 6-21 & 6-22) Manufactory, Forge and Pantheon Proposals20: 23
21: 20
22: 14
22a: 23
22b: 29
20+21: 10
20+22: 10
20+22a: 8
20+22b: 13
21+22: 5
21+22a: 5
21+22b: 11
20+21+22: 4
20+21+22a: 4
20+21+22b: 12
Nay: 4
(6-23) God of Craftsmen Buff23: 25
23a: 45
Nay: 2
(6-24) Abode of Peace / Orthodoxy Change24: 22
24a: 40
Nay: 6
(6-25) Sacred Sites - Rework (based on @Stalker0 version)Yea: 31 / Nay: 39
(6-26) No AIFreeXPPercent Increase to XP Gain In AI vs AI CombatYea: 46 / Nay: 13
(6-27) City-State Quests No Longer Reward Great People Points in a City If None Of That Type Are StockpiledYea: 19 / Nay: 36
(6-28) Changes to Ivory Distribution and/or War Elephants28: 22
28a: 15
28b: 20
28c: 36
Nay: 11
(6-29) Change City-State Coup Quest RewardYea: 35 / Nay: 16
(6-30) Coal Spawn Changes30: 28
30a: 38
Nay: 19
(6-31) GPTI Bonuses Scaling31: 13
31a: 23
Nay: 33
(6-32) Changes to God of Stars and Sky32: 18
32a: 8
Nay: 49
(6-33) Move Coal Reveal from Steam Power to ChemistryYea: 52 / Nay: 22
(6-34) Disable Events System By DefaultYea: 56 / Nay: 21
(6-35) Great Musician Tour Happiness BuffYea: 39 / Nay: 12
(6-36) Espionage Overhaul36: 18
36a: 25
36b: 15
36c: 36
36d: 18
Nay: 11
(6-37) Remove Overlap Between "Goddess of the Hunt" and "God of the Stars and Sky"Yea: 23 / Nay: 28
(6-38) Cities Can Only Ask For Revealed Resources (WLTKD)Yea: 43 / Nay: 20
(6-39) Caravansary Changes (+Bank)39: 30
39a: 23
39b: 16
Nay: 6
(6-40) Make Villages Available EarlierYea: 13 / Nay: 47
(6-41) Rework Submarine Promotion Tree + StatsYea: 36 / Nay: 14
(6-42) Recon Unit Line Reworks42: 15
42a: 22
42b: 13
42c: 7
Nay: 26
(6-43) City Garrison DamageYea: 25 / Nay: 44
(6-44) Balance (or Equalize % Chance of) City-State Traits44: 26
44a: 44
Nay: 8
(6-45) Balance City-State PersonalitiesYea: 26 / Nay: 30
(6-46 & 6-47) Weaken City's Religious Pressure in Your Owned Era + Different Scaling / Notre Dame Rework46: 12
46a: 9
47: 28
46+47: 21
46a+47: 20
Nay: 18
(6-48) Make Jungle on Grassland Viable on Other Mapscripts That Use Default Feature GenerationYea: 37 / Nay: 15
(6-49) Unique Improvement Enhancements Reworks49: 13
49a: 9
49b: 32
Nay: 33
(6-50) Global Hegemony Majority: Gives 5 rather than 2 VotesYea: 43 / Nay: 8
(6-51) Lategame Buff to CampsYea: 49 / Nay: 5
(6-52) Always (or Never) Include Laborers in the set of Specialists52: 23
52a: 44
Nay: 2
(6-53) Remove Maintenance from AgribusinessYea: 42 / Nay: 12
(6-54) War Weariness ReworkYea: 43 / Nay: 14
(6-55) Proposals to Rename Ideologies / Authority55: 21
55a: 18
55b: 15
Nay: 29
(6-56) Tribute Tweaks Part 1: Make Influence Penalty HarsherYea: 35 / Nay: 13
(6-57) Tribute Tweaks Part 2: Heavy Tribute RewardsYea: 46 / Nay: 5
(6-58) Tribute Tweaks Part 3: Increase Minimum Threshold for Normal TributeYea: 43 / Nay: 3
(6-59) Tribute Gold Scaling AdjustmentYea: 37 / Nay: 6
(6-60) Can't Sell Cities Founded By Their Current OwnerYea: 31 / Nay: 22
(6-61) India UA ReworkYea: 47 / Nay: 7
(6-62) Remove Dependence on Monument for Border Growth RateYea: 37 / Nay: 13
(6-63) Show Global Mutual Exclusiveness in the UIYea: 33 / Nay: 11
(6-64) Balancing Classical Era UB - RunestoneYea: 26 / Nay: 40
(6-65) Balancing Classical Era UB - TetraconchYea: 27 / Nay: 34
(6-66) Revision of the Celtic PantheonsYea: 33 / Nay: 21
(6-67) Siam ReworkYea: 49 / Nay: 11
(6-68) Increase Unit Maintenance (Particularly for Large Armies)Yea: 34 / Nay: 24
(6-69) Swap Horses and Iron on the Top PanelYea: 38 / Nay: 27
(6-70) Add New City-States When Major Civs Are Absent IngameYea: 30 / Nay: 22
(6-71) AI Difficulty Adjustment: Weaker Ancient/Stronger RenaissanceYea: 55 / Nay: 1
(6-72) Change Requirements for Pledge of ProtectionYea: 54 / Nay: 2
(6-73) Keep or Revert Change to Bowman/Atlatlist PromotionsYea: 33 / Nay: 13
(6-A) Add separate flag icon for Mongolian Khan UGP (readded)FAST-TRACK ACCEPTANCE
(6-A) Palace of WestminsterFAST-TRACK ACCEPTANCE
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Who caught the cheating? They should be awarded some kind of medal.
That would be me, I was paying particularly close attention due to the espionage vote.

