[UXP] World of Legends: Heroes, Guilds, and More!

Ah. I would download this, but I cannot ever download from Atomic Gamer. :(
Can someone please upload this to another host so I can download this mod?

It looks amazing! I can't believe I didn't see this earlier.
But yeah, it's impossible to download from Atomic Gamer ,the file always stops between 30% and 80%, never increases, and that stupid 5 minute wait doesn't help either, I mean, really, get better servers...
Update: I'm done with fixing the heroes' stats. Unfortunately, this last week or so my laptop has been acting up again, so testing has been going very slowly because of the lag. However, I don't expect it to be too serious a setback, and after I do some minor fixes and tweaks, and maybe do a short test game, everything should be fine.

Looking forward to it. The new civilizations sound interesting (I like new civilizations), and I actually prefer the "worst-case scenario". After all, everything else is immortal, so why not heroes?

The reason I attempted mortal heroes was that originally, when they were stronger, if they were allowed to have even a few of their special promotions, they would essentially become invincible. i.e., not balanced. For example, imagine a game on a duel map between, say, Greece and Venezuela. Greece can just shoot straight for Leonidas or Odysseus right away, send him over to Venezuela, and eat them alive and win the game no sweat. That's an issue I've been trying to figure out how to fix, and it seems that at this rate the only way to do that may be to significantly weaken the heroes. So I'll see how this next version goes, now that they are weaker, and I'll let you guys test to see whether it causes any balance issues.

Ah. I would download this, but I cannot ever download from Atomic Gamer. :(
Can someone please upload this to another host so I can download this mod?

It looks amazing! I can't believe I didn't see this earlier.
But yeah, it's impossible to download from Atomic Gamer ,the file always stops between 30% and 80%, never increases, and that stupid 5 minute wait doesn't help either, I mean, really, get better servers...

If you go back to the download place from Atomic Gamer, if you look in the description, I put up a link to Filefront. It's the alternative that a few people - those who have had some serious issues with Atomic Gamer - have been using.

For your convenience, here's the link: http://www.filefront.com/15312027/World-of-Legends-v0.50.rar/
Ah. Okay. Thank you. I must have missed that.

Okay, I've given this a go, and so far it's good.
However, one weird thing happened. My military hero died of old age before I could even begin to mount an attack on my enemies.
3 turns after I built him. :(

That can't be right, can it?
I know each turn ticks by 20 years, but that's a bit extreme.
Did I just get horribly unlucky? Or should I have built him in the city closest to my enemies, and spammed a bunch of units before?

Again, it doesn't make sense to end their career before it even gets started. "Died after countless battles? Uh, no, he died of old age before he even saw one. Heck, he died of old age before he was even 10."
Maybe he had Progeria? :) You know, the aging disease?
Update: Most of the important changes to 0.60 are pretty much done, and more or less I have very little left to do - if anything - except to do a test game to see if everything runs smoothly. There doesn't seem to be any major issues except for one rather annoying interface bug. Apparently, some (if not most) of the pop-up screens (i.e. Screens like "You have advanced into the Classical Era!" or "You have discovered Tech 123! ["Quote"]") don't appear at all when they're supposed to.

Although it doesn't change gameplay at all, it is very annoying that I'm not being notified of important events. I'm hoping it's just some stupid python thing that can be easily fixed.

Ah. Okay. Thank you. I must have missed that.

Okay, I've given this a go, and so far it's good.
However, one weird thing happened. My military hero died of old age before I could even begin to mount an attack on my enemies.
3 turns after I built him. :(

That can't be right, can it?
I know each turn ticks by 20 years, but that's a bit extreme.
Did I just get horribly unlucky? Or should I have built him in the city closest to my enemies, and spammed a bunch of units before?

Again, it doesn't make sense to end their career before it even gets started. "Died after countless battles? Uh, no, he died of old age before he even saw one. Heck, he died of old age before he was even 10."
Maybe he had Progeria? :) You know, the aging disease?

