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USSR Personnel Modifier


Jun 22, 2015
As I know the obsolete maps are, well, obsolete, I am attempting to at the very least make a non-historical play through possible. One issue I am encountering is that the Soviet Union's UA is not taking effect. Is there a specific location in the scripts/files that I need to check or move to allow it to, or is it unknown?
That isn't the issue, the issue is that the USSR normally receives a 50% bonus on personnel recruited off its base. The bonus is not there during the playthrough. I just need to know where this file happens to be so I can mess around with placement.
Yes I know, however the UA for the USSR is implemented in the Europe 1939 scenario, so I'm wondering where that script is so I can try to apply it into the other scenarios.
That part of the code is not linked to the scenarios.

It's in RedResources.lua, specifically this line:

if not bCaptured and GetCivIDFromPlayerID (city:GetOwner()) == USSR then cityPersonnel.fromTrait = (cityPersonnel.fromRecruiting + cityPersonnel.fromNeedYou) * (100) / 100; end -- soviet trait

Now, the bug could be just "visual" (not displaying the bonus but applying it)
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