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Vanishing Units


Jul 27, 2005
Something very strange happened the other day - French at war with me, lands a spearman and medieval infantry next to one of my cities. I attack the spearman and win but no medieval infantry shows up!! Did it get disbanded because of unit support by any chance??
He didnt say it was a seaborne invasion. But that is weird the AI never ever did that to me.:mad:
Perhaps the spearman pulled a 300 diversionary tactic while the other unit stealthily withdrew? :p

As others have mentioned, most likely disbanded . . . I've seen the AI do it before.
i have never ever experienced similar things. only disbanding captured workers, but that cause rep hit for the AI and i easily dogpiled him.
Something very strange happened the other day - French at war with me, lands a spearman and medieval infantry next to one of my cities. I attack the spearman and win but no medieval infantry shows up!! Did it get disbanded because of unit support by any chance??

I had the same thing happen when the unit was one move away from my undefended capital.
Wow. i didnt know that. I thought it just makes the Domestic Advisor Ticked off.
Wow. i didnt know that. I thought it just makes the Domestic Advisor Ticked off.

The domestic advisor is already ticked off so I don't know what your talking about.
I had a civ down to one town recently and blockaded all their water squares with privateers, they kept rebuilding the same warrior, then disbanded because their building maintenace used up their gold. :lol:
I had a civ down to one town recently and blockaded all their water squares with privateers, they kept rebuilding the same warrior, then disbanded because their building maintenace used up their gold. :lol:

wait a minute...

I thought that if you're down to 0 gold and running a deficit, what gets disbanded or sold depends on what you are losing money to. For example, if you aren't losing anything to units, but you are losing money to maintenance, then I thought only a maintained building would get sold...it just doesn't make any sense if you are not losing gpt because of unit support to lose a unit!!!!:confused:
Has anyone noticed their own units disappearing in the game as well? I had the fun of having my stack of artillery death completely disappear once, for no reason whatsoever. It couldn't have been captured, because it was sitting in a city with an army of infantry on top. It wasn't a mod, so there were no invisible units around to knock it out. The artillery quite simply disappeared from one turn to the next.
Originally Posted By drakdan

Has anyone noticed their own units disappearing in the game as well? I had the fun of having my stack of artillery death completely disappear once, for no reason whatsoever. It couldn't have been captured, because it was sitting in a city with an army of infantry on top. It wasn't a mod, so there were no invisible units around to knock it out. The artillery quite simply disappeared from one turn to the next.

Uh Oh...You sure the city didn't flip? If it disappears like that for no reason - hopefully it's not another really stupid bug that will ruin my games.
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