That issue has been reported before. Anyhow, at least for the next version, it won't be a hassle, since heroes will be "immortal" in version 0.60.
Ah. Okay. Besides, they may be strongish, but hordes of tanks will still win. :)
Not that the AI has ever built tanks on me in a game since civ 2, but still.

I wondered if it was a bug.
Hello all. I know it's been a long while, but I have been in the process of moving in the last month or two, and that has eaten up a lot of time. Even though I'm pretty sure I'll be dormant for a little while as I get settled down, I don't want this mod to die, so don't lose hope. The only thing I really have to fix is some issues with the interface. Thank you all for your understanding!
Alright, it's update time.

Things have been going along a bit more smoothly than expected. The big python/interface mess apparently was caused mainly by the Inquisition Mod, so logically I decided to remove it from WoL - at least for version 0.60. To make up for that, I've decided to integrate in Spawn a Civ and possibly a few other small modcomps to enhance gameplay.

I suppose it's a good time I give a brief overview of how Spawn A Civ works.

It's based off The J's excellent modcomp seen here. Anyhow, in WoL, there are five types of "barbarian" civs that can spawn: tribes, hordes, kingdoms, empires, and dynasties.

Spawnable civs are like barbarians, they cannot conduct diplomacy with other players and will be at war with everybody else. However, unlike barbarians, they actually have capitals, can actually research technologies and possibly build wonders and found religions, and other features of civilizations. Each spawnable civ will even have their own hero unit. Basically, think of them as super-powered barbarian cities.

In version 0.60 of WoL, ten spawnable civs will be available, two of each type:

- Tupi
- Carib

- Huns
- Goths

- Anglo-Saxons
- Benin

- Seljuks
- Khitan

- Wei
- Mughals

In the next few days or so, I will try to get some screenshots of the Spawnable Civs in action, as well as explain a bit more on how the Spawnable Civs actually work. From my testing so far, these guys are really fun to play with - imagine a horde of Hunnic horsemen appearing on your border out of nowhere. It adds a whole new level of unpredictability to the game.
Alright, now for some pictures!

Here is an example of the spawnable civ (the Khitan Empire in this case) appearing. Notice that the Khitan have a bunch of units to start with, and that they are automatically at war with me.

Here, we see the Carib Tribe to our west and the Gothic Horde to our north. You can also see the Cairb Hero, Agueybana, standing to the west of my scout.

Now imagine if one of these guys appeared in a normal game, right at your borders, while you were in the middle of peacefully managing your empire.

Anyhow, to explain a little more about the spawnable civs: each of the five types (tribes, hordes, kingdoms, empires, and dynasties) are different in what they start with and the bonuses they receive. In other words, each presents a different challenge.

Tribes are the easiest to deal with, since they are small, underdeveloped, and primitive.

Hordes present an immediate threat with a huge slew of units. However, since they are undeveloped and technologically behind, they are easy to take care of if their initial attack waves are countered. Then again, if they are allowed to develop, bad things might happen.

Kingdoms are generally small, but they have a decent infrastructure and are reasonably advanced. Even though they might not have large numbers of troops, they still must be dealt with. They can't be run over like tribes, so it might take some planning to actually take care of them.

Empires are big and advanced, with a technological level that might rival a good number of existing civilizations. They are extremely dangerous, since they often start with a good number of units and a well-developed infrastructure. If one does appear, it is best to take care of them immediately - or at least quickly mount some kind of adequate defense.

Dynasties (representing dynasties, civil war factions, and other groups that are too closely related to a civilization to be considered a "distinct" civilization per se but distinct or important enough to warrant a spawnable civ) are possibly the most difficult to take care of. Their infrastructure and technology level rivals that of the empires, and though they might not have as many troops as empires, they can easily create large armies and develop their civilization. As the most dangerous of the spawnable civs, they have to be dealt with immediately at all costs.

