v27 and above - Single Player Bug/Crashes report thread

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Ok, I AM having an issue with save games SAVING. They seem to hit an infinite loop pattern when writing the save so there's a problem with the write portion somewhere. Attempting some fix theories now.

Edit: Ah HAH! I've found the issue. There's a sneaky little pitfall in the write wrapper portion of CvPlayer I was unaccustomed to dealing with that allows it to avoid what would otherwise become an infinite write loop. I realized the problem and moved my tag to within the appropriate brackets and voila, we have a fix! Pushing to the SVN soon.
After starting a random location GEM map, I moved all of the Civs to their accurate positions and unrevealed all of the territory so that they couldn't see inside the original position. Nimi apparently started by Mongolia (I can see the terrain revealed there) but when I click the unreveal button, nothing happens. I experimented a bit and found that nothing changed when I tried to reveal or unreveal any tiles; it simply ignored me. Did it work and am I just not seeing it? Or is there something I forgot about?

And yes, it did work for other Civs, just not for Congo.

Turned out that it actually was working, I just couldn't see it.
Ok, I AM having an issue with save games SAVING. They seem to hit an infinite loop pattern when writing the save so there's a problem with the write portion somewhere. Attempting some fix theories now.

Edit: Ah HAH! I've found the issue. There's a sneaky little pitfall in the write wrapper portion of CvPlayer I was unaccustomed to dealing with that allows it to avoid what would otherwise become an infinite write loop. I realized the problem and moved my tag to within the appropriate brackets and voila, we have a fix! Pushing to the SVN soon.

OK now the dll is working, BUT there is NO City Screen Info in over 60% of the screen? (No name of city/wonders/buildings/units, no info on the Right SIDE??

Also the "fast" way to look, the units/buildings/wonders are missing there also????

I complete deleted the Cache in the Assets area, deleted the Custom Assets folders (inside) plus deleted all the logs entries.


Screenie's 1/2, TB's NEW dll the way it look (circles in White/Red)

Screenie 3/4. The way they SHOULD look.

Since it's the second time that your changes broke up the game i strongly recommend to test your changes against an straight up-to date-SVN and not against your SVN on your computer.

I know that as SVN-user i have to live with the one or other bug but i don't want to hold on my games or even revert to a former version just because you do not the very simple test of the basics - load game, save game, city screen, keys working etc.

Asid from this i hope that after all your combat mod will intensify the game play even more. :)
I am having the same symptoms reported by SO and for me it only occurs with recent save games after I updated to SVN version 4360.

* SVN 4360
* Viewports enabled, 72 x 40

1. Updated my SVN library to version 4360
2. Exported to my Program Files folder
3. Cleared the local cache
4. Launched C2C
5. Load most recent save game (485-bc, SVN 4341), noticed display error
6. Loaded previous save games to find latest working save game, for me it was 800-bc, from SVN 4197.
7. Rolled forward to find what from what version of SVN game the save game has the symptoms. For me it was 700-bc, from SVN 4288.

The zip file has 2 previous save games, one from SVN 4197 and one from SVN 4288. I can load both games but in the save from 4288 the City Advisor screen does not display resources, properties, or anything to build. I can load the save game from 4197 and the City Advisor displays everything as normal.

Re-calculating the modifiers has no effect on the results from both saves; the older save displays and the newer save does not.

I also get a CTD for the save game that does not display. Minidmp attached.

My previous SVN version before 4360 was 4341 and I had no display issues or CTDs. When I load a 4341 save file into the 4360 game I get the display errors and CTD symptoms. When I was running the 4341 game I was able to load, view, and play save games from all previous SVN versions.

For me this is a show-stopper as I would have to roll back over 100 turns of play to get a save file that I could continue from.
I tried playing a gigantic map using both C2C Perfect World 2f and Perfect Mongoose. Once it starts loading, it stops at the screen Initializing and doesn't get any further. Using SVN 4361.
Ok got a big problem. I take a turn it finisheses and then I get the diplomatic messages come up and then it crashes to desk top without any messages.

I want to post my save game but its 11mb so dont know how to post it?
Alright just revert back to the version before that one and I'll look into it tonight. I don't have ANY clue how anything I've done would've impacted those areas but I'm sure they have somehow...
I want to post my save game but its 11mb so dont know how to post it?

You have to zip it (you have to do that with any save as civfanatics doesn't allow unzipped saves of any size I just checked and it appears they do allow very small sized saved game unzipped), and include the minidump as well. Though to tell the truth if you have a save that large it may be an indicator of why the game is crashing.

If you've already tried zipping it and it STILL is 11MB, try using 7z as that is a more efficient compression tool (though I'd hate to see the size of a save file unzipped that is 11MB zipped).
I tried playing a gigantic map using both C2C Perfect World 2f and Perfect Mongoose. Once it starts loading, it stops at the screen Initializing and doesn't get any further. Using SVN 4361.

I've often had problems with those mapscripts myself, and IIRC they were removed from the SVN for a while until someone complained about it and they were re-introduced.

I think certain custom settings don't play nice with those maps.
You have to zip it (you have to do that with any save as civfanatics doesn't allow unzipped saves of any size I just checked and it appears they do allow very small sized saved game unzipped), and include the minidump as well. Though to tell the truth if you have a save that large it may be an indicator of why the game is crashing.

If you've already tried zipping it and it STILL is 11MB, try using 7z as that is a more efficient compression tool (though I'd hate to see the size of a save file unzipped that is 11MB zipped).

Ok Im a novice when it comes to this. How do you compress a file because its not been compressed.
I started playing this mod (v27) a couple of weeks ago and have run into a small issue.

I built the great wall and have noticed that at the beginning of every turn it resets to match my current borders. I'm pretty sure that a construct this large should be static. :p
Not in this mod. It follows your border because of the addition of View ports and the soon coming Multi-map feature.

JosEPh :)
I started playing this mod (v27) a couple of weeks ago and have run into a small issue.

I built the great wall and have noticed that at the beginning of every turn it resets to match my current borders. I'm pretty sure that a construct this large should be static. :p

Welcome to C2C and CivFanatics.

A number of mods have the Great Wall move because its function in game it to keep the barbarians outside your cultural borders. As your cultural borders grow so the wall moves. In C2C's case if it doesn't move it causes crashes to desktop - or at least it caused strange graphics problems when using the view port options.
Welcome to C2C and CivFanatics.

A number of mods have the Great Wall move because its function in game it to keep the barbarians outside your cultural borders. As your cultural borders grow so the wall moves. In C2C's case if it doesn't move it causes crashes to desktop - or at least it caused strange graphics problems when using the view port options.

Ah. Well, as long as it's a feature and not a bug.

Carry on.

Ok Im a novice when it comes to this. How do you compress a file because its not been compressed.

I've been using 7z for so long I've forgotten how to setup anything else, but IIRC installing a compression program will "meld" itself to the OS, so simply right-clicking on a file after one is installed will bring up a menu to zip it.

You'll want to add the minidump as well, and you can do so at the same time or add it to the compressed file at a later time.
Ah. Well, as long as it's a feature and not a bug.

Carry on.


In earlier versions it was static, and moving it caused problems. As far as the game is concerned, it makes no difference as the graphical representation is just eye candy and the actual effect moves even if the graphical image doesn't.
I can only compress it from 12 mb to 10.8 :sad:

I have attached the mini dump though if thats any use. I can email the save game though.
I can only compress it from 12 mb to 10.8 :sad:

I have attached the mini dump though if thats any use. I can email the save game though.

You have to compress the minidump as well, as it didn't attach to your post.

I see you posted again. I think you have to tell what version you are using as well for it to be useful.
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