[UXP] Legends of Revolutions

Hi there. I'm intrigued - most mods have their front page main menu screen in a folder under assets > art > Interface > Main Menu but LoR doesn't have that structure. How does the mod get to have a unique 'front page'?

All Round Good Egg
Hi again,

Just formated my harddrive and would like to download the latest version of this game, but it seems megaupload doesn't have the file. Ill try again to see if it is on their end. But if not, anyone mind re-uploading it?

Thanks again phungas and admiral and those others interested in keeping this mod alive.

Edited: "Nevermind got it to show now"
Hey, I've just noticed that charismatic leaders - in my save its Brennus - don't get the +1 :) when having built the monument. Seems to be a bug, hm?

Help from someone needed !!!!!

I reloaded LOR after giving up on Civ 5 for a while , however I seem to have set something that I cannot find how to get rid of.

The screen shot will speak for itself, how do I get rid of that box.

Not sure if it is a normal options setting, BUG or LOR

Have tried numerous things but still have the box right in the worst position or normal and city display


  • Civ Screen.JPG
    Civ Screen.JPG
    128 KB · Views: 116
Thanks Fuyu, that got it back to normal.
I do not understand why this mod has a 4 star rating when every other mod that has less then 5 stars has serious stability problems, and this mod does not have any major bugs in it. Maybe there are some haters, but wow.
It's 5 stars in my books. :)


It's all I play. Thanks again, Phungus. :goodjob:

Oh, and as per your original, unedited post, an update to the new RevDCM standard would be greatly appreciated. :)
I find that using the Minor Civ option makes for a very interesting game from the very beginning. Minor Civs & Raging Barbarians can get very interesting at times.


It opens up a whole new dimension to the early game, which I like, but I'm not too sure how the AI handles it; I think, if you're used to it, know to fogbust, so you can smite barb cities to prevent civ-spawn, and have copper handy, it makes the upper levels easier. Keep in mind that I haven't tested this supposition, yet, as all my Immortal games (and my current Deity attempt) have all been with LoR.

Runaway civs that become monsters in BTS, seem to fall to pieces under revolutions, and declaring war on factions/rebels/splitters seems to be an easy way to build up diplo points. However, all that action leads to a more dynamic and immersive experience.
I play without minors (and without vassals) becauses having up to 20 civs messes up the game (for my taste).
I do not understand why this mod has a 4 star rating when every other mod that has less then 5 stars has serious stability problems, and this mod does not have any major bugs in it. Maybe there are some haters, but wow.

Meh, a couple of my mod comp's got 0 bombed as well. Just ignore it. I gave you 5 stars. ;)
Just to update, playing my first Deity game, and was at war with Willem. As part of the peace deal, he surrenders a city to me. Now, I occupy the city with all buildings intact (including culture generating buildings that still generate culture), which is odd, but not something that I'd quibble about, no, the issue is that I inherited his National Wonders, as well. Which was quite a shock, and an even bigger shock when my Commerce City that was building Wall Street, was not allowed to continue building, because I inherited Billy's lame Wall Street. I solved the issue by reloading and WB-erasing and Wall Street.

This was utilizing Admiral Armada's Base Version, btw.
Hmm, that's odd, I've never noticed that before. Thanks for the info, I'll make sure this isn't happening before releasing. Also 1.0 is looking like it will take a while longer, mainly because I have a bunch of tedious copying and pasting to do.
Hmm, that's odd, I've never noticed that before. Thanks for the info, I'll make sure this isn't happening before releasing. Also 1.0 is looking like it will take a while longer, mainly because I have a bunch of tedious copying and pasting to do.

Yeah, I never noticed stuff like this in my previous Immortal games using this version of the mod, but, then again, I usually just steam roller the AI, and never ask/give quarter; I've noticed that Deity sort of forces you to alter your approach. :)

One other odd thing, and I'm sure this is BetterAI related, but if the base version uses an older version of BetterAI it might've been corrected already, in which case this should be ancient history to you. Rameses was obviously going for a culture victory, and his big three were Thebes, Memphis, and Heliopolis; big, beautiful, wonder-filled cities in the heart of his empire. Twice he dow'd me out of the blue, and sent HUGE stacks of doom into my territory, whereupon I massacred them to the last man. Both times during the peace talks he offered up MEMPHIS :)eek:). Requests for minor border cities were rebuffed, but Memphis was always on the table. Neither time did I seriously enter his empire, threaten his core cities, or increase my power rating to better than 1.7 against.

In the interests of maintaining a compelling game, I declined the offer, but this is a pretty bog OOOOPS! for the AI.

Couple of other minor observations:

Barbary Corsair upgrades to Ironclad Cruiser/Destroyer line. Kinda stinks not being able to take the biggest badboy in my navy up the Ironclad Battleship/Battleship line.

On Marathon, against a high level AI that can maintain late-game tech parity, I was missing Protected Cruisers. Seemed like a long time between Ironclad Cruisers and Destroyer Escorts. On sllower speeds with lesser AIs I think the tech tree might be a bit cluttered by their presence, but this time I noticed their absence.

Since Destroyer Escorts get a bonus vs. subs, shouldn't they be able to see them? I think this was mentioned for a fix awhile back, but it wasn't implemented.

Anyway, still lovin' the mod, and having a great time with it. Thanks. :goodjob:
The national wonder thing is unfortunately working as intended. Some people had the same problem in the past while getting cities through culture with inside a national wonder that they did not want (getting the hermitage in a culture-conquest game was pretty bad actually)

Nat wonders are destroyed on conquest, but not when the city is given through peaceful means. Since they are "national", it would perhaps make sense to remove them even in this case, but that's a design decision then.
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