In the final version of WoL, over 50 spawnable civs will be available, each with a certain chance of appearing in a game (so that the map doesn't get spammed with super-powerful barbarians). These civs will range from the Confederacy to the Teutonic Order to the Vandals and Kazakhs to the Scottish. I will also intend to have even more available as modular add-ons.
Very soon, in fact, since basically the Spawnable Civs are more or less integrated (without hassle!) and everything else surprisingly seems to be smooth. :D

Right now I'm thinking of just adding a few very small modcomps to add to game variety (i.e. its unlikely they'll cause really insane bugs or issues), and I'll run a test game or two.

I'll give it about a week, so I'm pretty excited since its been months since I've been able to update this damn thing.
In the final version of WoL, over 50 spawnable civs will be available, each with a certain chance of appearing in a game (so that the map doesn't get spammed with super-powerful barbarians). These civs will range from the Confederacy to the Teutonic Order to the Vandals and Kazakhs to the Scottish. I will also intend to have even more available as modular add-ons.

:eek: OMG you've really done a lot of work with that.
This mod looks really intriguing. Would it be possible to include an installer and desktop launcher like in LoR, perhaps in a later version?
:eek: OMG you've really done a lot of work with that.

Well, it's only ten for version 0.60, but yes by version 1.00 there'll be 50+.

Although of course you did a lot of the work yourself. ;)

This mod looks really intriguing. Would it be possible to include an installer and desktop launcher like in LoR, perhaps in a later version?

I will definitely have an installer and desktop launcher at the least in a later version. That is a definite guarantee.
In the final version of WoL, over 50 spawnable civs will be available, each with a certain chance of appearing in a game (so that the map doesn't get spammed with super-powerful barbarians). These civs will range from the Confederacy to the Teutonic Order to the Vandals and Kazakhs to the Scottish. I will also intend to have even more available as modular add-ons.

Kingdoms and dynasties sound as if they might have more than one city when spawned, is that true ? Also, some types sound as if they are spawned later in the game (tech level). So can they spawn on unowned land only (which might be rare by that time) like barbarians or can they take over some cities as part of their spawning ?
Kingdoms and dynasties sound as if they might have more than one city when spawned, is that true ? Also, some types sound as if they are spawned later in the game (tech level). So can they spawn on unowned land only (which might be rare by that time) like barbarians or can they take over some cities as part of their spawning ?

Only some Empires and Dynasties will spawn with more than one city (a very small number of kingdoms and hordes might spawn with two cities, but I don't remember). However, Kingdoms still are pretty developed (i.e. they are pretty advanced tech-wise and accumulate culture and gold better than hordes and tribes). However, for version 0.60, Spawnable Civs will only have 1-2 cities. Originally I wanted some with 3, or even possibly 4 cities, but The J has said that the city-placement algorithm he uses for the Spawnable Civ modcomp isn't as great as he hoped it would be (i.e., if a spawnable civ starts with 4 cities, two cities might be in Australia while the other two are in Siberia, for example). Until he figures out a way to improve the algorithm, I'll try to have the barbarians have as few cities as possible.

The "latest" spawnable civ I think that I have planned is the Confederacy, who spawn probably around the late-Renaissance. Anyhow, the way The J's modcomp works is that the spawnable civs spawn on unowned land only, so it's not like in Rhye's and Fall (if that's what you're thinking of) where new civs can take over the cities of old civs. If there's no room left, they won't spawn at all (but usually there's at least an unclaimed island here or there up to the early Industrial, at least in the games I've played). However, the Confederacy will have a relatively low chance of spawning anyways.

Of course, the spawning element works better on some maps than others. Though I haven't tested it too much yet, obviously, I'm pretty sure Spawnable Civs will have a lot more breathing room on maps like Terra and Archipelago that are large or huge sized, rather than, say, a Tiny Pangaea map, where all the land might be eaten up by the early Medieval.
Have you thought of recruiting Beta-testers, like The Capo has done for DipII? It might reduce the amount of playtesting you have to do and give "the Select Few" a glimpse at the up-and-coming! You could even "sneak" new features in that only the Beta-testers (and you) would know about. These "secret" features would then be announced when they're stable.
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