US Capitol Breached

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What‘s your take on long prison sentences for the identified rioters? And - if admissible - for the conspiracists on Parler and Co? I mean that should be preferable to deadly force, no?

Covid 19 outbreaks.
On the contrary, thinking about it in terms of a neo-manichean conflict would probably do some good here. No more of the handwringing over calling fascists fascists. We might be able to get a whole new generation of anti-fascists.

That is exactly what Antifa is. Antifa=short for antifascist. QAnon has basically turned it into a terrorist-sounding swear word, just like ISIS and any number of virulent organizations they know nothing about. "Black Lives Matter" is this supposedly Marxist organization and not--God forbid--exactly what the plain English in what those three words say. With them knowing nothing of what Marxism is, either; for that matter.
If he didn't say it on twitter, it's probably not real....
OK what the hell is he potentially planning in Alamo?
To remind everyone of his great achievements; distract everyone from his loser status; tell everyone he didn't lose the election; Fly around on AF 1 a few more times;
I find it fascinating how a goof like Trump managed to catch the wind of time so delicately and build such an intimate relationship with his followers, all ending in a failed attempt to ‘take back America that was stolen from us’ by storming the Capitol hill. Truly, groups of people are so disconnected, disenfranchised, impoverished and marginalised, even a clown with half a brain missing is good enough to send this energy flying like a wrecking ball, destroying everything in it’s path.
The hypocrisy of coverage/mindset regarding this compared to to summer riots is unfortunate.

The hypocrisy of coverage/mindset on the right regarding the rule of law regarding this compared to the summer riots is unfortunate.
Statement from The Arnold.

Thing is, I really don't expect all this to cost Republicans much. Since any with any decency have already stopped voting Republican.
Pretty good job by The Governator. Interesting to hear him talk about what is was like to grow up surrounded by defeated, broken, former Nazis.
It's true. The Right is quick to excuse the storming of the US Capitol but could not countenance Black protestors earlier. Truly astounding hypocrisy on the Right.

These protestors did something illegal and will see consequences for those actions. If the human trash running the show had any semblance of self-consistent standards, they might have to answer for why "catch and release" was okay in the context of far more violent actions taken in a far more extended occupation of government property. Or maybe the criminals who pulled that crap in the summer could still be prosecuted for that, now that we suddenly agree that these actions are bad/illegal again.

Though it's also somewhat callous to claim "protestors" killing people and burning buildings is in a similar standing to breaking windows + forcing way in with casualties inflicted by policy only (as opposed to both police and "protestors" killing or injuring people). But I'll be happy to see all of these criminals held to the standards of the laws they break.

Once we start advocating different laws for different people, GTFO. Nobody who is holding office while doing that should retain their position, let alone officials who actually apply legal standards this way.

What summer riots?

Trolololol? That's the most generous response I can give to this. Capital incident was "exceptionally peaceful" by protestors if this summer's events were "mostly peaceful protests" in Oregon.

That is exactly what Antifa is. Antifa=short for antifascist. QAnon has basically turned it into a terrorist-sounding swear word, just like ISIS and any number of virulent organizations they know nothing about. "Black Lives Matter" is this supposedly Marxist organization and not--God forbid--exactly what the plain English in what those three words say. With them knowing nothing of what Marxism is, either; for that matter.

Let's highlight the lack of logic in the quoted.

Consider a hypothetical organization: "anti-pedo". This organization doesn't take any actions consistent with the goal of benefitting children, and instead just commits random shooting. Would you consider criticism of this group to be support of pedophilia?

If you would not, you self-refute the logic used in quoted paragraph for "Antifa" and "BLM".

That said, QAnon is hot garbage too.
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Moderator Action: PDMA quote removed --LM
Saying people should be exsanguinated or posting of a video of someone getting killed usually gets snipped as a matter of course.

Trump really did go too far this time.
I heard a 2nd officer just died.

Trump incited a mob of people and then noped away in a limo. :undecide:
Cartoon villain kind of stuff.
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Moderator Action: Just to make it clear to everyone. The policy is this: Do not even joke about saying that someone should be killed, shot, strangled, etc. Basically, you should ask yourself when posting: "Is my post going to attract the interest of a three letter agency?" If the answer is "possibly" then alter your post, or don't post it at all. Discussing the death of someone in that fashion, or worse yet, promoting violence or death, or even suggesting that someone be assassinated is not a good thing to do. Discussing the situation factually, as in "The right is planning assassinations...etc." is fine. Just don't add something like "And that is a good thing."

If that is not clear, please read the link at the bottom of this mod text. There is a section on advocating death. Overall, this thread has been very good at discussing the topic without advancing the cause of violence. Just don't make comments that could be construed as threats or sedition, for your own sake.

Please read the forum rules:
CFC MOD is a 6 letter agency! We don't want to attract them either.
Capital incident was "exceptionally peaceful" by protestors if this summer's events were "mostly peaceful protests" in Oregon.
Ah, you're comparing the level of violence between the protests. There's more to the story than that.

One is an outcome of top-down oppression that was literally disregarded by the racist troll at the very top of the executive.
One is due to manufactured discontent by the same executive literally spreading falsehoods about the legitimacy of the process.

I will grant that there is some bigotry of low expectations involved. But the fact that one is literally an attempt to undo the democracy shouldn't be ignored. BLM became violent after it was mischaracterized by the executive. And the Capitol protests became violent after the executive mischaracterized the election's legitimacy.

The effect of the BLM protests, with regards to the degradation of a civil and liberal society, will be significantly less than this attempted usurpation by the Trump-wing of the political right. So, whataboutism might say more about what you're noticing than what the two events deserve in the course of comparing them.
How come Sommerswerd hasn't realised yet that Berzerker's confusion comes from the fact that if you read the letters MLK as if it were a word instead of initials it sounds like ‘Malc’?
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