A medal, huh? Well, I guess it'd be cool to add myself as a Great Diplomat, given my Diplomacy AI work. Bit egotistical, though. :p
Wow I'm glad it was caught before the big Espionage vote.
Agreed. I wouldn't want a cheater overriding a community decision that'll likely have impacts for years going forward.
just to clarify this is multiple accounts from single IP? if we are to report a cheater how would we identify based upon a forum user?
If this is based on the IP, there are ways to get around this. So we can't make sure this won't happen again, I guess?
just to clarify this is multiple accounts from single IP? if we are to report a cheater how would we identify based upon a forum user?
If this is based on the IP, there are ways to get around this. So we can't make sure this won't happen again, I guess?
I'm not revealing exactly how we confirmed it, but those accounts are known to be the same person.

I'll be keeping a greater watch from now on, but simply put, if you notice anything suspect in the voter list, shoot me a message and I'll look into it.

We're looking at ways to prevent this from occurring in future sessions atm.
@Recursive ty for all your time organizing us once again this round! I think the cheating scandal is just a sign of the popularity of the mod, and the congress format. Its all lots of work I'm sure -- I'm here a couple times per week at least and barely get through about half the topics each round, just as a voter. gg!
NOV. 9 UPDATE (also posted above):
All session results for Sessions #1 through #6 have been revised, excluding the cheated votes and making note of which passed proposals were not eventually implemented and why, as well as making other notes.

It was discovered during this process that the vote for (3-09) had also been manipulated by cheated votes in much the same way as (4-19) was: i.e. if the cheater had voted fairly, it would have created a tie that I likely would have voted to break in favor of the outcome that won. If the cheater's votes are retroactively excluded from the tally, which I have done, pineappledan's proposal (i.e. the original one) should have won.

Link to said vote: (3-09) God of War & Goddess of Protection Proposals

Unlike for (4-19), I'm not going to hold a revote on these changes as the Voting Phase is over, God of War has been changed again in this very session, and the community has since shot down two proposals which nerfed Goddess of Protection's healing bonus in the (5-71) vote. That last part is relevant because pineappledan's proposal was also one that nerfed the healing bonus.

I'll leave it up to the community to decide how to proceed with Goddess of Protection in a future session - or not. There's already quite a lot of work to be done for this one.

This should be the final conclusion of the cheating issue. Improvements are likely to be made to the VP Congress prior to Session #7 to prevent any future cheating.
@Recursive ty for all your time organizing us once again this round! I think the cheating scandal is just a sign of the popularity of the mod, and the congress format. Its all lots of work I'm sure -- I'm here a couple times per week at least and barely get through about half the topics each round, just as a voter. gg!
Looking at revising the schedule as we regularly run into delays.
yeah its a little quick-paced for my civ-metabolism tbh -- i'd be fine with another month between rounds, and possibly slightly longer proposal & voting periods

i'll get up to speed with project structure on git, so maybe i can help with some small/minor implementations for next round, but even so I don't expect to have time to break off more than a small handful of the easy ones
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