Varietas Delectat for Rhye's and Fall

Just thought i'd mention something, I've followed the instructions and played a game as the vikings; the city set seems okay (i can't remember if the vikings get anything other than the basic medieval european cityset... but anyway thats what it is) But the towns/cottages etc don't appear at all, just a blank space on the terrain.
I tried another game as the turks and they're fine though.

When you played as Vikings, with CityLSystem from VD in XML/ Buildings without GlobalDefines, do you get cottages/ towns with an unpredictable mix of architectural elements? I mean, do you see your cottages/ towns with strange neighbours? Medieval European art one side, then the Egyptian art on the other side?

When you do replace Global Defines, do you get blank empty tiles for the supposed cottages/ towns?

And the same thing happens even when you downloaded another file of CityLSystem?

Cause I'm facing this problem and I've gone nuts figuring how to fix it :crazyeye:
I'll have to find a new place for hosting the file now...
Hmm... I seem to have a problem. I downloaded your Modmod to the correct place (which I think is My Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword/MODS/Rhyes and Fall of Civilization/Assets), but I see no change in the graphics for the units. Plus after I tried that I attempted to download your city fix but that just messed up my game further. Is there something wrong with the files or installation? Cause I really want to use this modmod :D.
Could someone give me the link for the most recent update of this mod, as the one posted is old and from browsing ive noticed there has been some fixes
My Documents/My Games/Beyond the Sword/MODS/Rhyes and Fall of Civilization/Assets)

That's not the correct place. "Your Civ4 directory" means stuff like C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4.
That's not the correct place. "Your Civ4 directory" means stuff like C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4.

Oh, ok, that makes a lot more sense :D. Thanks dude!

Buuuuuuut, I installed the mod in the My Documents/BTS mods folder, not my C:/Program Files/BTS mods folder, if I install it in the C: folder, will it still affect the mod or not?
Buuuuuuut, I installed the mod in the My Documents/BTS mods folder, not my C:/Program Files/BTS mods folder, if I install it in the C: folder, will it still affect the mod or not?

I've already said that My Documents folder is not the Correct Way.
I've already said that My Documents folder is not the Correct Way.

I meant the Rhyes and Fall Mod is installed in my "My Documents" Folder. I have a Rhyes and Fall Mod in the C: folder its just an older version. What I was trying to say is that if I install it in the C: folder, with the older version, will it affect the newer version in my My Documents folder?
I meant the Rhyes and Fall Mod is installed in my "My Documents" Folder. I have a Rhyes and Fall Mod in the C: folder its just an older version. What I was trying to say is that if I install it in the C: folder, with the older version, will it affect the newer version in my My Documents folder?

You'd better just put the latest version of RFC in the C:\ folder too.
You'd better just put the latest version of RFC in the C:\ folder too.

Alright, sounds good, thanks again :D.

Edit: Hmm... my computer says it can't save the ini file, (the one in which you need to change modular loading), it says it can't create a path. I didn't have a problem when editing the My Documents folder, but for some reason this one won't let me do it.
Edit: Hmm... my computer says it can't save the ini file, (the one in which you need to change modular loading), it says it can't create a path.

So you can open it, but it doesn't allow you to save it? I'm totally baffled myself.
Here, I got a snap-shot of the error.

I'll edit Modular Loading to "1", then go and click the save button. But right after I do, this handy little error pops up.

I then proceed to click "Ok", which brings me to the "Save As" screen. Of Course, I click the save button and the same error comes up. I have no clue what the problem is :confused:


  • error1.JPG
    125.3 KB · Views: 441
This is a vista's well known bug. Fortunately i know how tho resolve it!

-Click right on your files(your text).
-Click properties(propriétés in french, i don't have an english computer)
-Click security
-Click on users(utilisateurs in french)
-click modify
-and allow you all the autorisations
- you apply
-you change the xml
-you put the autorisations as they was before.
(sorry for bad english)
And after...this is finish.
This is a vista's well known bug. Fortunately i know how tho resolve it!

-Click right on your files(your text).
-Click properties(propriétés in french, i don't have an english computer)
-Click security
-Click on users(utilisateurs in french)
-click modify
-and allow you all the autorisations
- you apply
-you change the xml
-you put the autorisations as they was before.
(sorry for bad english)
And after...this is finish.

Oh, wow thanks dude! It worked! Yay! :thanx:

btw, your English is fine :D, let me see if I can lay some French on you (my sister takes it). Comment ca va?
Anyway, I will explain. You also need GlobalDefines.xml, which was very helpfully posted by Onedreamer.

And here's the other file, which was mentoined in point 3:

Is these files still compatible with the last version? I remember that when onedreammer gave to us these files, the version was based on VD 4.0. Now that your mod is based on VD5.3(who uses ethnic citystyle 1.4 instead of 1.3 who was in the the 4.0 version) does these files always compatible? And if they are compatible, do they replace the ethnic citystyle 1.4 by the 1.3?

Sorry for the bad english, but it would be very nice if you answer.
Looks like download is broken, filefront sent me to the front page and lonewolf profile is empty... :(

Anyone one can upload it somewhere? That's sth i really miss in vanilia RFC.
Hi, I'm a bit confused on how to install this mod? could someone please help me get the most recent version of this quite intresting mod?:)
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